Dear Friend,
I'm looking for support to help cover some of my travel costs for my Brazilian adventures this summer. I am excited to announce that I will be participating in the U.S-Brazil Connect Fellowship Program and afterward, join one of my university professors to perform academic research!
In the U.S-Brazil Connect program ( I will be among fifteen or so young leaders from Colorado, who will be traveling to Salvador, Brazil to coach Brazilian high school students. During this four week program, we will work to raise their English proficiency and build many lasting friendships. Following the fellowship, I will join a research team of fellow CU Boulder students with the distinct mission of learning about the unique challenges faced in the various regions of Brazil. With our findings, we hope to help create an academic global inquiry course to be offered in Brazil to University of Colorado students in 2015! Please see our website here for a detailed itinerary:
After going through a competitive application process, I have received the Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship. The Gilman Foundation is providing a generous $2,000 sponsorship. My research team has also received a $1,500 grant ($500 per person) for our research initiatives. At this time I'm looking to raise an additional $1,500 to cover the over $2,000 in remaining costs including airfare while in Brazil, lodging, and logistical fees.
The trip spans from June 16th to August 3rd:
* June 16th - July 15th U.S-Brazil Connect Fellowship, Salvador Brazil
* July 15th - August 3rd PLC Global Leader Program (Academic Research)
Locations include:
Ilheus, Bahia Brazil
Manaus, Amazonas Brazil
Sao Paulo
Rio de Janiero
The opportunity to become a global leader is far too great to ignore. Upon graduation, I hope to apply my degree in such a way that makes a positive social impact. My ultimate career goal is to work with international non-profit organizations to provide anthropological insight on pressing social issues as well as to offer my leadership skills in an organizational setting. By building a background and beyond, I truly believe I will benefit greatly from this experience.
Asking for money is never easy, but certain opportunities that serve to extend one's perspective and help to better understand -and hopefully improve- the world merit such action.
Please give $10, $25, $50, $100 (more would be great) to help make this trip possible.
Thank you for your generosity,
Ashley Clevenger