STOB: Stop Bullying International - A Worldwide Coalition
200 million children are bullied every year around the world. Only in the U.S. every 7 minutes a child is bullied, more than 25 million families are currently traumatized by bullying, and 160,000 students miss school every day for fear of being bullied.
There are many talented people, hundreds of organizations and websites focused on fighting bullying. However, in the last years the degree of bullying has increased and we cannot stop it, mostly because there's a great dispersion of efforts and investments. And that is why we created STOB and its anti-bullying social network:
Our hope is that we can pull together a good range of complimentary approaches understanding that to get bullying under control, we need a multi-pronged approach. Each of us is working on one piece of the puzzle. Together, that puzzle looks quite a bit more complete.
We're inviting people to keep fighting bullying the way they do now, but to join us at the same time; to add their projects, websites, initiatives to a different kind of anti-bullying coordinated platform. When we become million members, authorities, legislators and governments will listen to our Voice. Something BIG has to be done, not by individuals and by a great Coalition.
We pre-launched the website 2 weeks ago and we're already amongst the 100,000 most popular websites in the U.S. (according to Alexa rank) which demonstrates how much people need a virtual space like this.
1. We're advocating for a comprehensive approach so we can pull bullying up by the roots as a sustainable social conquer, which can be achieved as a result of a multilateral -local, national and international,- Alliance.
2. We're not competing with others. We're going to foster and promote every serious anti-bullying program, website, initiative or project. It's our unique opportunity to become the Bullyingpedia, the Facebook like or the Cathedral of the Anti-Bullying, the virtual common space where any person in the world can come an find references to any program or initiative with experts’ comments and evaluations; so this boy, girl, mother, father, teacher... can choose the one that fits better his or her situation, and then receive help to implement it; and
3. Those who don't care enough about bullying problem can afford not to listen 1 voice, 100 or 1,000 voices, but no one in this world can ignore millions of voices demanding an end to Bullying, Suicide and School Massacres. Here lies the great strength of our Coalition.
We're aware of the magnitude of the Mission we've embraced and that's why we have a time frame: we'll be working hard from now on to stop bullying as a major social problem to 2020. Seven years are nothing without you, but they're enough time if we can count on you, your support and your passion.
I am Dr. Manuel Tejeda and I brought together a group of top experts and committed people to assure the success of this mission. Please, check our Board Members here, and our Mission and Goals here. We're growing up, but we still have a long way to go. Hope you will walk with us, because we really need you. Yesterday, March 21st, a student shot himself in the school bathroom and we don´t know what will happen tomorrow if we don´t stop it forever.
What We Need
This kind of purpose/coalition needs a lot of resources, efforts and money to get to the finish line, and we are planning many things to get funded in more advanced stages by different means, but the big challenge is the beginning: we need your help to continue the development of as the most comprehensive source of bullying and anti-bullying information in the world. We need your help to support the anti-bullying movement, and to enable children, parents, teachers and other bullying related people to participate in anti-bullying conferences, workshops, initiatives and campaigns. We need money to hire a small, but very effective staff, to advertise this Project so in the next 12 months we can reach our first million members, to file the Non-profit organization which will bring legal frame to this concept... In one sentence: we need your help to make sure that we can bring an END TO BULLYING.
The greatest perk we can offer for your contribution is not only our eternal gratitude, but the enormous satisfaction to be part of one the greatest changes United States and all world needs right now. After you make your contribution you will feel well, but you will feel even better when through the next months and years we will keep you updated about the changes you helped to create. This is really exciting and rewarding.
Thank you so much for your help, but I know this is not enough. When this journey ends successfully I will make a video of our Team telling to 100 children from different parts of the world that we did not fail them, that they can go tomorrow to their school without fearing of being bullied. Then you can tell your parents, your children and your friends that your contributions helped to build a new world.
Please, donate what you can and spread the word. Bullying victims are out there, suffering in silence, praying, waiting for us to make one more step, to do something really big, and with the HOPE that tomorrow will be a better day... BECAUSE OF YOU.