The Basics of Success
Success is a Science Fiction short film that revolves around a MLM relationship, and has been written by renowned writer Joseph Lister, known for his work on Torchwood, The Sarah Jane Adventures, for Big Finish Productions, and more recently on Wizards vs Aliens and The Dumping Ground.
The director for this short is Andrew Creak, a proudly queer working-class director from the South Wales Valleys. Through Third Time Lucky Productions, Andrew has directed the successful Christmas short film Jangle, as well as several other shorts such as The Cost of Living. Earlier this year Andrew directed a short which is to be broadcast later this year on the BBC.
This campaign is going to allow us to fully realise our vision with this amazing and beautiful script, allowing us to pay for locations, cast and crew, as well as the other costs that comes with short film making.
As working class film makers, it is had to raise "big budget ambitions" alone, and that's why we hope that you will be able to help support our campaign.
The Cost of Success
The money raised will go towards paying of cast and crew, as well as the other costs of film making. We will be paying cast and crew using the principle of a Universal Wage, where everyone from the top of the production chain to the bottom will be paid the same hourly rate for their work, to make it a fair and equitable production.
Our basic budget plan is as follows
We expect the wages of the crew to come to around £2,500, this will be for the DOP, Sound, VFX, runner, Director, Writer, Editor etc.
The wages of the cast is expected to come to just over £1500, it is a short film with six characters in in total, Peter, Wendy, John, James, Mr Perfect and Mrs Perfect.
Additional costs for locations, props and costumes etc, is expected to come to around £2,000.
This makes our expected total budget needed to be £6,000.
The Impact of Success
By supporting this campaign, you will be helping to support the start of several film makers careers, as well as several actors, by giving them the chance to direct, produce, and act in a short film written by a professional writer, an opportunity which doesn't come along often for those starting out in their carrier ambitions, especially those of a working class background.
Challenges of Success
Without financial backing, working class film makers can't afford to make films without relying on people to do work for free, and especially in the times we are living in thanks to 13 years of increased deprovation, that would be unfair to ask of working class creatives.
Working class people deserve the chance to thrive in the world of film making, the fact that they don't come from wealth, or what society would deem a "success", shouldn't be a barrier to stop them from aspiring to create exciting and wonderful films.
Other Means of Success
Not everyone can financially support a film production right now, especially in these difficult times, but if you would still like to help and support us, there are several ways you can do this without spending a penny!
• Like, Follow and Subscribe to our social pages such as Twitter (Now X), Youtube, Facebook, Instagram etc
• Share our posts about the crowdfunder, to help us get to our goal.
• If you live in the Cardiff area, and would be willing to donate your time and be a Supporting Artist in the film, give us a message on our socials!