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Strawberry Girl- Short Film

Follow Strawberry Girl on her journey to self actualization.

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Strawberry Girl- Short Film

Strawberry Girl- Short Film

Strawberry Girl- Short Film

Strawberry Girl- Short Film

Strawberry Girl- Short Film

Follow Strawberry Girl on her journey to self actualization.

Follow Strawberry Girl on her journey to self actualization.

Follow Strawberry Girl on her journey to self actualization.

Follow Strawberry Girl on her journey to self actualization.

Christine Sweet
Christine Sweet
Christine Sweet
Christine Sweet
1 Campaign |
New York, United States
$260 USD 3 backers
4% of $6,500 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

The Insider's Scoop: Strawberry Girl

Strawberry Girl is a SAG Ultra Low Budget Short Film which follows Strawberry Girl on her journey to self actualization on the night of her 21st birthday. 

self-actu·al·i·zation (--l-zshn) n.

(Psychology) Psychol the process of establishing oneself as a whole person, able to develop one's abilities and to understand oneself

On the night of Strawberry Girl's 21st birthday, she and her friends find themselves at an old diner for a late night snack, when a mysterious man captivates Strawberry Girl and brings her out of the world she's created with her friends and illuminates the characters/people around her in the diner and her place in it.

 Strawberry Girl will be making it to the 2014 festival circut both domestically in the US and abroad. Providing many of the cast and crew their first film festival debut!

Strawberry Girl has hopes of becoming an official "Made in NY" film from New York's office of Film, Theatre, & Broadcasting with your help and support!


 Strawberry Girl; played by Christine SweetChristine Sweet

 Writer, Producer, Co-Director, & Starring as  Strawberry Girl

Many say Christine is an all around renaissance woman; she expresses herself through various art forms, she also can be Miss Fix It with a tool in hand, and loves to cook flavorful creations from around the world for friends and family!

Christine is a storng advocate of art therapy and self expression through every art form, whether it be painting, film, music, fashion design, photography, etc. Her dream is to share these passions to unlock personal freedom and creativity within the people she meets on a daily basis and hopefully one day to the faces of the world! 

Lindsey; played by Lexi Zettle Lexi Zettle

 Starring as Lindsey

Lexi Zettle is a passionate, ambitious actress-model-dancer originally from Bend, Oregon. Ever since middle school when Lexi starred in her first play as Sandy in "Grease," she knew she was destined to be on stage or in front of the camera, entertaining people and developing interesting characters. When she is not racing around The Big Apple attending auditions/classes or waitressing, Lexi enjoys cooking, reading, being on the beach, and spending time with family and friends. Lexi is freelancing with Emerging Talent and most recently auditioned for a leading role in a Cannon indie film. Lexi believes that if you have a strong work ethic and pursue your dreams tenaciously, success will follow and the sky is the limit.

Monica; played by Brittany Wilson Brittany Wilson

 Starring as Monica

Brittany Wilson is a NYC based actress. She is currently putting the finishing touches on her screenplay to be shot this upcoming Fall in her hometown in Maryland. Brittany says, "I love acting and storytelling, because there is no ceiling on what you can learn about yourself, others, and the world around us. This is my path to understanding and I'm excited to see how all this work will unfold!"


Jessica; play by Genvieve Johnson

 Genvieve Johnson

 Starring as Jessica 

Genvieve Johnson was born and raised in downtown Manhattan. Growing up in NYC inspired her to begin acting at a young age. She was always interested in different cultures and has visited over 14 different countries in her life thus far. Genvieve grew up spending most of her days in her mothers nursery schools in Lower Manhattan and is passionate about working with children. 


Jeffrey Milstein

Starring as Jack (father)

"Started acting Nov 2010 doing film and theatre. Still am a full time accountant with my own practice. I find time after work to do what I have learned to love. Theatre and films. Nothing gives me greater pleasure than getting the plaudits of the crowd after a good performance and the satisfaction of seeing my name and face on the screen. It is a feeling that is hard to express. You have to live it to love it. And I do love it."

Dominick Savilli

Director of Photography

Dominick Sivilli was born and raised in Astoria, Queens New York. Since the age of five he has been drawing -- and has taken his inspiration from his hand to the lens. New York shaped his personality and style: a soft core inside a hard shell. 

There is one word Dominick always keeps in mind while working on set: CINEMATIC. 

He is based in New York & Los Angeles. He has worked on feature films, commercials and music videos since 2006. Recent feature credits include THE SADIST starring genre icon Tom Savini and Bryan Enk’s gritty werewolf movie THE BIG BAD. Other DP credits include the sci-fi epic HALO: HELLJUMPER, OUT AT HOME, GALLERY OF FEAR, PERFIDIA, CRESTFALLEN, PSYCHO STREET, CONTACT, SOMETHING JUST, and TASTE OF HONEY.  

Dominick loves new challenges and can take on any genre. He got his start in horror films, and Fangoria praised “Sivilli’s moody lighting, which creates a foreboding, creepy atmosphere.” Horror Review wrote, “Actions speak louder than words—and the brilliant cinematography and editing of a promising young force in the film business, Dominick Sivilli, make CONTACT the sharp film that it is.” 

    Where does all the moolah ($$$) go? 

    Total budget $9000- sounds crazy right?! But it is the bare bones cost of making a 30 page script in under 4 days... some "industry folk" think it can't be done with such a small budget for the length and intricacy of the film; we will show them wrong... only with your help!

    What we have so far $2500

    What we still need $6500

    What you can do to help... every dollar really does make a difference; adding up the $2.50 subway passes for transportation added up quickly, and we are hopeful your generosity to help fund/support Strawberry Girl will too! 

    Spread the word about Strawberry Girl with your friends, family, and neighbors... we understand not everyone can spare the cash, but who knows maybe a distant Facebook friend can! There are some really easy Indiegogo share tools to spread the word and make some Strawberry Girl noise :)

    Facebook Strawberry Girl Film (

    Tweet @StrawberryFilm

    We have some exciting perks for all of your support; such as posters, music, special invites to set and our premiere, and of course copies of the final film! Please don't hesitate to make some suggestions or special requests, we are happy to do the most we can to make it worth your while


    Equipment 40% Red Epic camera package, lighting package, microphones, and the rest of the nuts and bolts to make things work

    Crew 30% The people breaking their back to make movie magic

    Production Design 10% Props, costume, make-up, hair, the little details to make things pretty gritty and out of the ordinary  

    Cast 5% The people on camera working their acting craft just for credit and a copy of their footage, should get a little compensation too

    Food 3% Everyone is happier with some good food in their belly and caffiene to keep their gears turning at high speed

    Transportation 3% When people are practically working for free, we should at least get them to the job and back home to their beds

    Miscellaneous 9% Insurance, office supplies, odds and end things, and those unexpected expenses

    Many thanks for taking a few moments to stop by and see what Strawberry Girl is all about!

    Help us make movie magic and join Strawberry Girl on her journey!

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    Choose your Perk

    Get Good Karma

    $1 USD
    Every Dollar Counts (it really does) and now you have become part of our movie magic!
    0 claimed

    Get Social

    $10 USD
    Receive a shout out of Special Thanks on all things social media!
    0 claimed

    Get Credit

    $25 USD
    Receive Special Thanks in film credits and on everything social media + Official Poster
    0 claimed

    Get Copy

    $50 USD
    Receive Special Thanks in film credits and on everything social media + Official Poster + Copy of Strawberry Girl
    0 claimed

    Get in the Groove

    $75 USD
    Receive Special Thanks in film credits and on everything social media + Official Poster + Copy of Strawberry Girl + Music
    0 claimed

    Get Personal

    $100 USD
    Receive Special Thanks in film credits and on everything social media + Official Poster + Copy of Strawberry Girl + Music + Personalized Thank You video
    0 claimed

    Get Behind the Scenes

    $250 USD
    Receive Special Thanks in film credits and on everything social media + Official Poster (signed upon request) + Hard Copy with Special Features (behind the scenes, bloopers, ....) + Music + Production Stills + Personalized Thank You video
    1 claimed

    Get Premiere

    $500 USD
    Receive a supporting film credit for making Strawberry Girl happen, as well as a special thank you on all things social media + Official Poster (signed upon request) + Hard Copy with Special Features (behind the scenes, bloopers, ....) + Music + Production Stills + Invitation to Premiere Screening (travel and lodging not provided) + A Personalized Thank You from the cast and crew
    0 claimed

    Be Associate Producer

    $750 USD
    "Associate Producer" Film Credit (IMDB credit) and a very special shout out on everything social media + Official Poster (signed upon request) + Hard Copy with Special Features (behind the scenes, bloopers, ....) + Music + Production Stills + Invitation to Premiere Screening (travel and lodging not provided) + A Personalized Thank You from the cast and crew + Join the cast and crew for a special wrap dinner over at the House of Sweet
    0 claimed

    Be in the Executive "Sweet"

    $1,000 USD
    "Executive Producer" Film Credit (IMDB credit) and a very special shout out on everything social media + All things listed above + Exclusive Pre-screening of Strawberry Girl before final edit (open to notes and critique) + A night on set (if in NYC area) and last but not least a heart felt personalized Thank You from the cast and crew!
    0 claimed
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