The Opportunity to Synchronize...
SYNTHESIS 2012 is a once-in-a-lifetime global grassroots event occurring in Chichén Itzá and Piste Pueblo in the Yucatán, Mexico from December 20-23, 2012. Chichén Itzá, renown as one of the "New Seven Wonders of the World" (declared in 2007), is visited by an estimated 1.2 million tourists annually. This ancient temple site is an epicentre for Mayan cosmology, and will be a key location due to the synchronous alignment of the El Castillo step pyramid (also known as the Temple of Kukulkan/Quetzalcoatl), our sun, and entire solar system with the center of the Milky Way galaxy (Hunab Ku). Occurring at 5:11am (11:11am UTC) on Winter Solstice, December 21, 2012, this grand alignment coincides with the completion of the Mayan 13-Baktun Great Cycle of 5,125 years.
The UNESCO-recognized International Mayan Council has been guided to collaborate with Synthesis 2012 as the platform through which they will share their "Message of Synchronization" at this most meaningful time. The council will be joined by many other elders, including don Miguel Ruiz (author of "The Four Agreements"), Hunbatz Men, Maestro Mazatzin, and several luminary speakers, whose wisdom and insight will bring clarity and inspiration for the world as we arrive to this threshold moment.
Recognizing that many people are unable to attend Synthesis 2012 in person, it is important to the producers to make certain that this phenomenal event, with its wonderful line-up of wisdom keepers, keynote speakers, musical performers, and artistic visionaries, is shared with people around the world using the most up-to-date technology available. With the magnitude of December 21, 2012 drawing the attention of millions of people, we are committed to providing a unique window into this momentous occasion for viewers worldwide, while simultaneously creating a multimedia content archive for many generations to come.
From History to Our Story...
Though much has been written, professed, and misinterpreted about the 'end' of the Mayan calendar, the Mayan elders maintain that the completion of the cycle is signaling a great shift in consciousness, moving from separation to unity. The galactic alignment represents a 'rebirth' for humanity and planet Earth as we cross the galactic equator, the dark rift of the Milky Way, seen by the ancient ones as the birth canal of the Great Mother. Inspired by this awareness, Synthesis 2012 has launched our campaign to raise the financial support to professionally live broadcast this unprecedented ceremony and celebration from Piste, Yucatán, and simulcast/stream several other related sacred gatherings, festivals, celebrations and synchronized meditations occurring worldwide from December 21-23, 2012.
Your generous contribution will help us realize our goal of sharing this momentous occasion with viewers planet-wide, and ensuring that the Mayan message, and several other related messages from world-renown wisdom keepers and contemporary luminaries, will be professionally broadcasted and archived for generations to come.
Your Support Helps Us Fulfilll The Mission...
In order to produce a professional live broadcast of this historical event occurring in Piste, Yucatán, we require:
- a well-equipped video crew with HD equipment, creative director, and production support team to record live content and coordinate the 3-day multi-camera broadcast (including airfare and ground transportation for production crew - approximately $14,000.00);
- a high-bandwidth throughput of the audio/visual signal (content) from the ground to a sateliite for distribution to several online platforms, with a technician specializing in satellite technology (approximately $6,000.00);
- a pre-production crew that will develop the script, narrative, and production flow of the broadcast, supplemental media, and coordinated streams from participating events worldwide (approximately $1,200.00);
- a license to utilize a specific state-of-the-art broadcast distribution platform designed for iPhones, iPads, and Androids (65% of the global population receives their media and entertainment via hand-held devices) that additionally provides access to over 1 million college students ($4,000.00);
- continuous updating, content management, and technical website development support and maintenance for, the main website that Synthesis 2012, along with other global events, will broadcast and stream from, according to a rolling and synchronized schedule during the dates of December 21-23, 2012 (approximately $7,000.00)
For this professional production, as described above,
we aim to raise $26,000.00. Some monies have already been raised; and, $26,000.00 is the additional amount we seek to raise to ensure the highest level of broadcast possible.
We are pleased to offer some unique and exciting perks to our supporters. These include posters, books, t-shirts, official Synthesis 2012 passes, visionary art, music and more!
In the event we do not reach our targeted goal of $26,000.00, we will still utilize every penny of your support raised to offset the cost of producing this one-of-a-kind broadcast. We are hoping to offer the world a high level of quality commensurate to what this broadcast, and this magnificent moment in time, deserves. On December 21, 2012, We Go LIVE!!!
Other Ways You Can Help...
Some people are unable to help financially, yet they still want to help us achieve the goal of reaching people worldwide with this synchronized broadcast from Mexico and other locations around the world:
- Please help us get the word out about Synthesis 2012, and the live broadcast-social media portal:
- Be sure to use the Indiegogo 'share' tools to connect our campaign to your Facebook pages and Twitter feeds. Your word-of-mouth will make a huge difference!
Thank you for your support!!