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Support Aldo's dream

I'm an Italian racer. My sponsor left me short right before the beginning of the motorsport season. Help me to keep my dream alive.


Support Aldo's dream

Support Aldo's dream

Support Aldo's dream

Support Aldo's dream

Support Aldo's dream

I'm an Italian racer. My sponsor left me short right before the beginning of the motorsport season. Help me to keep my dream alive.

I'm an Italian racer. My sponsor left me short right before the beginning of the motorsport season. Help me to keep my dream alive.

I'm an Italian racer. My sponsor left me short right before the beginning of the motorsport season. Help me to keep my dream alive.

I'm an Italian racer. My sponsor left me short right before the beginning of the motorsport season. Help me to keep my dream alive.

Aldo Ponti
Aldo Ponti
Aldo Ponti
Aldo Ponti
1 Campaign |
Varese, Italy
$428 USD $428 USD 10 backers
0% of $260,288 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

Italian Version below | Versione in italiano in fondo


My name is Aldo Ponti and I live in Italy. Since I was a kid I had a dream: to be a Motorsport Racer.

I’ve been always close to the motorsport environment thanks to my dad efforts, and until the past year I’ve been racing competitively with many good results, however, this year my dream might vanish: a few weeks before the start of the racing season 2013, the company that was supporting me decided not to sponsor me anymore due to the economical crisis that is affecting Europe and especially Italy.

It has been tough since than, all the other companies interested in sponsoring motorsports are now already occupied with other racers, therefore to find a new sponsor now is almost impossible.

So what to do? If you take a look to the perks, see how with an incredibly short amount of money you can make the difference, both for me and maybe for you as well.

Imagine to write a dedication to someone special or maybe the link to your brand new blog, it will be seen by 40’000 people each competition, not to say all those people who watch the competitions on TV.

You will be amongst the few who are sponsoring the very first crowd-designed car.

YOU will be the first, others can only copy what you did.

What do I need the money for?

I will use these money to race this season with one of the Motorsport's team


2€ - Thank You note

You will receive a personalized Thank You note hand-signed by Aldo. 

10€ - Outfit 2.0

You will have the possibility to write whatever you want on Aldo's racing outfit (10 cm2 - 1.55 in2) and you will receive a personalized Thank You note hand-signed by Aldo. 

50€ - Car 2.0 small

You will have the possibility to write whatever you want on Aldo's car (20 cm2 - 3.1 in2) and you will receive a personalized Thank You note hand-signed by Aldo. 

100€ - Car 2.0 medium

You will have the possibility to write whatever you want on Aldo's car (40 cm2 - 6.2 in2) and you will receive a personalized Thank You note hand-signed by Aldo. 

250€ - Car 2.0 large

You will have the possibility to write whatever you want on Aldo's car (60 cm2 - 9.3 in2) and you will receive a personalized Thank You note hand-signed by Aldo. 

2.000€ - Signed racing gloves

You will receive a pair of signed Aldo's gloves, you will have the possibility to write whatever you want on Aldo's car (200 cm2 - 31 in2) and racing outfit (20 cm2 - 3.1 in2).

10.000€ - Orginal signed racing outfit

You will receive Aldo's signed racing outfit, you will have the possibility to write whatever you want on Aldo's car (500 cm2 - 77.5 in2) and racing outfit (50 cm2 - 7.75 in2).

*Note: any text/image should comply with current Motorsport regulation.

Other ways to help me

If you can't donate (or you already donated), you can support me in another way: share this campaign with your friends on any social media. It won't cost anything to you, but it will make the difference for me.



Mi chiamo Aldo e fin da che ero bambino ho un sogno: essere un pilota automobilistico!

Sono sempre stato a contatto con il mondo del Motorsport grazie a mio padre e fino allo scorso anno ho gareggiato con buoni risultati, quest’anno però il sogno potrebbe svanire: a poche settimane dall’inizio della stagione il mio sponsor mi ha abbandonato a causa della crisi economica che sta colpendo l’Europa e l’Italia in primis.

E' stato un brutto colpo, perché le aziende ormai hanno già assegnato il loro budget per questa stagione e trovare un nuovo sponsor a questo punto è quasi impossibile.

Sarebbe la fine del mio sogno e l'inizio di un incubo: la mia prima stagione “fermo” ai box a vedere gli altri correre.

Cosa posso fare ora? Se dai un’occhiata alle perks: con cifre incredibilmente contenute potrai fare la differenza nella mia vita. E anche nella tua magari!

Immagina poter scrivere una dedica a una persona speciale sulla mia macchina, oppure un link al tuo nuovo blog che sarà visto da 40mila persone ad ogni gara (senza contare chi guarda le gare in tv…).

Il tuo nome farà parte della ristretta cerchia di chi avrà sponsorizzato la prima macchina interamente crowd-designed: tu sarai il primo, gli altri potranno solo copiarti.

A cosa mi servono i soldi?

Con questi soldi sarò in grado di correre questa stagione rivolgendomi a uno dei team del Motorsport.


2€ - Thank You note

Riceverai un ringraziamento personalizzato autografato da Aldo. 

10€ - Outfit 2.0

Potrai scrivere ciò che vuoi sulla tuta da gara di Aldo (10 cm2 - 1,55 in2) e riceverai un ringraziamento personalizzato autografato da Aldo. 

50€ - Car 2.0 small

Potrai scrivere ciò che vuoi sulla macchina di Aldo (20 cm2 - 3,1 in2) e riceverai un ringraziamento personalizzato autografato da Aldo. 

100€ - Car 2.0 medium

Potrai scrivere ciò che vuoi sulla macchina di Aldo (40 cm2 - 6,2 in2) e riceverai un ringraziamento personalizzato autografato da Aldo. 

250€ - Car 2.0 large

Potrai scrivere ciò che vuoi sulla macchina di Aldo (60 cm2 - 9,3 in2) e riceverai un ringraziamento personalizzato autografato da Aldo. 

2.000€ - Signed racing gloves

Riceverai un paio di guanti da gara autografati da Aldo, potrai scrivere ciò che vuoi sulla macchina di Aldo (200 cm2 - 31 in2) e sulla sua tuta da gara (20 cm2 - 3,1 in2). 

10.000€ - Orginal signed racing outfit

Riceverai una tuta da gara autografata da Aldo, potrai scrivere ciò che vuoi sulla macchina di Aldo (500 cm2 - 77,5 in2) e sulla sua tuta da gara (50 cm2 - 7,75 in2).

*Nota: testi e immagini devono  sottostare alla regolamentazione del Motorsport.

Altri modi per aiutarmi

Se non puoi donare (o hai già donato), c'è un altro modo per darmi una mano: condividi questa campagna con i tuoi amici e conoscenti su tutti i tuoi social networks. A te non costa niente, per me farà la differenza.

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Choose your Perk

Thank You note

Currency Conversion $2 USD
€2 EUR
You will receive a personalized Thank You note hand-signed by Aldo.
0 claimed

Outfit 2.0

Currency Conversion $10 USD
€10 EUR
You will have the possibility to write whatever you want on Aldo's racing outfit (10 cm2 - 1.55 in2) and you will receive a personalized Thank You note hand-signed by Aldo.
2 out of 1000 of claimed

Car 2.0 - small

Currency Conversion $52 USD
€50 EUR
You will have the possibility to write whatever you want on Aldo's car (20 cm2 - 3.1 in2) and you will receive a personalized Thank You note hand-signed by Aldo.
1 out of 700 of claimed

Car 2.0 - medium

Currency Conversion $104 USD
€100 EUR
You will have the possibility to write whatever you want on Aldo's car (40 cm2 - 6.2 in2) and you will receive a personalized Thank You note hand-signed by Aldo.
1 out of 500 of claimed

Car 2.0 - large

Currency Conversion $260 USD
€250 EUR
You will have the possibility to write whatever you want on Aldo's car (60 cm2 - 9.3 in2) and you will receive a personalized Thank You note hand-signed by Aldo.
0 out of 500 of claimed

Signed racing gloves

Currency Conversion $2,082 USD
€2,000 EUR
You will receive a pair of signed Aldo's gloves, you will have the possibility to write whatever you want on Aldo's car (200 cm2 - 31 in2) and racing outfit (20 cm2 - 3.1 in2).
0 claimed

Original signed racing outfit

Currency Conversion $10,412 USD
€10,000 EUR
You will receive Aldo's signed racing outfit, you will have the possibility to write whatever you want on Aldo's car (500 cm2 - 77.5 in2) and racing outfit (50 cm2 - 7.75 in2).
0 claimed
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