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Support Lisa's Kiva Fellowship - VietNamaste


Support Lisa's Kiva Fellowship - VietNamaste

Support Lisa's Kiva Fellowship - VietNamaste

Support Lisa's Kiva Fellowship - VietNamaste

Support Lisa's Kiva Fellowship - VietNamaste

Support Lisa's Kiva Fellowship - VietNamaste

Lisa DeMarco
Lisa DeMarco
Lisa DeMarco
Lisa DeMarco
1 Campaign |
Hanoi, Vietnam
$6,455 USD 43 backers
80% of $8,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

"Dreams are universal. Opportunities are not."


Namaste: Mutual Respect. "The gesture Namaste represents the belief that there is a divine spark within each of us that is located in the heart chakra. The gesture is an acknowledgment of the soul in one by the soul in another." 


In mid-September, I will be moving to Vietnam for four months to participate in the Kiva Fellowship Program. Kiva is a micro-financing non-profit whose mission is to alleviate poverty by leveraging the power of a crowdfunding platform to connect people in need with those who can give. Kiva allows people like you and I to empower entrepreneurs and small businesses in 83 under-developed and developing countries. Kiva is a world-renowned organization that has received over $3.5M in grants from Google due to its dedication to social and economic impact. Former President Bill Clinton and Oprah Winfrey have both heavily endorsed Kiva. 100% of every dollar you lend on Kiva goes directly to funding loans (Check out the About Kiva video above). Since 2005, Kiva has provided $881.2M+ in loans and borrowers have repaid this at a rate of 97%. A few ways in which I will be involved are:

  • Promoting sustainable and socially responsible microfinance
  • Strengthening Kiva's relationship with its partners
  • Increasing transparency in the field of microfinance
  • Encouraging Kiva's mission to connect people through lending to alleviate poverty
  • Providing support and training on Kiva policies and best practices


Here’s the rub: just like any non-profit, Kiva must try to do more with less. With this in mind, to better maximize Kiva's impact my fellowship will be on an unpaid, volunteer basis. A no-income, all expenses lifestyle, is very scary. Taking into account airfare, accommodation, training, immunization, daily necessities, and field visits for a minimum of four months, I have calculated the costs will amount to just over $8000. I will fund a portion from my savings, but would really love to rally support for the rest.
*Note: Any additional costs not essential to the fellowship program will come out of my own pocket. 

I am extremely fortunate and appreciative of my privileges and have always felt that I can do more to give back and to show my gratitude for my good fortune. A tenet of Kiva is that “All people deserve the chance to build a better life for their families.” By contributing my skills and focusing on the human side of business, I am giving back to the world that has given so much to my family and I. "Dreams are universal. Opportunities are not." I strongly feel that I must do everything I can to bridge the gap between those who are lucky enough to have opportunities versus those who haven't been as fortunate. 



I understand that not everyone can contribute financially at the moment.  No worries!  You can still help by spreading the word about my campaign to your family/friends/colleagues. 

You can also visit to learn more about the cause and consider helping someone launch or improve their businesses and build a better life for themselves. 

*Each incremental tier includes all the rewards of tiers above it (e.g., a $125 donation will get you a souvenir gift, a postcard, and exclusive field updates!)

  • $30 (Cam on, "thank you!") - You will get exclusive access to my blog / newsletter from my time in the field.


  • $50 (Nguoi ban, "friend") - You will get monthly "HOVs" (Humans of Vietnam) snapshots / stories and a beautiful physical postcard from Vietnam.


  • $125 (Chung ta se lam duoc, "let's pull together!") – You will get a souvenir from a Vietnamese entrepreneur (personally selected by yours truly! I am known to be an excellent gift giver!) and a taste of Vietnam in the form of a unique snack. 


  • $200 (Toi vui ve, "I am happy!") – You will get a painting with a Vietnamese theme, or alternatively, another Vietnamese household item!


  • $350 (Thom ngon, "delicious!") - You will get a cookbook with my favorite recipes from Vietnam!


  • $500 (Khong co chi, "no problems!") – You will get a printed photobook with my best pictures / stories from Vietnam and I will reinvest $25 for a borrower in Vietnam and go find that person to record a personal message just for you! If you are a corporation or business and you donate this amount, I will also include your company's name and logo in this personal message recording and will then promote the video via at least four social media platforms (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube).


If you’d like to claim your token of thanks, please remember to leave your email so I can contact you.




Additional Information re Kiva: 
•  Former President Bill Clinton:
•  Jessica Jackley's TED Talk:
•  Oprah:

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