The Sounds of A Choice follows a young, college-aged bachelor named Colt who has been struggling with extreme hearing loss his entire life. When a girl who he has met online offers to finally meet up at the same time that he has an audiologist appointment to recieve a new and improved hearing aide, Colt is faced with a difficult choice - finding love or hearing normally again.
Meet the Crew
Garrison Floyd - Writer & Director
Garrison Floyd Is a senior from Tuscaloosa, Alabama majoring in creative media with a minor in communication studies. For the better part of three years, he has been a traveling videographer and editor for the university’s athletic department through Crimson Tide Productions. He has also filmed for ESPN, ESPNU, & SECNetwork during his tenure at Crimson Tide Productions. Garrison has always been fascinated by the art of cinematography and exudes that passion whether on the field or on set. Through this film, he hopes to shine a light on those with hearing disabilities, as he has grown up dealing with hearing loss as well.
Grace Langston - Producer
Grace is a Junior from St Louis, Missouri studying Creative Media with minors in Leadership Communication and Computing Applications. For the last 3 years, she has been working on ESPN, ESPNU, and SECNetwork broadcasts as a graphics operator and Associate Producer with Crimson Tide Productions. Grace produced and edited her first film last semester, Home (2020), and is excited to help bring another film to life.
Budget Breakdown
Our fundraising goal is $850; please see below for our budget breakdown
COVID-19 Procedure
The safety of our cast and crew are of utmost importance. We believe in proper protocols to ensure our set meets state and federal laws regarding COVID-19.
Some protocols include, but are not limited to:
- Daily thermometer health checks for all cast and crew members
- The University of Alabama approved Symptom Checker and Passport
- Swab testing for actors closer than 6-feet apart
- Cloth masks on at all times
- The proper social distancing of 6-feet between all crew members
- Hand sanitizer available at all times
- No community meals
- Established procedures for any member exhibiting coronavirus symptoms or for those who test positive
- A COVID crew member onsite designated to ensure protocol is being followed
How to Help
We will take donations in any capacity we can get them. Financial support is more than appreciated, as well as sharing of our social media pages and general support. We hope you’ll join us in this process!
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