Tally-Ho™ Water Enhancers drop right into your doggo’s water. Then it’s just a few slurps to fresh breath, an immune system boost, or doggy zen time.
Immune Health helps dogs of all ages boost their immune system.
Spend less time worrying about their immune system and more time finding the right sticks to chew.
Dogs get stressed and restless when we leave the house or if we’re going someplace new together.
When that happens, Emotional Health calms them down so they can stay alert, relax, and find doggy zen.
A few drops of Oral Health in your dog's water helps maintain fresh breath and keep their teeth clean from nasty plaque.
They may even have better breath than you do after...
Squeeze and slurp, that’s it. Add a squeeze of Tally-Ho™ Water Enhancers to water at home or on-the-go for your dog. Each flavor is made for your pup to enjoy.
Made with familiar ingredients, I know exactly what I’m giving my dog. Tally-Ho™ Water Enhancers use active ingredients you know like Vitamin C, Vitamin E, L-Theanine, or Zinc.
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