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SpotMyDot-Quantum AI To Combat Skin Cancer

SpotMyDot-Quantum AI To Combat Skin Cancer

SpotMyDot-Quantum AI To Combat Skin Cancer

SpotMyDot-Quantum AI To Combat Skin Cancer

SpotMyDot-Quantum AI To Combat Skin Cancer

World’s First Quantum AI-based mobile app fighting skin cancer and democratizing healthcare.

World’s First Quantum AI-based mobile app fighting skin cancer and democratizing healthcare.

World’s First Quantum AI-based mobile app fighting skin cancer and democratizing healthcare.

World’s First Quantum AI-based mobile app fighting skin cancer and democratizing healthcare.

Team SpotMyDot
Team SpotMyDot
Team SpotMyDot
Team SpotMyDot
0 Campaigns |
Stockholm, Sweden
$0 USD $0 USD 0 backers
0% of $2,190 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal



PRESENTER is seated on a comfortable couch.

What does it look like I’m doing right now? Just hanging out? I am, that’s true. I’m also taking charge of my own healthcare, though. That’s true too. Don’t believe me?

PRESENTER pulls out a smartphone.

I’m researching information about my health on this thing. We all do that, at one time or another. We want to take things a step further. Instead of just putting health information on smartphones, we want to make actual diagnoses through an app. Combining Quantum AI with cutting-edge blockchain for security, we want to empower people to perform regularly checks for skin cancer and precancerous lesions – automatically and in real-time, without visiting a doctor.

If you don’t know, this is a giant leap forward for people around the world who cannot afford regular healthcare and who continue to die unnecessarily from skin cancer that doctors could have treated – if only someone had detected it sooner.

Early detection, always convenient, saving lives: that is the concept of Spot My Dot.

There is a little more to it, but suffice to say, we need your help getting it up and running. To learn what we have planned and why it matters so much, read on below. See for yourself what a difference Spot My Dot is going to make in the world.

Sometime in the not-so-distant future, you may find me right here, right in my living room, checking for skin cancer. It’s possible. We can make it happen.

Thank you!




For all our talk about this disease and that one, it seems that skin cancer and precancerous lesions have evaded people’s radar. This is strange, too: all in all, these diseases impact nearly 50% of people around the world’s population. Every day, people receive diagnoses of skin cancer and precancerous lesions, and it changes the course of their lives permanently. Plans wiped out; families, devastated – we need to do something about all of this.

To make matters worse, the problem is becoming more common every year. Rates of skin cancer and precancerous lesions are increasing because of climate change and ozone depletion, a spike in the UV index meaning that skin damage is harder to avoid. In lower-income countries especially, these diseases cost lives – often unnecessarily, because actinic keratoses (precancerous skin lesions) are treatable.

Yes, you have that right: if we catch these lesions early enough, we can prevent them from ever turning into skin cancer. Even among patients whose melanoma is malignant, early detection can boost survival rates all the way up to 99%.


To get you a clearer idea of how dire this situation is, let us talk about it in terms of money. While we hear about the lives lost and the lives ruined because of skin cancer and precancerous lesions, the truth is that no one benefits from the status quo. Governments, insurance companies, and healthcare providers are all making huge payments for subpar results: annually, the US pays $8.1 billion because of skin cancer, which does not even include the cost of lost productivity.

By any measure, whether you are looking at the wealthy, developed countries, or the impoverished, developing ones, we need to do better. Fortunately, we can.




We are aiming to engineer a cutting-edge solution that combines the power of Quantum AI with the convenience of our smartphones. Knowing that there are smartphones in everyone’s pockets anyway, the number of smartphones estimated to surpass 5.5 billion in 2022, we have focused on developing our solution in such a way that anyone can use it. That way, no one needs to rely on healthcare providers who may not be around or diagnostic equipment that they cannot afford.

This is a giant leap forward in healthcare, affording universal access to low-cost diagnostic technology. Deployed properly, this technology will prevent the number of people who succumb to skin cancer and slash the costs that governments, insurance companies, healthcare providers, and skin-cancer patients are paying.



More About SpotMyDot

SpotMyDot is aiming to be the world’s first Quantum AI-based mobile app fighting skin cancer, something that no one else has achieved. This is an untapped market in which the demand is tremendous, but just as importantly, this is something that will save lives.
 This is an untapped market in which the demand is tremendous, but just as importantly, this is something that will save lives. By encouraging people to take charge of their own healthcare and break out of the unequal, unfair systems that continue to dominate, we are leading a revolution in the field.



Spot My Dot will be scalable so that any number of users can log in and get a first opinion from the app simultaneously. Users can turn to it again and again in a way that would be impossible for real-world dermatologists. Plus, it encourages proactive behavior, motivating people to detect skin cancer early before it becomes a grave problem.




Working in real-time, Spot My Dot will detect skin cancer and precancerous lesions, making it like a “virtual dermatologist” who is always on-call. On top of that, the app features in-person and telehealth follow-up scheduling, making it easy for users to connect with real-world dermatologists if necessary. We are leveraging the latest blockchain technology for security and adhering to the strictest standards of medical integrity, as well as supporting text-to-speech, speech-to-speech, and speech-to-text functionality for simple access.

Low-cost diagnoses are within our reach, and we want you to help us introduce them to the world.




We are looking to bring Spot My Dot to a global audience – and no less. Confident that this technology can change the world, we have set our sights on a rapid launch, which is why we are turning to you for help. Our goal through this campaign is to raise at least  EUR 2 000, which will defray some of the costs that we are facing as we continue to develop Spot My Dot and improve on the Quantum AI technology that underpins it.


To say thanks to everyone who contributes to this campaign, we are offering pieces of memorabilia that commemorate your participation. Someday, when skin cancer has become a relic of the past, you can show off this memorabilia and let people know that you were part of the solution.

 Contribute now and do your part to get Spot My Dot up and running!




In addition to making a monetary contribution to this campaign, you can show your support for Spot My Dot by letting your friends and family know about it. If there is someone in your life whom skin cancer has affected, make sure that they are aware that we are doing something to move diagnostic technology forward. The more people hear about this now, the smoother the launch itself will go.

We appreciate all your support, both monetary and non-monetary, and we thank you for taking the time to read about our innovation.




Although our technology is complex, we have already spent a great deal of time designing it. This project has many challenging and costly milestones ahead.


** This mobile app is a prototype and can’t be found or downloaded from the App Store or Google Store


Our Mission

SpotMyDot's mission is to build a reliable, secure, and easy-to-use mobile app fighting skin cancer. Spot My Dot will detect skin cancer and precancerous lesions, making it like a “virtual dermatologist” who is always on-call. On top of that, the app features in-person and telehealth follow-up scheduling, making it easy for users to connect with real-world dermatologists if necessary. We are going to leverage the latest blockchain technology for security and adhering to the strictest standards of medical integrity, as well as supporting text-to-speech, speech-to-speech, and speech-to-text functionality for simple access. Low-cost diagnoses are within our reach, and we want you to help us introduce them to the world.






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Our Thanks

Our Thanks

Currency Conversion $11 USD
€10 EUR
You'll have our underlying love and admiration and we'll shout you out on social media for being a champ. We will send you regular updates about SpotMyDot and let you know as soon as it goes live.
Included Items
  • Our Thanks
Estimated Shipping
December 2020
0 claimed
Making a Difference

Making a Difference

Currency Conversion $44 USD
€40 EUR
Great for your smartphone or your laptop: it’s an Eco-Friendly, biodegradable SpotMyDot-branded sticker. In addition, we will send you regular updates about SpotMyDot and let you know as soon as it goes live. On top of that, we will list your name on the SpotMyDot Wall of Fame, recognizing your contribution.
Included Items
  • Eco-Friendly SpotMyDot sticker
  • SpotMyDots Wall Of Fame
Estimated Shipping
December 2020
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.
Great Contribution

Great Contribution

Currency Conversion $328 USD
€300 EUR
Now you’re making a serious difference! We will include you and one of your friends in the SpotMyDot beta-testing process, in addition to sending you three SpotMyDot-branded eco-friendly and biodegradable stickers, In addition, we will send you regular updates about SpotMyDot and let you know as soon as it goes live.
Included Items
  • Eco-Friendly SpotMyDot sticker
  • SpotMyDots Wall Of Fame
Estimated Shipping
December 2020
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.
The Right Partner

The Right Partner

Currency Conversion $10,949 USD
€10,000 EUR
If you are interested in making a contribution of EUR10,000 or more, please contact us beforehand. We are open to a variety of partnerships and bigger donations, including corporate sponsorships, B2B deals, and branding PR, etc.. We would be happy to discuss our plans for SpotMyDot in greater detail with you.
Included Items
  • The Right Partner
  • Eco-Friendly SpotMyDot sticker
  • Superbackers Wall Of Fame
  • SpotMyDots Beta Tester
Estimated Shipping
December 2020
0 claimed
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