Hi everyone! My name is Minna Sundberg and "Stand Still. Stay Silent" is my ongoing webcomic (which you can read for free over here), a mostly light-hearted story in a post apocalyptic Nordic setting. It's a story about friendship and a long journey to explore uncharted places in a forgotten world, sprinkled with some Finnish and Norse mythology, magic and a tiny dash of horror.
I've been drawing and posting this comic online for almost a year, and with the first ~200 pages done I feel it's a good time to start preparing for the first printed book in the series. And that's what this print drive is all about: to fund the printing of the books and to act as a preorder system for all of you who want a copy! Hooray!
- Chapters 1-4
- 260+ pages in full color
- ~17x24 cm
- Bonus content in the back (maybe even a short extra comic snippet.)
- No cat hairs (not a guarantee)
That's the mock-up and basic specs of what the final thing is going to be like. The cover isn't 100% finished, but mostly I'm just going to polish up the ornaments and add some detail to them, so that image is quite close to what it's going to end up looking. :3
Timeline: I'm currently drawing chapter 4 (the last one for this book) and it'll be in the bag before the end of the year. After that I'll start prepping all the pages for print and make the extra content, then finally send it all of to the printers. If all goes according to plan I should be able to start sending out everyone's books in early summer.
(For the record: I've gone through this book-printing crowdfunding process once before with my first comic "A Redtail's Dream". It all went quite smoothly and I got the books finished and sent out on time. I also learned a whole lot of things that'll hopefully make things flow even smoother this time. Fingers crossed!)
If you want to add extra items to your package go ahead and do so! This chart here shows the cost of any items added to one of the base pledge levels.
If you haven't pledged yet click on the pledge level you want, and on the first tab there's a field called "additional gift". Here you can simply write in the value of the extra item(s) that you wanted.
If you've already pledged and want to still add things: click on "contribute now" at the top (pink button), select "no perk" and enter in the value of the extra items you want. Make sure you use the same account/email for each contribution you make so that I'll be able to merge them afterwards.
You'll be able to pick out which extra items you paid for after the campaign ends when I send out the backer survey.
(For Finnish backers: feel free to subtract 10$ from the add-on books due to lower domestic shipping costs.)
*Edit* All stretch goals reached! Kitty made it to the litter box! Hoooorayyy!
Okay, I didn't want to get carried off with a lot of extra stuff to make on the side, instead just stick with what I know I can do well: a cute little SSSS-themed postcard print set! Five prints in total. I'm still painting them (one is done) but you can see the previews below.
Suitable for sending to friends and family or to keep for yourself, and a nice thing to get with your book if you're the kind of person who likes...things. With their books. There will be a sixth print design added to the set if we reach the 75k stretch goal.
-for joining in on the print drive or for just reading my comic! And if you want to help out in a non-monetary way just tell your friends, your enemies, dog, cat and hermit neighbour about this.
SSSS is a member of and gets promotion help from The Hiveworks. An extra thanks to them.