Support Me to Get to a Summer School at ALA!
Support Me to Get to a Summer School at ALA!
Support Me to Get to a Summer School at ALA!
Support Me to Get to a Summer School at ALA!
Support Me to Get to a Summer School at ALA!
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Support Me to Get to a Summer School at ALA!
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my name is Filip Letovanec and I'm 18 years old teen wishing to improve my leadership skills with the Global Scholars Program at the African Leadership Academy in Johannesburg. I would like to raise $1500 to help me pay my travel charges and confirm my place on the programme with an admission letter enclosed below.
I am a high school student attending the third grade of business school in a small town called Poprad, Slovakia. With motivation from classes currently attending, I decided to look for more opportunities to develop new skills.
Since elementary school I have been interested in leadership, helping to reach business achievements. As the time progressed, my passion started to revolve around helping others and making non-profit projects, improving the local communities and school conditions.
Some years have passed since but I am still very fascinated by social interactions and it's huge improvement potential. Currently, I'm CEO of the small non-profit project. Even though still in the early stages, it has potential to improve Slovak education.
What led me to start this project? In my homeland, education is facing several problems. One of them is school bullying, which is, for the most parts, being overlooked or even willingly ignored. I came up with an idea of introducing a new model of tackling this issue. Through a careful work of trained volunteers, we would bring the possibility of direct reporting of problems. Turning point of this idea is, completely excluding everything but the victim from the picture in the early stage. Why to do that? Currently, there is a terrible custom of resolving cases of bullying with all parties included, meaning the parents, aggressor, and school personnels are being introduced to the problem all at the same time, putting victim under unnecessary amount of pressure and opening space for revenge from aggressor. Our solution is direct communication with bullied student only. After that, we can successfully see the cause of bullying and then introduce solutions with victim.
I took a chance to participate in several programmes and cooperate with non-profit organizations. I am also a member of the working group introducing a collection of draft laws aiming to improve education systems in Slovakia. These experiences helped me to realise how things are going on in my country's social system and which problems are essential to solve.
When I came across a chance to participate in a Global Scholars Program (summer program) at renowned African Leadership Academy in Johannesburg. Thanks to the LEAF and TalentGuide for this opportunity. Immediately I started to research the experience and potential benefits this course could give me. GSP seeks dynamic, motivated high school students between the ages of 14 and 19 years from around the world who are thrilled at the prospect of an intense program. They want to help educate future ethical leaders, contribute value to a social venture, and give an experience of new people and places, build lasting friendships. People from over 30 different countries across Africa and the world are selected each year to attend GSP, making it one of the most diverse camp experiences for teenagers anywhere.
Global Scholars Program (GSP) at ALA might help me increase my chances of bringing anti-bullying project into the reality on the national level. The only burden weighing me down is the cost of the programme. My family is trying to support me as much as they can, but our budget cannot cover the entire travel charges. That is the reason why I decided to turn to the possibility of finding sponsorship.
For slovak readers/pre slovenských čitateľov:
som Filip Letovanec, 18 ročný študent z Liptovského Mikuláša, študujúci v Poprade. Venujem sa stredoškolskej politike, problémom vzdelávania a som zakladateľ jednej čerstvej neziskovej organizácie. Našim cieľom je priniesť nový model odhaľovania šikany na školách a zaviesť ho do praxe. Trénovaní dobrovoľníci budú komunikovať priamo so šikanovaným žiakom a jeho záujmy budú uprednostnené (čo sa v súčasnosti nedeje). Pri tomto projekte je dôležitá práca s ľuďmi a bol som nesmierne nadšený, ak som sa aj vďaka Vám mohol zúčastniť letného programu na African Leadership Academy v Johannesburgu. Získal som štipendium na program od LEAFu, to však nepokrýva náklady za dopravu, víza a poistenie. Preto by som chcel takouto formou poprosiť o Vašu pomoc. Príspevkom na uhradenie spomínaných nákladov mi pomôžete k splneniu môjho sna.
Please support my fundraising efforts by donating or sharing this campaign and help me to get to the GSP, help me to make my dream come true.
Thank you very much,
Filip Letovanec
Admission Letter: