We want to make transformative art here and at Burning Man.
For you.
To do that, we need your help.
Best known to citizens of Black Rock City, we're two Seattle-based artist collectives and theme camps that are driven by designing and facilitating those unforgettable Burning Man moments that make the city so special. This is a big year for us because, not only are we dreaming of ambitious changes to our on-playa production values, including major upgrades to infrastructure, both organizations have a vision to bring our collective playa magic closer to home. With your contributions, we get to continue making experiential art out in the desert, and we get to bring that experiential art to you - in our very own city.
At the beginning of this campaign, Transmutorium: a Suspended Animation & Electric Sheep experience was the centerpiece of our fundraising efforts. That is, as a thank-you for donating to this campaign, we invited our contributors to a full evening of immersive experiences, intriguing performances, dazzling sensations, dance-worthy tunes, and all manner of experiences of a particularly other sort. We pulled out all the stops for our supporters, and they absolutely showed up for us - clad in beautiful, bizarre costumes and ready to lose themselves in this otherworldly experience. See for yourself!
We're still collecting receipts, but at this point - with roughly 50% of our campaign funded - we've raised enough money to break even on the event. We're considering that a success because we're so proud of what we made, and our production team already cannot wait to do it again! That said, we'd love to keep going. We hope to raise more funds, so we can put that money into additional production upgrades.
You might be wondering: what does "additional production upgrades" mean?
Regarding on-playa production:
Electric Sheep - formerly known as Shots for Shocks and best known for electricity tastings and handcrafted cocktails - is metamorphosing from their earlier incarnation into a new venture entirely. Based much more on the gifting of unique, uncanny experiences, Electric Sheep will be rebuilding and re-imagining much of their decor. They will also be investing funds into building experiential immersive theater, with a focus on one-on-one interactions and unexpected connection.
Suspended Animation - best known for providing a welcoming environment to experience rope suspension on playa - is looking to completely overhaul the interior of their pavilion, including procuring additional LED lighting instruments, newly constructed furniture, and updating their interior design. They are also making their electrical system more robust to handle the additional loads, and creating custom art for their secondary street frontages. Perhaps most exciting, they are scheming to put together a roving suspension rig that will allow them to travel into deep playa and set up their very own suspension installation with dedicated sound system and lights.
Regarding off-playa production:
Much like the benefit of Suspended Animation's regular access to lighting truss (which came in VERY handy for flying Transmutorium's custom lighting rig- see image below), these upgrades will allow us (both ES and SA) to have ready-access to useful production materials and infrastructure for future local events, too.
Both of our organizations are proud to have contributed unique and memorable experiences to Black Rock City for the past several years. We take pride in consistently showing up and delivering on our promises. Your support directly and positively impacts our ability to continue doing that. Claim some of our sweet perks or donate what you can - any amount helps and is greatly appreciated!
Willing to help more with your skills than with your wallet? We truly need help to achieve our visions of metamorphosis in 2019. You can contact us directly if you want to contribute to our fabrication plans this summer.