Sounds of Australia Cd & Fiji Missions Trip
Sounds of Australia Cd & Fiji Missions Trip
Sounds of Australia Cd & Fiji Missions Trip
Sounds of Australia Cd & Fiji Missions Trip
Sounds of Australia Cd & Fiji Missions Trip
This campaign is closed
Sounds of Australia Cd & Fiji Missions Trip
Hi! Our names are Ted and Roma Waterman, directors of a musical missional organisation called Sounds of the Nations Oceania. We are looking to raise $9000 AUS (which is $6500 USD) for an exciting vision we have for Australia and the region of Oceania that will take place between March-July 2016.
We have such a passion to see the sound of Heaven released in the songs of our people. Australia has such a unique personality that is reflected across it's clear oceans, red dusty deserts, it's lush rainforests and colourful wildlife.
Just like our landscape, we believe Australia has a scope of sound that needs to be heard across the globe that reflects who we are as a people and also of our strong faith in God.
In Australia and the Oceania region there are songs being released from Indigenous songwriters that need to be heard. There are also songs coming from 'white fellas' who have a passion for the land and reconciliation of the First People's of Australia.
This Cd will be a compilation of the many songs coming from across our Nation. Our goal is not to make money from this project but rather to raise an awareness of what is happening through worship and music across the land. To be an encouragement to our Indigenous brothers and sisters that WE ARE LISTENING, and also to unveil to others the songs that are being released right now.
For this project we are also honoured to be partnering with 40 stories – a documentary of 40 Australians and Torres Straight Islanders sharing what God is doing in their lives and communities. It is a powerful project with many incredible, moving testimonies.
This Cd will be part of the DVD project – a wonderful marriage of stories and culture. Every story, every revival has it's own sound and it's our desire to reveal that with this project.
Our missions trip to Fiji is an extension of our vision of the Sounds of Australia CD. In July we would like to be involved in a missions trip and conference with our global Sounds of the Nations family. From all over the world we will be gathering in this amazing Nation as a united team to serve and impact the community. We will also be commissioning our Sounds of the Nations Fiji directors during this trip.
This is a very exciting opportunity for us as a family and our extended students and team to be involved in what will be an impacting time. There will be outreaches in the villages, a Sounds of the Nations ministry concert, and a 3 day conference.
As part of our vision to release the sounds of our region, we will also be spending time listening to the sounds and culture of Fiji in the hope to release a 'Sounds of the pacific CD' in the near future. This would be part of a series of albums released by us that reflects our heart to raise a greater awareness of the music coming from worshippers in the Oceanic region.
We (Ted and Roma) truly feel we have found ourselves in releasing others to express their sound in worship. We have never felt so vibrant or excited to hear the stories behind the songs, to make friends and be embraced by our Indigenous family, and to be encouraged by their music. Although we began with a desire to serve and input into others, we now feel totally overwhelmed by the love and learning process we are experiencing ourselves as we continue with these projects and missions.
The Sounds of Australia CD will cost $5,000 to complete.
This covers mastering, artwork, mixing of some songs and duplication of CD's and some marketing.
We would also like to supply each artist that donated their songs to this project 20 CD's they can sell at their concerts and ministry events as a 'thank you'.
We don't anticipate a profit from this CD, however if there is a profit, we will be donating it minus a 10% administration fee to various Indigenous organisations. Please note all the artists have donated their songs royalty free for this project.
The missions trip to Fiji will cost around $4000.
This will cover four airfares for our family, a stay in a hotel with the rest of our global Sounds of the Nations team and meals for our time there.
Apart from doing a happy dance :) If more money is raised than is needed there are several options that we would like to consider:
A donation to our Fiji family to help them complete a recording studio;
Funds for a 'Sounds of the Pacific CD' – the next in our Sounds of the nations series;
A missions trip to central Australia to gather more songs and develop relationships for future Cd releases.
Thanks for reading, listening, praying with us to see this dream come true!