KHAZAHAR ALI MOMO FOUNDATION (KAMF) has got its registration in 2009. From January 2009 we are working on HEALTH, SANITATION, BASIC EDUCATION, HUMANITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT issues in Rangpur Alamnagar area, specially in Shapla Chottor Area.
For last 5 years KAMF is working on backward people like Rickshaw Pullers, Cobblers, Sweepers, Raw Hide/Tannery workers and their families. We are working hard with their education, health, sanitation, humanity & economic development issues. We also working with their young generation. We try to make sure that they would not become spoilers.
Like other poor people of our country our beneficiaries are also not aware of the importance of family planning & reproductive health knowledge. Though our government have done remarkable works in these sector, but poors are out of its good result. A middle earning family contains of maximum 4 members where as a low earning family has 5 to 6 members.
Among sweepers & cobblers a big family of 4 children is a common scenario & unluckily they are always excluded from all the programes about family planning & reproductive health. Female members are very much far from any population & health care knowledge.
There are more than 500 rickshaw pullers,100+ sweepers, 50+ cobblers & about 300 raw hide workers in our working area. They all are poor & their daily income is not more than $5/day. Most of them are illiterate & hesitate to talk with the people outside of their circle. So they always been neglected by dominant part of the society.
The objectives of the project are to provide sex education, counseling and basic sexual and reproductive health services to these people. It is now our challange to make them understand the benifits of family planning & give them much knowledge about reproductive health