Hello and thank you for taking the time to look at the STL ( Sound to Light ) stethoscope project. My name is Jerry Cunningham and together you and I have an opportunity to improve the lives of many.
The STL stethoscope is a sound activated L.E.D visual cue of your heartbeat in real time. This will allow anyone with a hearing impairment or not, to be better equipped to take on their duties in the medical field.
As children, most of us had been told we can do anything we set our minds to. What if this was not your case? What if you wanted to be a doctor, a physician assistant, a nurse or any type of career that requires hearing a heart beat. What if you had some kind of hearing impairment? Tasks like learning how to hear and decipher a heartbeat are especially challenging.
What if there was such a device that allowed the user to exchange the audio cue for a visual cue? New doors and avenues may have just been opened for that person who never dreamed they could make it through the process of being a doctor or nurse with a hearing impairment.
Use of the STL stethoscope is almost identical to a standard acoustic version. With an on off switch you have the control of when to look flashy. The STL is also compatible with a rechargeable power source keeping your STL stethoscope sustainable.
The STL stethoscope will help facilitate a positive relationship between children and the pediatric staff. Involving the child in hearing their very own heart beat can engage them and relax them.
Inevitably society continues to progress and evolve, technology has allowed us to eliminate countless adversities such as an amputee being able to walk for the fist time in years. Such a milestone is only accomplished by help from technology. But as with most things, new technology tends to be very expensive and hard to obtain.
As a community we owe it to each other to share this knowledge. With the STL stethoscope we can offset such financial burden associated with brand new technology. Producing the STL stethoscope will cost a fraction of the cost of products such as an amplified stethoscope.
Helpful donations from you will allow us to transform this early working prototype into a refined piece of medical equipment. With your assistance we will upgrade the microphone, convert the stethoscope from L.E.D to electric wire which will consume less power extending the life cycle of the batteries,enclose the processor into the stethoscope and upgrade to a rechargeable power source. All funds procured in this campaign will be used for affordable production of the STL stethoscope allowing us to keep cost down making this affordable for all income individuals. Our production date is set for Summer 2016 and with your help is will be achevable.
Health care is a right, not a privilege and together we can help the STL Project achieve new heights by producing a low cost sustainable medical device that will be affordable for users all over the world.
Many moments of greatness are derived from humble beginnings. With your help we can light up the future for individuals looking to excel in the medical field.
Hello and thank you for taking the time to look at my (STL) Sound to Light Stethoscope project. My name is Jerry Cunningham and this idea has been a longtime coming for me. In 2002 I found myself awoken from a deep sleep. No one was in my apartment, it was quiet on my street, so why was I awake? At that precise moment I had a barrage of information clawing to escape my mind and be brought to life. At 3:13 am I began to write down what i was thinking. 3 hours later I had drawn in detail my vision for something. It was a Stethoscope that had lights inside it allowing the user to receive a rhythmic visual Cue of how there heart looked in real time. In 2002 bringing this invention to life had turned out to be all but impossible. After thousands of dollars and misleads by an invention firm, I found myself no further ahead than I was in the beginning. L.E.D'S at the time were not being used in every day products as they are today. After 13 years and attempt after attempt. In 2015 I found myself between jobs and had 3 days before starting at a new place of employment. During my transition between jobs, I thought about my invention and felt it was now or never to attempt another prototype. With a 2 year old running around now, time has instantly became a luxury. on the second day of three I had a break through in creating my prototype. Six months after that I saw on my local news, a story about a product that was launched using a website called Indiegogo.com The news excerpt was not lengthy but it contained enough information to reinvigorate my passion for this gift which I dubbed the (STL project). From humble beginnings full of disrepair and frustration I had finally done it! What was previously not in existence, now has a life of its own. Like a child, with the right support and encouragement from friends and family this idea too has no limits in what it may accomplish.