I'm Alex Spires. I have been homebrewing for 12 years now. There is nothing better than coming up with a new recipe and watching someone enjoy it. My wife Megan foolishly encourages the hobby. We like to visit every brewery we can find and look at their brewing process and the different taproom atmospheres. We have become pretty passionate to the craft. The more we learn about beer the more we enjoy it. Spires Social is our way of spreading that passion and bringing the community together. We want to create a place where anyone can come be a part of something and have a good time - beer seems like a great focal point for that. Our boys, Will and Riley, are also helping us lead the charge with Yellow Flag Soda. We've got a plan ahead of us and need some more capital to lock down a location and start construction.
What We Need & What You Get
Building a brewery takes equipment and somewhere to keep it. We've got a start on the equipment and we're pouring our life savings into the rest. This campaign will help us secure a location and fill it with shiny stainless steel tanks. We will be building a 10 bbl (315 gallons) brewhouse and purchasing four 10 bbl fermenters, six serving tanks, and lots of other pieces to help run it.
To help raise the money we need we've got some pretty exciting perks for your contribution. **Note for local pickup leave the shipping as United States for $0. To have item shipped, select "Rest of world".
Spires Social vinyl sticker:
Spires Social Beer Pioneer shirt:
Custom Spires Social glass with your name on it:
Spires Social bottle opener:
Risks & Challenges
Every new business and project will have some risks associated. We will require licenses at a local, state, and federal levels. We also have some construction and large purchases to make. We have a solid business plan with contingencies in place to address potential problems. Alex is a Project Management Professional who has worked the last 9 years as a manufacturing engineer. Megan has experience managing several medical practices and brings a wealth of knowledge on running a business. We have also befriended several seasoned industry experts who have offered their guidance through the journey ahead.
Other Ways You Can Help
Even if you can't make a contribution at this time, you can really help us out by sharing our campaign. We need to get the word out and you can help. Want to get even more involved? Contact us! We will have several employment opportunities available as we get closer to opening.