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Srb Best Body Painters

Help our best body artists to make their dream come true – to go to the World Bodypainting Festival

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Srb Best Body Painters

Srb Best Body Painters

Srb Best Body Painters

Srb Best Body Painters

Srb Best Body Painters

Help our best body artists to make their dream come true – to go to the World Bodypainting Festival

Help our best body artists to make their dream come true – to go to the World Bodypainting Festival

Help our best body artists to make their dream come true – to go to the World Bodypainting Festival

Help our best body artists to make their dream come true – to go to the World Bodypainting Festival

Maja Maric
Maja Maric
Maja Maric
Maja Maric
1 Campaign |
Belgrade, Serbia
$15 USD 1 backers
1% of $1,500 Fixed Goal Fixed Goal

In this support I see challenges and opportunities for growth and development of our artists. The aim is to provide artist and assistant with the opportunity to represent Serbia at the World Body Painting Festival in Austria, based on their skill rather than affordability.

You can support this cause by picking some of the perks or just by making a donation... or, make some noise about campaign, it is helpfuly too.

Thank you!

(for detailed English translation please scroll down)

Boje povezuju ljude

U ovoj podršci vidim izazov i mogućnost za rast i napredak naših umetnika. Cilj je da se za umetnika i asistenta obezbeti  prilika da predstavljaju Srbiju na Svetskom bodypainting festivalu u Austriji na osnovu njihovih veština a ne pristupačnosti. 

Već neko vreme naši najbolji umetnici samostalno pokušavaju da sakupe novac za odlazak na World Bodypainting Festival da se predstave i takmiče se ispred svetskog žirija. Na žalost, bez mnogo uspeha, jer uvek nešto nedostaje, boje i materijali su skupi, a materijalni uslovi umetnika ne baš zavidni.

Ipak, oni su puni entuzijazma, ne odustaju od svoje umetnosti, dokazuju svoj talenat radom i uspesima na domaćim takmičenjima. 

Na 2. Body Art Festival Serbia 2014,  podržan od  World Bodypainting Associatoin, naša umetnica osvaja 2. mesto u jakoj konkurenciji svetskih priznatih umetnika, a potom, u oktobru 2015. na 3. Body Art Festival Serbia umetnica iz Srbije pobeđuje i osvaja pehar za 1.mesto, postaje prvak Srbije u body painting-u.   

Umetnici koji se takmiče na BAFS izlažu se velikom naporu i materijalnim troškovima za materijal, putu do Beograda u ulažu puno vremena da bi stvorili svoje delo koje na takmičenju prezentuju. Zbog toga oni zaslužuju mnogo bolje nagrade od onih koje je BAFS uspela da im obezbedi do sad.

Čvrsto verujemo da ćete nam, ovog puta, vi u tome pomoći i zbog toga smo vam beskrajno zahvalni. Zahvaljujući vama World Bodypainting Festival više neće biti nedostižan. Postaće realnost.

Optimalno je da u finansiranju ovog projekta učestvuje puno zainteresovanih  ljudi, koji će finansirati po malo, ali pomalo i biti dio projekta, što je i suština crowdfundinga.

Možete nas podržati tako što ćete odabrati neki od naših skorimnih poklona, ili jednostavno donacijom... ili, raspričajte okolo i delite je takođe vrlo korisno.

Hvala Vam!

Pokloni koje smo Vam pripremili:
Thank you so much - zahvalnica sa fotografiom body painting-a (1050x750), umetnice M.Marić stiže vam na email po završetku kampanje. 

BIG Colorful Thanks & Hug (1200x1200), body painting T.Vučinić

Colorful Appreciation (2100x1500), body painting J. Đukanović, M.Marić i T.Vučinić

Amezing (900x1500), body painting M.Marić i TVučinić, photo M.Marić

Akcija Reakcija Kreacija Rekreacija, pdf knjiga kratkih priča i poezije, autor M.Marić

pefesionalna šminka/fantasy makeup

face painting/maska po izboru

promotivni body painting 

World Bodypainting Festival se održava od 1. - 4. jula u gradu Pörtschach am Wörthersee u Austriji. Više od 500 umetnika, fotografa, izvođača učestvuje na ovom najvećem svetskom događaju vizuelnih umetnosti koja kombinuje život sa bojom i pokretom i izražava se performansom, a potom fotografijom i video zapisima. Posebnost tog jedinstvenog svetskog događaja multimedijalnog karaktera je u upravo u specifičnosti umetnosti oslikavanja tela, u samom trenutku, jer delo traje samo dok ne nestane pod mlazom vode.

World Bodypainting Festival je jedna velika mogućnost da se razmene i steknu dragocena iskustva na polju umetnosti i forum gde već poznati i priznati umetnici iz celog sveta mogu susresti druge umetnike, kritičare, kao i samu publiku. Predstavlja jedan veliki skup umetnika iz celog sveta koji su na osnovu oštre selekcije dobili mogućnost da učestvuju na ovom internacionalnom forumu i da na najbolji način predstave sebe i svoju zemlju.

Svrha Festivala je da omogući konkretnu podršku svim umetnicima i da pruži mogućnost velikom broju talentovanih umetnika da realizuju i izlože svoja umetnička dela, kao i da se upoznaju sa najnovijim dešavanjima na polju Bodypainting umetnosti. 

Artist: Tatjana Vucinic, 1st place on 3th Body Art Festival Serbia 2015

2nd International Tattoo Convention & 1st International Body Art Show

Colors Conecting People

For a while, our top artists try to collect money on their own to go to the festival and compete in front of the world top jury. Regrettably, without much success, there is always something missing, paint and materials are pricey, and the finances of the artists themselves are also on the low side.

Nonetheless, they are full of enthusiasm, don’t give up on their artistry, prove their talent with hard work and success on home country competitions.

Since 2013, Body Art Festival Serbia is being held in Serbia on an international level, supported by World Body Painting Association. On the 2nd Body Art Festival Serbia 2014, our artist wins second place in the world class artist category. Then, in October next year, on the 3rd Body Art Festival Serbia 2015, our artist wins 1st place and becomes Serbia’s top body painting artist.

Artists who compete at the BAFS invested enormous effort and exposing the cost of materials, expense to travel to Belgrade and a great deal of time to create their competition show pieces. Becaouse of that, they deserve much better prizes than BAFS have managed so far. 

We firmly believe that, this time you’ll give out your help and we are truly grateful for it. Thanks to you, World Bodypainting Festival won’t be out of reach anymore. It will turn to reality. 

Ideally, and in line with the concept of crowdfunding, this project should be financed by many people who would each make a small contribution and also participate in the project.

World Bodypainting Festival is held from July 1 to 4, in city Pörtschach am Wörthersee in Austria. More than 500 artists, photographers and performers participates on this top world class visual arts event, which combines life with color and movement and expresses itself in performance, then photography and video. The uniqueness of this one of a kind multimedia type event is precisely the specific art of body paint, right in that very moment, because the art lasts only until it’s washed under the water jet.

World Bodypaint Festival is a huge opportunity to exchange and gather precious experience in the art field as well as a forum where all world renowned artists can meet up, as well as hear the critics and showcase their art to the public. It represents a great gathering of top notch artists, all of them with a chance to participate in the forum and represent their country, but only after painstaking effort and toughest selection process.

The point of this festival is to provide support to all artists and give them all a chance to create and display their artwork, as well as get to know the newest trends in the bodypaint arts. 

Looking for more information? Check the project FAQ
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Choose your Perk

Thank you so much!

$3 USD
Personalizovana digitalna zahvalnica - body painting by Maja Marić, dobićete na email po završetku kampanje. Personalized Thank you card - body painting by Maja Maric, delivered by email.
0 claimed

BIG Colorful Thanks & Hug

$5 USD
Poster - body painting by Tatjana Vučinić, pobednik BAFS 2015 (detalj), stiže vam na email po završetku kampanje. Poster - body painting by Tatjana Vucinic, winnwr on BAFS 2015 (detail), delivered by email.
0 claimed


$10 USD
Poster - photo by Miša Marić, body painting by Maja Marić i Tatjana Vučinić, na email po završetku kampanje. Poster delivered by email.
0 claimed

Colorful Appreciation

$15 USD
Poster/wallpaper, body painting by Jasna Đukanović, Maja Marić i Tatjana Vučinić, plus poster Amezing, foto Miša Marić, na email. Poster/wallpaper, body painting by Jasna Dukanovic, Maja Maric i Tatjana Vucinic, extra poster Amezing, photo by Misha Maric, delivered by email.
1 claimed


$25 USD
447 - Akcija reakcija Kreacija Rekreacija, knjiga proze i poezije (srpski jezik), autor knjige Maja Marić, pdf format na email po završetku kampanje. 447 - Action Reaction Creations Recreation, books of prose and poetry (Serbian language), author Maja Maric, pdf format delivered by email.
0 claimed

Fantasy makeup

$50 USD
Profesionalna šminka/fantasy makeup + gel lak za bilo koju specijalnu priliku ili top veče u Beogradu. Professional makeup / fantasy makeup + gel polish for any special occasion or a top night in Belgrade.
Estimated Shipping
January 2017
0 out of 25 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Face painting događaj

$75 USD
2 sata - Face painting za vaše looode događaje, žurke, maskenbale u Beogradu, za vas i vaše goste... 2 hours - Face painting for crazy events, parties, costume parties in Belgrade, for you and your guests.
Estimated Shipping
April 2017
0 out of 15 of claimed

Face painting događaj

$75 USD
2 sata - Face painting za vaše looode događaje, žurke, maskenbale u Beogradu, za vas i vaše goste... 2 hours - Face painting for crazy events, parties, costume parties in Belgrade, for you and your guests.
Estimated Shipping
April 2017
0 out of 10 of claimed
Ships to Serbia

Scenska maska

$100 USD
Scenska maska za dve osobe, za looode događaje, žurke, maskenbale... u Beogradu... Theatrical mask for two person, for crazy events, parties, costume parties ... in Belgrade
Estimated Shipping
April 2017
0 out of 15 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Promotivni Body painting

$300 USD
Za promociju, kampanju, vašu lično ili vašeg brenda, kompanije... promotivni Body painting, oslikavanje modela-celo telo. Promotion, campaign, your or your brand, company ... Body painting in marketing.
Estimated Shipping
May 2017
0 out of 5 of claimed
Ships to Serbia, Montenegro, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia

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