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Suzie LeBlanc - Noël de la France à l'Acadie

Help me tour the rare and unusual songs from my first-ever Christmas CD!

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Suzie LeBlanc - Noël de la France à l'Acadie

Suzie LeBlanc - Noël de la France à l'Acadie

Suzie LeBlanc - Noël de la France à l'Acadie

Suzie LeBlanc - Noël de la France à l'Acadie

Suzie LeBlanc - Noël de la France à l'Acadie

Help me tour the rare and unusual songs from my first-ever Christmas CD!

Help me tour the rare and unusual songs from my first-ever Christmas CD!

Help me tour the rare and unusual songs from my first-ever Christmas CD!

Help me tour the rare and unusual songs from my first-ever Christmas CD!

Suzie LeBlanc
Suzie LeBlanc
Suzie LeBlanc
Suzie LeBlanc
1 Campaign |
Memramcook, Canada
$6,913 USD $6,913 USD 137 backers
100% of $6,913 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
(Version française ci-dessous)

I’m a singer known internationally for my recordings of classical music, contemporary works and Acadian folk songs. My albums Tout passe and La Mer Jolie celebrated tunes that my Acadian ancestors have been singing for centuries. La Veillée de Noël, with its family and historical connection, brings the journey even closer to home.

In 2004, my cousin Pius (shown below) brought me an old book of songs rescued from the former Collège St-Joseph in Memramcook. Both our fathers studied at the Collège and my mother sang there on several occasions. It was the first French-language and degree-granting University in Canada and played a leading role in the preservation and renaissance of Acadian culture. It is celebrating its 150th anniversary this year.

Smiley face

The book, titled Rondes et Chansons Populaires illustrées, was published in Paris in the late 1890s. My eye was especially drawn to a section called Noëls Anciens - Christmas tunes named after their places of origin: Noël de Cluny, Noël Dijonnais, and so on. Most of songs were new to me, and have never been recorded. Les Trois Mages even puts a novel twist on the nativity story, sending the three kings to Jerusalem via Italy!

I was moved and astonished by the beauty of these forgotten songs, and grateful that they had chanced to come my way. It seemed like a great occasion to make an album of genuine Christmas songs that hardly anyone has heard for many decades.

La Veillée de Noël includes eight of the Noëls Anciens, along with other festive songs from Rondes et Chansons Populaires Illustrées. The album spans the entire Christmas cycle, from Christmas to La Chandeleur – Candlemas (Feb. 2), which was once one of the biggest Acadian holidays. 

(Les Trois Mages, an illustration from the book) →

I’m very excited about the eclectic and accomplished group of players who explored these songs with me. Our arrangements cover a huge range. There are bare-bones performances with percussion alone, renditions tinged with an Eastern European flavour, and even a playful jazz arrangement - the closest I’ve ever come to the way Ella Fitzgerald used to celebrate Christmas. 

The recordings were made at the magnificent concert hall of the Monument Lefebvre in Memramcook. We chose for its acoustical qualities and historical associations. 

We’re delighted to give new life to these old songs, and to bring some fresh festive music to your homes this Christmas. You’ll want to dance when you hear these tunes!

The Perks

Christmas is an occasion to bring light into our lives to ease the darkness of winter. It's a time to visit friends, make and offer gifts, bring out grandmother's recipes and return to the traditions we grew up with if they still mean something to us today. We've created perks you can easily offer as gifts or keep as a treat for yourself! 

Why do we need your help? 

The CD was released on October 14th but this is only the first step in getting these songs back into circulation. 

We need funds for the following :

With $10,000, we will cover :

Travel costs for a CD launch & inaugural concerts in Halifax and Mahone Bay in December 2014

Cover the cost of showcase performances to spread the word to presenters from all over the world 

Agent fees and promotional material to national and international presenters.

Pay the remaining costs for the editing and mastering of the CD, recorded by John D.S. Adams from Stonehouse Sound ( and released on ATMA ( on October 14th 2014. 

With $20,000, we could :

Take the songs on the road throughout the rest of Canada and abroad for 2015/2016 and begin work on a second album of songs from this great collection!

OFF-LINE CONTRIBUTIONS: It is possible to contribute by bank transfer or old fashion cheque. Please email us at info (@) for details.

Thank you for spreading the word about our CD and this campaign.  You can copy our campaign link and put it in an email to anyone you know who is looking for good Christmas music (I hear that all the time!) Indiegogo has great share tools : thank you for using them. Merry Christmas! 

The Artists :

Suzie LeBlanc is one of the most sought after early music sopranos of her generation as well as a gifted interpreter of lieder, French mélodies, Acadian repertoire and contemporary music. Concerts have led to performances around the world as well as to over 60 recordings. Her album "I am in need of music", Canadian settings of poems by Elizabeth Bishop, won an ECMA award and is a finalist for the Nova Scotia Masterworks Award 2014.

David Greenberg is known primarily as a baroque violinist who has co-founded several music ensembles, including the Medieval Quintet, and Puirt A Baroque. Currently, he performs mainly with Chris Norman, David McGuinness, and Red Priest. David is featured on dozens of recordings, and his latest release (2010) is entitled Let Me In This Ae Night, with Chris Norman. 

Nick Halley is the founder and Artistic Director of both the Capella Regalis Men and Boys Choir in Halifax, Nova Scotia and The King’s Chorus at Dalhousie University. As a drummer and world percussionist, Nick Halley performs and records internationally with a wide range of musicians. The recording Barnum Hill (2008) features Nick and his ensemble performing Nick’s original compositions. 

Alexander Weimann is one of the most sought-after harpsichordists, ensemble directors, soloists, and chamber music partners of his generation. He has traveled the world with many internationally known ensembles, and as musical director of Les Voix Baroques and Le Nouvel Opéra. He is Artistic Director of Pacific Baroque Orchestra and a frequent soloist with Canadian orchestras. He can be heard on over 100 CDs. 

Jac Gautreau, a proud Acadian and a creative force with many passions, is well known in the performing arts world for his talents as author-composer, artistic director, and record and TV producer. A founding member of the Acadian group “Les Méchants Maquereaux”, Jac has performed with important Acadian artists, written original scores and themes for more than 40 television programs and was the musical director for over 150 shows.

Steve Normandin is an ardent champion and performer of French chanson and the accordion. He is a devoted collector of 78 rpm records and popular music of the first half of the 20th century. He has toured the show Chansons en noir et blanc throughout Quebec and France, and played Nimming Ned in The Busker’s Opera, directed by Robert Lepage. He performs frequently with major Acadian artists.

Halifax based acoustic and electric bassist Danny Parker works on both coasts of Canada, backing up singers, performing in musical theater, on films, music videos, and TV.  He has worked with Michael Bublé, Bobby Curtola, the Universal Gospel Choir, Nova Scotia Mass Choir, Lennie Gallant, and the Vancouver Tap Society . His eclectic talents also allow him to play Jazz festivals across the country.


Je suis une soprano reconnue internationalement pour mes enregistrements de musique classique, d’œuvres contemporaines et de chansons du folklore acadien. Mes albums Tout passe et La Mer jolie regroupent des airs qu’ont chantés depuis des siècles mes ancêtres acadiens. La Veillée de Noël, avec ses liens familiaux et historiques, me rapproche encore davantage de mes racines. 

En 2004, mon cousin Pius (ci-dessous) m’a apporté un vieux recueil de chansons qu’il avait rescapé de l’ancien Collège St‑Joseph de Memramcook. Son père et le mien avaient tous les deux étudié au collège, et ma mère y avait chanté à plusieurs occasions. Cet établissement, la première université de langue française à décerner des diplômes en Acadie, a joué un rôle de premier plan dans la préservation et la renaissance de la culture acadienne. Le Collège St-Joseph célèbre son 150e anniversaire cette année.

Smiley face

Le livre, Rondes et Chansons populaires illustrées, a été publié à Paris à la toute fin du xixe siècle. La partie du recueil intitulée « Noëls anciens » a particulièrement retenu mon attention. Ces noëls portent le nom de leur lieu d’origine : « Noël de Cluny », « Noël dijonnais » et ainsi de suite. La plupart de ces chansons m’étaient inconnues et n’avaient jamais été enregistrées. « Les Trois Mages » a même une façon originale de relater la Nativité : les trois rois se rendent de l’Arabie à Jérusalem... en passant par l’Italie!

(Les Trois Mages, illustration du livre) →

La beauté de ces chansons oubliées m’a émue et étonnée; c’est une chance inouïe pour moi que ce recueil ait croisé ma route. Cela m’a semblé une occasion en or de réaliser un album de chansons de Noël authentiques que pratiquement personne n’a entendues depuis plusieurs décennies.

La Veillée de Noël comprend huit de ces « Noëls anciens », de même que trois autres chansons festives tirées des Rondes et Chansons populaires illustrées. L’album couvre tout le cycle de Noël, de la Nativité jusqu’à la Chandeleur (le 2 février), qui fut naguère une des plus grandes fêtes de l’année en Acadie. 

Je suis enchantée du groupe de musiciens éclectiques et accomplis qui a exploré ce répertoire avec moi. Nos arrangements couvrent un large éventail de sonorités : des interprétations a capella, accompagnées uniquement par des percussions; des rythmes à saveur klezmer qui évoquent l’Europe de l’Est; et même un arrangement jazz des plus ludiques. 

L’enregistrement a été réalisé dans la magnifique salle de concert du Monument Lefebvre, à Memramcook, que nous avons choisie tant pour ses qualités acoustiques que pour sa connotation historique. 

Nous sommes ravis de donner une vie nouvelle à ces airs anciens et de vous offrir une collection de musique festive pour égayer votre demeure pendant le temps des Fêtes. Ces airs vous donneront le goût de danser!

Les contreparties

Noël est une occasion d’illuminer notre vie et de chasser l’obscurité hivernale. C’est le temps de rendre visite à nos amis, de fabriquer et d’offrir des cadeaux, de ressortir les recettes de grand-mère et de faire un retour aux traditions qui ont marqué notre enfance, si elles ont encore un sens pour nous. Nous avons conçu des contreparties que vous pourrez facilement offrir en cadeau ou garder pour vous gâter vous-même! 

Pourquoi avons-nous besoin de votre aide?

Le disque est déjà réalisé et sera lancé le 14 octobre, mais il ne s’agit là que d’une première étape pour la remise en circulation de ce répertoire de chansons. 

Voici nos besoins financiers :

Avec $10,000, nous pourrons couvrir les frais suivants:

Frais de voyages pour notre lancement de l'album et concerts à Halifax et Mahone Bay en décembre 2014

Participer à des concerts-vitrines pour vendre le spectacle partout au monde

Frais d'agent et de matériel promotionnel à envoyer à divers au Canada et à l'étranger

Couvrir les coûts restants pour le mixage et le mastering du CD, enregistré par John D.S. Adams, de Stonehouse Sound ( et publié par ATMA ( le 14 octobre, 2014. 

Avec $20,000, nous pourrions :

Planifier une tournée au Canada et à l'étranger pour 2015/2016 et commencer à enregistrer un deuxième album de chants tirés de ce grand livre!

CONTRIBUTIONS HORS-LIGNE: C'est possible de contribuer par chèque ou transfert bancaire. Veuillez communiquer avec nous à info (@) pour plus de détails.

Merci de passer le mot à propos de notre disque et de la présente campagne. Vous pouvez copier le lien menant à notre campagne et l’insérer dans un courriel à toutes vos relations qui cherchent de la bonne musique de Noël (cela fait beaucoup de monde, à ce que j’entends!). Indiegogo offre d’excellents outils de partage : nous vous serions très reconnaissants de vous en servir!

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Choose your Perk


Christmas Cards

Currency Conversion $52 USD
$75 CAD
4 Christmas cards made from beautiful illustrations in the book. See images below. +La Veillée CD + On the Road update
Estimated Shipping
November 2014
3 out of 25 of claimed

Digital download

Currency Conversion $7 USD
$10 CAD
Download the songs on your device and start dancing!
15 claimed

The CD

Currency Conversion $21 USD
$30 CAD
A physical copy of the CD + On the Road update
Estimated Shipping
December 2014
46 out of 100 of claimed

The gift of music

Currency Conversion $28 USD
$40 CAD
A signed copy of the CD in time for Christmas! (Let us know to whom we should dedicate the CD) + On the Road update
Estimated Shipping
December 2014
21 out of 50 of claimed

La Veillée & Métamorphoses

Currency Conversion $35 USD
$50 CAD
Suzie's Newest CD releases : La Veillée de Noël - ATMA Classique Métamorphoses - Impressions Baroques with Ensemble Constantinople - Analekta
Estimated Shipping
December 2014
5 out of 25 of claimed

La Veillée & Spring any Day

Currency Conversion $38 USD
$55 CAD
The CD plus David Greenberg's fabulous CD "Spring any day now" + On the Road update
Estimated Shipping
December 2014
3 out of 10 of claimed

The CD and "Barnum Hill"

Currency Conversion $38 USD
$55 CAD
The CD plus Nick Halley's solo CD "Barnum Hill" + On the Road update
Estimated Shipping
December 2014
1 out of 5 of claimed

Marie-Germaine LeBlanc chante!

Currency Conversion $41 USD
$60 CAD
This recording celebrates the voice of my mother, soprano Marie-Germaine LeBlanc, who sang with l’Opéra du Québec alongside Joseph Rouleau, Léopold Simoneau and many others. Un enregistrement de ma mère qui ne se trouve pas sur le marché, realisé par ma soeur Christiane LeBlanc. + La Veillée CD + On the Road update
Estimated Shipping
December 2014
4 out of 10 of claimed

Handwritten note from Suzie

Currency Conversion $69 USD
$100 CAD
Receive a personalized handwritten note from Suzie, plus our On the road updates and a copy of La Veillée CD.
Estimated Shipping
December 2014
5 out of 20 of claimed

Holiday Fascinator

Currency Conversion $104 USD
$150 CAD
Choose your colours, and go out in style with a Custom-made Fascinator by Clara MacCallum Fraser. Elegant, snazzy, bold - you will be noticed! Fascinator, La Veillée de Noël AND to match the nostalgic elegance of the fascinator, a copy of Suzie's mother's cd, Marie-Germaine LeBlanc chante!
Estimated Shipping
January 2015
0 out of 1 of claimed

Dress up for a dress rehearsal

Currency Conversion $138 USD
$200 CAD
Attend a dress rehearsal from the two following options : Suzie LeBlanc, Alexander Weimann and Symphony Nova Scotia in Halifax on March 28th 2015, as they prepare a Baroque concert of music by Bach and Handel. Suzie LeBlanc and the Victoria Symphony in Victoria, BC, on March 17th as they prepare a concert of Elizabeth Bishop Canadian song premieres! Or tell us where you live and we'll try to find a dress rehearsal you can attend in your area. + La Veillée CD + On the Road update
0 out of 6 of claimed

Suzie CDs & concert tickets

Currency Conversion $173 USD
$250 CAD
Four CDs of your choice from Suzie's CDs (Métamorphoses, La Veillée, Tout Passe, La Mer Jolie, Love Duets, Nobil Donna, Mozart lieder, Tempi con Variazioni) plus two VIP tickets to one of Suzie's upcoming performances in Halifax, Edmonton, St-John, Moncton or Fredericton. (Edmonton is on November 21st!) + On the Road update
Estimated Shipping
November 2014
1 out of 10 of claimed

Skype singing lesson !

Currency Conversion $207 USD
$300 CAD
Do you want to sing? Do you have questions about your voice, technique, repertoire? Have a Skype singing lesson with Suzie and find out more what's the next step for you.
Estimated Shipping
January 2015
1 out of 3 of claimed

Learn to sing !

Currency Conversion $277 USD
$400 CAD
A private singing lesson with Suzie, available in Montreal or in Toronto. Plus a CD.
Estimated Shipping
January 2015
0 out of 4 of claimed

Suzie Sings in your home!

Currency Conversion $1,728 USD
$2,500 CAD
You will receive a gift basket that includes each Acadian cd from our Perks and a short performance at your home by the Acadian songstress herself! [For donors from the Montral, Toronto and Halifax areas only! 2015 date to be arranged with Suzie.] Plus On the Road Update.
0 out of 1 of claimed

Royal treatment !

Currency Conversion $6,913 USD
$10,000 CAD
All the perks plus a private concert in your home. You will not regret this! Our goal is reached and we are forever grateful!
0 claimed
sold out

A Christmas ornament

Currency Conversion $77 USD
$111 CAD
Estimated Shipping
December 2014
10 out of 10 of claimed
sold out

Sing unto my massage!

Currency Conversion $346 USD
$500 CAD
Estimated Shipping
January 2015
1 out of 1 of claimed
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