Sustainable Innovation
Sustainable Innovation
Sustainable Innovation
Sustainable Innovation
Sustainable Innovation
Sail Powered Shipping
Sail Powered Shipping
Sail Powered Shipping
Sail Powered Shipping
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Sustainable Innovation
Sail Powered Shipping
Sail Powered Shipping
Sail Powered Shipping
Sail Powered Shipping
Sail Powered Shipping
Back this project and enjoy clean energy production with wind turbines and sailing with kites.
Timeline Pacific Sky Power Sustainable Shipping
Phase 1. Startup activities - Pacific Sky Power Sustainable Shipping began in 2014 with prototype development, trials, crowd funding, feasibility studies and design refinements.
Phase 2. Ship Engineering, 2016 - 2017 - Structural Analysis, Finite Element Analysis, Propulsion System Analysis, Stability Support, Waterborne Transportation Analysis, Maintenance Management Studies, Failure Modes & Effects Analysis, Operational & Capital Cost Analysis
Electrical Engineering - Preliminary & Detailed Design, Fault Current Analysis, Protective Device Coordination Studies, Integrated System Design, Power System Analysis
Naval Architectural- Hull Development, Definition & Fairing, Structural Design & Advanced Analysis including FEA, Developing 3D Models, Construction Cost Estimating
Phase 3. Ship Construction, 2019 - After completing detailed ship engineering, ship construction will begin with the hulls and cross members. With the hulls and cross members constructed, the mast and sail rigging will be installed along with the rudder and all other systems to complete ship construction.
Phase 4. Pilot Projects, 2020 - 2021 - With our 1st ship constructed, pilot projects will begin to test and refine our technology.
Project Funding - Developing sail powered shipping is a massive undertaking, but every project needs funding and Kickstarter provides opportunity for all. The development budget for Pacific Sky Power Sustainable Shipping is over $10 million. As we progress forward, funds will be raised through crowd funding, investment and traditional bank financing.
End Goal - The end goal will manage a fleet of sail powered freighters and grow the business based on prevailing wind energy. Industrial sail power will be used for a significantly reduction in fuel consumption and emissions. With a fleet of ships, delivery will be as steady as conventional shipping. Launch a ship a day and unload a ship a day at the destination.
Dan Tracy - Dan Tracy founded Pacific Sky Power in 2011 to innovate clean energy solutions. Today, Pacific Sky Power wind turbines are popular for charging batteries and learning about wind power. Dan's passion for alternative kite powered ocean transportation, earned an innovation award from the state of Hawaii and today a similar system is available for small boats. (Project video music )
Risks & ChallengesSince the industrial revolution, burning fossil fuel has become the most cost effective method for transporting goods across the ocean.
To make wind powered shipping economically viable, our ships will travel on courses with reliable prevailing winds. Once a fleet of ships is in operation, delivery will be consistent and less polluting.
The business model for conventional shipping is based on ships traveling between 20 to 30 knots. Traveling slower would burn less fuel but faster operation generates significantly more revenue. Industry politics may be a challenge but we remain optimistic that once our methods are proven they will be accepted in areas with consistent wind.