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Support Dudjom Buddhist Youtube Channel


Support Dudjom Buddhist Youtube Channel

Support Dudjom Buddhist Youtube Channel

Support Dudjom Buddhist Youtube Channel

Support Dudjom Buddhist Youtube Channel

Support Dudjom Buddhist Youtube Channel

Dudjom Buddhist Association International Limited
Dudjom Buddhist Association International Limited
Dudjom Buddhist Association International Limited
Dudjom Buddhist Association International Limited
2 Campaigns |
香港, Hong Kong
$670 USD 11 backers
1% of $50,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 2 Projects Mountain Filled 2 Projects








捐款貨幣: 美金 USD

若被問及郵遞區號(Postal Code), 請注意香港的郵遞區號是999077。





若捐款US$15以上,並需要索取收據以作扣稅用途,請勿選擇普通「Donate Now」按鈕,而是選擇右方或下方的「捐款US$15以上並需索取收據以作香港扣稅用途請按此」選項,並填寫收據抬頭及香港郵寄地址,本會將在確認捐款後,郵寄收據。







敦珠佛學會由移喜泰賢及啤嗎哈尊兩位金剛上師於1998年,為了令佛教的弘播可以「深度化」而在香港­成立。為了配合現代人的理解,敦珠佛學會推出了一系列的「修心」丶「死後世界」及「藏傳佛教修持」等的佛法課程,以深入淺出、清晰簡易、系统有序之演譯方法,再輔以科學,將「佛法」精妙之處一一展現,並於2006年1月開始出版在7-11有售之「蓮花海」雙月刊(現已改為可於本會網站免費下載的電子刊物)­­及佛法精華DVD。 由­於教授內容配合科學,極度精彩,敦珠佛學會因而成為了世界上極具影響力的佛教團體之­一­。 按此閱讀詳細簡介...


歡迎點擊以下連結, 以獲得更多關於本會的資訊:


Dudjom Buddhist Association English Website 





電話:+852 25583680
傳真:+852 31571144


Please Support the Video Production and Translation Activities at Dudjom Buddhist Association YouTube Channel!


Over the years, the Dudjom Buddhist Association (International) has produced various kinds of educational series, with numerous video lectures in both Chinese and English languages, placed on our YouTube TV channel so as to teach and explain the fundamental essence on the Buddhist Dharma and on Life and Death Education, and so on. All we wish to achieve is to help Buddhist believers to better understand the genuine Buddhist Dharma, the Meaning of Life, and how they could deal with those major issues and choices in life, such as Life and Death, etc.


As our productions are getting more and more in recent years, we would sincerely like to invite you all to support our Dharma activities by donating generously for the video productions and related translation works on the Buddhist Dharma in order to benefit even more sentient beings, such that they can come to learn and realize the true and genuine Holy Dharma. Indeed, if we could receive your gracious and generous supports, this would be able to generate countless merits for all!


Dudjom Buddhist Association English YouTube Videos

Dudjom Buddhist Association English Website


Donated Currency: USD

When being asked about the “postal code”, please note that the postal code for Hong Kong is 999077.


Donation Receipt Option

If you donate more than US$15, we could issue a donation receipt for tax exemption purposes in Hong Kong.


Dudjom Buddhist Association International Limited is a registered charitable organisation in Hong Kong. Donations to our organization can be used for tax exemption purpose by taxpayers in Hong Kong. The proof of our registered status as a Tax-Exempt Charity can be found at


If you donate more than US$15 and would like to receive a donation receipt for tax exemption purposes in Hong Kong, please don’t press the ordinary "Donate Now" button, instead, please choose the “Donation Receipt Option” on the right-hand side or the bottom of this page, under the title of “Donation Levels”.


Please fill out the name the receipt should be addressed to and write down your mailing address. Once your donation has been confirmed, we will send the donation receipt by mail. If your mailing address is outside of Hong Kong, the Association would send you the receipt via email instead.


When you donate, you will be given an option to send a suggested gift towards Generosity's operating expenses. Please note that we will not receive the gift to Generosity and we can't issue receipt for the portion donated to Generosity. You may adjust the amount donated to Generosity by clicking "edit".


Introduction of the Dudjom Buddhist Association (International)

The Dudjom Buddhist Association (International) was founded by both Vajra Masters Yeshe Thaye and Pema Lhadren in 1998 in Hong Kong so as to propagate on both the “breadth” and the “depth” of the Buddhist teachings to all sentient beings. With regard to the learning characteristics of modern people, the Dudjom Buddhist Association (International) launches a series of teaching courses on the Buddhist Holy Dharma, on such topics as “Mind-training and Dharma Practices”, “Practices for the Realms After Death”, “Dharma Practices on Tibetan Buddhism”, and so on, which were explained in laymen, yet scientific and logical, terms and were thus easy to be understood by the general public.


Such courses use simple and clear language (with few jargons) to explain the amazing subtlety of the genuine Buddhist Holy Dharma, analyze their intricacy in a systematic and deductive way, while using modern “scientific discoveries”, scientific and logical concepts as footnotes, so as to present both the ingenuity and ingeniousness of Buddhist teachings with a modern-day vocabulary.


In January of 2006, the Association began to publish its Buddhist bimonthly magazine of the “Lake of Lotus”, which was distributed in the Convenience Store of 7-11 in Hong Kong, as well as through other channels like bookstores and mailings, etc., to be distributed across the world. Currently, the distribution of the “Lake of Lotus” has now been upgraded to an online distribution and is free for download as an e-Book format for all readers in the Association’s website. The Association has also produced and disseminated the Buddhist teachings through various multimedia publications, like video lectures on DVD formats, books and eBooks, the Buddhist Journal of the “Light of Lotus”, the Buddhist bimonthly magazine of the “Lake of Lotus”, other online publications, as well as our TV channel on YouTube.


As the approach of the Association’s Buddhist teachings is to put education as the main line of our focus, so as to lay a scientifically-based foundation on the understanding of the Buddhist teachings, so as to dispel superstitions of all sorts, and to restore the true and authentic nature of the correct paths of the Buddhist Holy Dharma. Hence, it makes the Association’s Buddhist teachings very interesting, meaningful, inspiring and importantly authoritative. As a result, the Dudjom Buddhist Association (International) has now become one of the most influential Buddhist organisations in the whole world. Please click here to learn more.


Please click the below links for more information about us:

Dudjom Buddhist Association English Website

Dudjom Buddhist Association Chinese Website

Dudjom Buddhist Association Facebook

Selected English Videos on our YouTube Channel

Dudjom Buddhist Association YouTube Channel

Dudjom Buddhist Association Buddhist Teaching Video Lectures (Chinese)

Dudjom Buddhist Association on Life and Death Education Series (Chinese)

Dudjom Buddhist Association Video channel in Mainland China (Chinese)


Fax: +852 31571144

Address: 4/F, Federal Centre, 77 Sheung On Street, Chai Wan, Hong Kong
Open to Public : Saturday Afternoons 2-6 pm.

For Enquries (Mon. to Sat. from 10 am to 6 pm.) as follows :

Hong Kong:+852 25583680

Macau : +853 65451098

Mainland China : +86 14715013571

Taiwan : +886 0989273163

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$15 USD
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2 claimed

Donation Receipt Option

$15 USD
Please choose this option if you would like to receive a donation receipt for tax exemption purposes in Hong Kong. This option is available for donations more than US$15. Please fill out the name the receipt should be addressed to and write down your mailing address. Once your donation has been confirmed, we will send the donation receipt by mail. If your mailing address is outside of Hong Kong, the Association would send you the receipt via email instead.
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