Short Summary
The issue of elderly care is currently inescapable. Cuts, the privatisation of the NHS and the recent Francis enquiry have brought care into the spotlight and into the media.
Take Care is piece of verbatim theatre that makes the political personal, giving a voice to the carers of the elderly that usually go unheard. The results of the interviews that we conducted have resulted in a captivating piece, in turn both horrific and humane.
We hope that Take Care will encourage discussion on the issue of care and continue to force care into the public conscience. The production engages with the voices of carers and the truths that they have to tell - something that the media has either failed to do or simply not bothered.
Thus, we need to make sure as many people can see this performance as possible. The money which you generously donate will go towards advertising,insurances, printing and venue at the Edinburgh Fringe. Any additional money will be used to help Take Care tour to many other venues. Please donate to this worthy cause, and if you are a carer of the elderly and would be willing to speak with us, we would be so pleased to talk to you. Thank you.
What We Need & What You Get
We would like to thank the University of Warwick Theatre Studies department for awarding us the Clive Barker for £600. This money will be used registering the show for £295, and the remaninging £305 shall be used on the venue.
- £295 of the funds we raise will go on the venue.
- £200-250 will go on the printing of flyers and posters.
- £100-150 of funds raised will go to insuring the show.
- We aim to raise £200 as a float, for any hidden or unexpected costs. We will update the programme when we become aware of these to make sure you are in the loop.
- Donate £10 or more and you will recieve a thank you card created by the Ecoute team.
- Donate £15 or more and receive a thank you card and a poem crafted by the wonderful Ecoute team.
- Donate £30 or more and receive a completely unique hand drawn poster of Take Care created by our very talented Zoe from Ecoute theatre.
- Donate £35 or more and receive a personalised video thanking you for your donation, as well as photographs of the rehearsal process.
- Fancy being the subject of a song? Donate £25 or more and Ecoute will write, record and send their song to you.
Other Ways You Can Help
Follow us on twitter and retweet information.
Forward any information to people you think may be interested.
Use the indiegogo share tools!