6 Campaigns
| LOUISVILLE, United States

Sourdough Sidekick

1B x King Arthur Baking Company

Ever forget to feed your sourdough starter? (Or been too busy or intimidated to start?) Introducing the Sourdough Sidekick. It feeds your starter—so you don't have to. Co-created by FirstBuild, its community, and King Arthur Baking Company.

In "Auto" mode, the Sourdough Sidekick will build your starter to a recipe-ready amount you specify, with no discard required for up to a week.

Auto Mode: No discard required for up to a week

In "Auto" mode, the Sourdough Sidekick will build your starter to a recipe-ready amount you specify, with no discard required for up to a week.

Watch how the Sourdough Sidekick came to life

Watch the Sourdough Sidekick's entire product journey on FirstBuild's YouTube channel.

Choose “Custom” mode, and the Sourdough Sidekick can replicate your preferred feeding schedule—even when you’re away.

Custom mode: Replicate your schedule

Choose “Custom” mode, and the Sourdough Sidekick can replicate your preferred feeding schedule—even when you’re away.

Co-created with FirstBuild, King Arthur Baking Company—and you.
Co-created with FirstBuild, King Arthur Baking Company—and you.
Never forget to feed your starter again.
Never forget to feed your starter again.

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