My name is Maximillian Bovin, I’m a young passionate film maker who has always loved Japanese pop-culture from Godzilla to anime’s such as Dragon Ball Z. Anime was one of my first hobbies as a young boy that eventually developed into my love for story telling. One particular anime that has always stuck out from the rest was Mobile Suit Gundam Wing. A tragic story of how warfare affects society and those around us. 5 young boys must stomach their fear of death to fight for freedom. Gundam Wing is the anime that my film Ascension is based off of, placing young adults into complicated situations where they must fight to protect their lives or die trying.
This campaign is to raise money for the student thesis film “Ascension” which tells the story of Miguel, a young man who is burdened by his father, Cortes, obsession with warfare. Like all good sons, Miguel simply wants to impress his father and finally become accepted in his eyes. However, Cortes cares very little for his son and has only one goal: to complete the mobile suit program and exterminate the threat White Fang.
This film is very complex, not only with actors playing pressured soldiers but with aspects of stop-motion through out the film. A film like this is incredibly ambitious but nothing keeps me going like a challenge. Film makers are constantly pushing the boundaries of what they can accomplish with provided resources. You don’t need to be from Hollywood to make an impressive film. Thats is why I’m reaching out to you to raise money because all it takes is heart, a set goal and those who support your craft in order to make an amazing film.
As expected with action films involving warfare, a descent amount of funding is required. Specific investments need to be made for the costumes, props, and sets that we will be constructing from various parts. We want each set piece to resemble something military and futuristic. These set pieces are the center point of each scene and help the actors deliver their best performance. I want the sets to be convincing and not just another B movie cardboard and egg carton arts and crafts attempt.
Anyone that contributes will have their name posted in the credits since it was you, the people, who helped fund us to complete the project. On top of that we would like to send you all a photo signed by the whole crew that shows the entire cast and crew on the last shoot day. Nothing is more exciting knowing that you were able to help a student complete their thesis film.
Even if we don’t reach the goal, any funds that we’ve earned will be contributed towards completing the film.
My project is highly valued because of my love for stop motion. Stop-motion is the first form of film making that interested me. Stop-motion is a form of film making that takes plenty of time and teaches patience. One can always play around with the camera in many ways to create many different outlooks of one scene. I typically find myself always acting out what each figurine will do next, it’s almost like I’m directing each figure as I would an actor.