Strange Fruit - a short film by Anthony Rojas
When a Latino college student finds himself being the only person of color at a bonfire, he must fight for his life miles away from home.
Set in 2016, Strange Fruit is a psychological thriller that follows Samuel Rodriguez, a Latino college student, who questions his place on campus. After being ostracized for speaking his already broken-spanish, he is invited by his close white friend, Jacob “Jake” Lyes, who invites “Sam” to a bonfire. Upon arriving, Samuel quickly realizes that this is not a bonfire but some kind attack because of his ethnicity. Samuel fights for his life in an oddly-intimate, disturbing, and degrading series of events.
Strange Fruit will be Anthony's Thesis Film in order to graduate from SUNY Purchase College.
About the Director
Anthony Rojas is a Latino independent filmmaker from Washington Heights, New York City currently studying Cinema Studies, Film Production, and Screenwriting in his last year at SUNY Purchase College.
His debut into the festival-circuit, Negatives, won "Excellence In Filmmaking" in the Student Film Category at the Inwood Film Festival, March 2019.
Anthony is dedicated to continuously pushing himself, motivated to continuously learn and confident in his abilities to exceed expectations. He will be the director of Strange Fruit.
Why does this film need to be made?
I need to make this film because there is not only an absence of Latinx leads in horror/thriller film narratives— but who’s unique experiences have yet to be reflected on screen. These experiences include:
1. The pre-Trump and post-Trump alienation experienced by Latinx students on college campuses; many of which are first and second generation immigrants and DACA recipients.
2. Any POC experience when being introduced into a new environment. Having to choose whether to deny the dominant culture and retreat into their own, assimilate into the dominant culture, or create a multi-faceted identity.
3. Millennials & prior generations witnessing injustices of social, political and economic institutions from 2016 onward.
This film amplifies these struggles; both realistically conveying the daily-intricacies of being a new kid on campus and the extreme of being persecuted for being different. At a glance, a seemingly heightened situation that is grounded in real-life, political events at a singular moment in history: the election of Donald Trump. This film is allegorical for the rollercoaster of emotions many experienced up until the night of the election: being blissfully optimistic, becoming fearful of your surroundings, and being abused to the point of no return.
Why am I the person to make this film?
I am the person to make this film because-- not only have I experienced the struggle of attempting to fit in to one group and being unable to do so-- but have also experienced the fear of being a person of color in an America where gun violence, race crimes and social injustices happen every single day.
This film is a psychological reflection of the emotional journey we have and are currently going through in today’s political and social climate.
*FROM the unique perspective of a young Latino filmmaker presenting these ideas in a visually delicate yet dichotomously disturbing way. It is a reflection of what many people of color, specifically Latinx, have been feeling from 2016 onward.
Strange Fruit possesses extreme cultural relevance and historical association to not only 2016 as a turning-point in history, but as an encapsulation of the Latinx experience living in the United States. Whether that be a college student struggling to fit in, a person who fears stepping out of their home, or a culture being violently stripped of its richness, Strange Fruit encapsulates it all.
How can you help make this film happen?
The total budget for Strange Fruit is $5000. The funds will be distributed as follows:
Equipment - Strange Fruit will be shot on a Sony a7iii. In addition to an 85mm, we need the necessary lenses to get the variety of shots we need. Also, the necessary lighting kit and gels are essential to bringing the neon-lit, volumetric atmosphere to life!
Lenses: $1,400
Lighting Equipment: LED Lighting Kit, Color Gels, & Batteries $500
Monitor: $400
Fog Machine & Haze Juice: In order to increase the moody and eerie feel of Strange Fruit we need to make it as haze-y and cinematic as possible! $200
(Sound equipment will be rented from SUNY Purchase College)
Film Festival Submissions - Submitting into Film Festival is anything but cheap! It would allow Strange Fruit to make its way around the world and (hopefully) be received internationally!
- Estimated Film Festival Submission Costs: $1,000
Marketing - What often goes unnoticed is the necessary funds for marketing! Marketing the film allows for more eyes to find their way to it!
- Estimated Marketing Costs: $750
Post-Production - Shooting the film is only half of the work! Now it's time to create this story in the editing room. These funds will go to color grading software and sound design!
- Estimated Post-Productions Costs: $500
Props/Wardrobe, Crafting & Transportation - The safety and well-being of everybody on set is of the utmost importance! We need these funds to not only buy necessary prop/wardrobe but to feed and transport our crew!
- Props/Wardrobe, Crafting & Transportation: $250
The Squad
Director of Photography of Strange Fruit
Daniel J. Heinley is a Syracuse born and raised, experienced photographer and New Media student in his last year at SUNY Purchase College.
With his debut as Director of Photography on Anthony Rojas’ directorial debut Negatives; both their photo backgrounds allow for a visually stunning, cinematic experience.
He is an integral part to achieving the “look” of the film. In addition, applying his New Media background to present innovative approaches to his work. He will be the Director of Photography for Strange Fruit.
Co-Writer of Strange Fruit
Austin Schmitt is a Cinema Studies major, Film Production and Screenwriting minor from Rochester, New York in his last year at SUNY Purchase College.
With a specialization in Screenwriting, Austin dedicates himself to creating the most dramatically interesting and personal stories through the means of a screenplay. He prides himself of his ability to seek the emotional truths of a scene and dissect the intentions behind its characters and in the story.
Austin will be the Co-writer and Script Supervisor for Strange Fruit.
Risks & Challenges
Filmmaking is anything but easy. Problems are bound to occur, however, filmmaking is also the art of problem-solving.
Perseverance-- This story NEEDS to be told. Nothing will stop us from telling it. Using our knowledge and skills about filmmaking, we will work as a unit to overcome any possibly discrepancies and make this film happen!
Other Ways You Can Help!
We understand that not everyone can contribute financially. But you can please help us spread the word!
Share on Social Media!-- Facebook, Instagram & Twitter (you can share this page on all platforms!)
Spread the Word!-- If you truly believe in this story-- please spread the word! If you could keep the conversation up-- whether that be posting, email, or personal notes-- it would be greatly appreciated! The more people excited about this film the better!
Positive Energy, Thought & Prayers!-- It would mean the world if you send your positive energy, thoughts and prayers our way! Production can often be extremely stressful-- so the extra boost would be much appreciated!
It will mean the world if you can help Strange Fruit get made!