One warm sunny afternoon back in 2006 I was out on my motorbike, a ZX6R, when into my head popped the slogan "Ridden with a total disregards of any speed limits. Know your own limits" And with that thought, Speed Rebel was born. . .
In the following year I worked hard to earn as much money as I could and did all I could to prepare for world domination of my Brand.
I conceived multiple designs, 19 in total (and a few on the drawingboard)
I got myself an ecommerce website (with what I thought had all the bells and whistles, at an extortionate price, but it turned out to be more like a Kahzoo).
I registered the Speed Rebel Logo as a Registered Trademark ®
I booked a stand at the NEC Bike Show 2007. . .
- I put myself into this project, literally and changed my name by deed poll to Speed Rebel!!!
Then disaster stuck, i'd run out of funds to produce the quality garments I had conceived in my mind. But I had a stand booked at a Major Motorcycle Trade Show and not being one to give up and slightly niave, I managed to battle on even if it meant deviating from my plan of to offer Top Quality Apparel . . .
Needless to say the 10 days I spent on the Stand at the NEC was a very expensive lesson to be learned and Speed Rebel was officially shelved. . . . . . until now
First Time Around NEC 2007
For the re-launch of Speed Rebel we would like to get all the designs set up professionally for silk screen printing and printed via this method. Silkscreen printing is by far the best method in terms of quality & finish, but for low numbers of garments it is a costly process.
We are doing most of the work this time on the website ourselves but we will still need a professional to make it secure and iron out any bugs.
If we don't manage to reach our target we shall still be relaunching as planned but with a smaller range and minimal stock.
The Choice is yours, don't forget to check out the gallery pages
Even though the Speed Rebel Brand may seem that it is built up around the concept of Speed. We do not condone Speeding, Illegal or Irresponsible Riding, in any shape or form. Part of our fundamental ethos is to actively Support & Promote Rider Training Programs and Motorcycle Specific Charites
Limited Edition - Carbon Fibre Effect Print
Maybe this project isn't your cup of tea or funds are short just now after Christmas? If so you could help by. . . .
Getting the word out in any way you can and by making some noise about our campaign.
Make good use of the Indiegogo share tools, try your best to wear them out!
Don't forget to check out the Gallery pages to see the Awesome designs on offer