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When unresolved trauma keeps an athlete from living the life he deserves.

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When unresolved trauma keeps an athlete from living the life he deserves.

When unresolved trauma keeps an athlete from living the life he deserves.

When unresolved trauma keeps an athlete from living the life he deserves.

When unresolved trauma keeps an athlete from living the life he deserves.

Dion Marcos
Dion Marcos
Dion Marcos
Dion Marcos
1 Campaign |
London, United Kingdom
$2,682 USD $2,682 USD 48 backers
14% of $18,469 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

About the Film

Survivor is a short film, serving as a pilot for a developing TV series. Mark, a successful professional athlete, visits his counsellor once a week to solve his anger and depression issues. Doubting therapy even helps, his depression worsens, leading him to take an unthinkable path. But an unexpected encounter forces him to change.

The script was a finalist for the Cambridge Script Festival and Prisma Rome Independent Film Awards and has been officially selected for the Best Scripts Awards London 2024 Winter Season and the CKF International Film Festival. 

Support this engaging and thought-provoking story.  More info down below to know more about the film.

How does the story unfold?

Mark, a successful athlete, realises he can only be himself when alone in his apartment, therefore, refers to a professional counsellor, to whom he opens up about his feelings of hopelessness, melancholy and misery. As his mental struggles worsen, however, his childhood best friends, Kyle and Sam, are totally unaware of the unravelling issues. 

As they get to the local pub, Mark sees Lily and decides to introduce himself. The two exchange numbers and find themselves spending an extravagant amount of time together. Mark feels safe, as he realises Lily’s not interested or impressed by his fame and fortune as her only goal is to complete her studies and become a doctor.

The life-changing encounter with Lily, helps Mark’s mental condition to improve, until he receives an alarming message. His sports’ sponsorship dropped him, leading him to spiral back into a rabbit hole of desperation. His new-built perfect life crumbles, once again, leaving him with only one alternative.


The writer, Dion Marcos and his team, wants to address the importance of seeking help when suffering with depression, anxiety and anger. Young people, especially men, hide their problems as they are scared of being judged and emasculated. A recent article written by Mental Health UK, reveals only 36% of all NHS referrals for psychological therapies are for men.

The main character, Mark, is the embodiment of this widespread issue. He’s a professional athlete, living an extremely successful life and people think it’s unlikely he could face mental health struggles. By telling Mark’s story, we want to encourage young people to speak up about their mental health. 

We hope to expand this short film into a mini-series, diving deeper into the lives of the characters, their struggles and how unresolved trauma can keep someone from living the life they deserve. 


We need you!

In order to produce this strong film, we need to raise £15,000

The money raised will allow us to pay our amazing cast & crew (we have some great talents involved which we will share with you soon)  as well as all the equipment, the locations and the food. it will also be used towards Post Production and to submit it to Film Festivals once completed.

It's extremely important for us that everyone feels as excited as we are about making this film and we also want to ensure we do it fairly and the right way. 

You can either contribute your own desired amount or choose a set amount based on the perks. By selecting a set amount, you will receive the perks that correspond.

Budget Breakdown

50% towards Production (crew pay and equipment + locations + catering)

15% towards actor's fees

35% towards Post production, submission to festivals and contingency.


Film Tone


The Director's note - Ted Dontchev 


The Team


How can you help? 


Make a contribution and share with your loved ones! 

You can also donate towards one of our perks. You can get a social media shout out, your name in the credits, join the crew as an actor or be an executive producer! There’s also a laptop giveaway, supported by PLAN-IT-PC, an Irish tech company. 

Follow our Instagram for all updates! @survivorshortfilm_ 

Finally, if we were to reach beyond our goal, we want to donate any extra fund to a Mental Health organisation. 

Thank you again!



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Choose your Perk

Social Media Shout Out!

Currency Conversion $12 USD
£10 GBP
To thank you for your support, we will give you a shout out on our Instagram page @survivorshortfilm_
Included Items
  • A Thank you on our Socials
8 claimed

Your Name in the Credits!

Currency Conversion $25 USD
£20 GBP
Your name will appear in the end credits as one of our backers.
Included Items
  • A Thank you on our Socials
  • Your Name on the credits
  • Link to download the poster
9 claimed

Raffle to win a laptop!

Currency Conversion $31 USD
£25 GBP
If you give 25£ or above, you are automatically enrolled in our raffle to win a Windows Laptop worth 400£. The raffle will take place at the end of the funding period and our lucky winner will be announced on our Instagram page @survivorshortfilm_ All participants will receive all previous perks + digital download of the film
Included Items
  • Your Name on the credits
  • Shout out on our Socials
  • Link to download the poster
  • Raffle laptop
  • Digital download of the film
13 claimed

Want to be an extra?

Currency Conversion $92 USD
£75 GBP
Ever wanted to be on set and perform? Now you can! As a thank you for your support, if you donate 75£ you could be appearing as a Supporting Artist. Pre-requirements are that you need to live near London as transport to set will not be included.
Included Items
  • Your Name on the credits
  • Shout out on our Socials
  • Link to download the poster
  • Raffle laptop
  • Opportunity to be an extra
  • Digital download of the film
1 out of 2 of claimed

Want to act?

Currency Conversion $185 USD
£150 GBP
Ever wanted to act? 2 lucky backers will be given lines and the opportunity to act in Survivor. You will need to live near London as transport to set won't be included. + all other previous perks
Included Items
  • Your Name on the credits
  • Shout out on our Socials
  • Link to download the poster
  • Raffle laptop
  • Invitation to our screening!
  • Featured SA
  • Digital download of the film
0 out of 2 of claimed

Associate Producer Bundle

Currency Conversion $616 USD
£500 GBP
As our AP you will get an ImdB credit as well as a signed copy of the script + Invitation to our Premiere Social Shout Out Enrolled in our laptop raffle Signed copy of the script
Included Items
  • Your Name on the credits
  • Shout out on our Socials
  • Link to download the poster
  • Raffle laptop
  • Invitation to our screening!
  • A signed copy of the script
  • IMDB credit
  • Digital download of the film
1 claimed

VIP Bundle

Currency Conversion $1,231 USD
£1,000 GBP
As a VIP, you will get the full experience: - Thank you in our Socials + Digital Copy of the poster + a signed copy of the script - ImdB credit - Invitation to our Premiere - Opportunity to join the raffle and win a laptop - Half a day on set - A personal message from cast/crew
Included Items
  • A Thank you on our Socials
  • Your Name on the credits
  • Link to download the poster
  • Raffle laptop
  • Invitation to our screening!
  • A personal message
  • A signed copy of the script
  • IMDB credit
  • Digital download of the film
0 out of 2 of claimed

Executive Producer Bundle

Currency Conversion $1,847 USD
£1,500 GBP
As one of our executive Producer you will have your ImdB credit as EP as well as the opportunity to work with us on the TV series if interested. + All other perks
Included Items
  • Your Name on the credits
  • Shout out on our Socials
  • Link to download the poster
  • Raffle laptop
  • Invitation to our screening!
  • A personal message
  • A signed copy of the script
  • IMDB credit
  • Digital download of the film
0 out of 3 of claimed
sold out

Private Screening

Currency Conversion $123 USD
£100 GBP
2 out of 2 of claimed

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