Here's the pitch!
Carrie, a budding actress on the brink of stardom, discovers she has a haunting soul tie to an erratic ex lover. Upon his unexpected return, obstacles arise that threaten both her dreams and liberation. Meanwhile, her opinionated besties, Shawna and Bridget, uncover shocking Soul Ties of their own.
My name is Jenae' Hope and boy do I have a story for you..
First, How’d I get Here?
A year ago, I quit auditioning. Yep. After 5 years of hitting the pavement and waiting for that "life altering role", I did it. I Quit! This wasn’t me waving the white flag or denying myself the opportunity to flourish as an artist. Instead, it was the first step in taking control of my destiny as a creative. I've auditioned for every role you can imagine, recited lines I didn't believe in, and put my vision on the back burner longer than I’d care to admit. Although this was all done with great intent… enough of that.
Soul Ties marks my debut as an Executive Producer and Writer in my first original TV series. I’m so freakin’ excited! And I’m scared AF, but I’m forging ahead anyway. I’ve learned that there are certain stories that I need to be a part of telling from start to finish.
In order to do that, I am embracing my role as a filmmaker where I can learn, grow, fail, and challenge myself. I’ve spent the last year or so taking classes, being mentored by incredible producers, workshopping material, and most recently, joining forces with three Black boss babes that happen to be amazing storytellers! Victoria Sharpe, India McGee, and Jamese Young are incredible at what they do and I’m excited to shine a light on their work!
A little background as to why I'm telling this story: Soul Ties is a deeply intimate story close to my heart about the bonds that linger between both present and former lovers. Initially, I started this series after discovering a Soul Tie of my own. It was difficult to accept that what I thought was passion and love was instead a spiritual entanglement that lasted almost a decade.
I set out on a mission to break that bond indefinitely. Talk about a reckoning? SHEESH. This type of attachment typically happens when you've achieved a heightened level of intimacy beyond the physical. I found that Soul Ties is a universal theme amongst both men and woman. Some call it a twin flame, others recognize it as a karmic connection, but everyone's had someone they've struggled to let go. The problem is, we have trouble identifying something so subtle, yet so cosmic. It’s true, millennials love hard, but we’re also spearheading the breaking of generational curses, and unlearning patterns that don’t serve us.
I am excited to take you on a journey of three, layered women, who discover their individual Soul Ties and face the responsibility of breaking them. We're talking love addicts and trauma bonds but don’t worry fellas, we’ve got some amazing things in this series for you too! Not to mention, a ton of laughs for everyone to look forward to.
The Goal is to raise $10,000. Simple, right? Truth is, we need a little more than that, but this will put us on the right track! This amount will be divided up to pay for the categories below.
As you can see, it takes a lot to get this thing up and running! But with the support of our community, I’m confident we can do it! If you’re not into delayed gratification, no worries! I’ve got some things for you to look forward too.![]()
I know so many talented individuals who are waiting in the wings for their time to shine but we can be the change we want to see! No more waiting on Tyler Perry to do it all (haha) or giving to missions and projects that magically disappear. We can give to the campaigns of people we actually know and trust. That means this is an opportunity to support what it means to build together. Every penny will be properly allocated to the series. In fact, I created a film called “Not Another DAY” with a micro budget that screened all the way in France at Cannes Film Festival. That film did great but I often wonder how much further we could’ve gone if I was willing to ask my village for help. How many more people could I have reached or employed? So today, I am asking!
Risks & Challenges
We’re in the midst of pre-production! That means identifying the rest of crew, locations, and going out to cast. All of that! We plan to start shooting at the end of May 2021 (whoa!) and employ a predominately POC crew. It is my privilege to provide opportunities for POC's to show the world what we’ve got! However, that comes with great responsibility. I have to make sure all production participants are well taken care of. I’ll also need to take additional precautions to ensure the safety of everyone involved due to COVID-19. This is why I’m asking for your help! Even with a production friendly story like ours, costs add up!
Other Ways to get Involved
I completely understand if you can’t donate. Many of us are simply trying to stay afloat but what I will ask, is that you share this. If you made it to this paragraph, it’s likely that you are a supporter! So, if you believe in this project or if you believe in me, SHARE, SHARE, and SHARE some more! A repost with a little caption can get us further than you think! I believe anything can be done when it’s a collaborative effort, so I want to thank you in advance! I understand I'm only as great as the contributions and support of my village so please know, that I am beyond grateful for the seed you’ve sown. God Bless You!
*We are excited to partner with Youtube for the distribution on this project.
*Follow us on IG @SoulTiesTheSeries for all the goodies and updates!