Tammy's Tumor
Hello, my name is Kari Michelle and I just found out that my dear friend and makeup artist has a tumor that is growing on her uterus. It is about the size of a grapefruit now, but is growing more quickly each week.
It seems like the worst things always happen to the best people and I have yet to figure out why. She is one of the sweetest, most caring individuals you will ever meet and she always puts others before herself. Tammy has been made aware of this campaign and feels scared to reach out because she knows that this kind of thing can make a lot of people uncomfortable, but is so grateful that people care enough to help out. She does not have the means to pay for the surgery (and blood transfusion that she just found out she will need) on her own and does not currently have insurance. She is going to have to let her home fall into foreclosure to pay for the surgery, but that could take time and that is something that she does not have.
Her symptoms include bleeding in between periods (as well as on), experiencing labor-like painful contractions due to her body trying to expel the tumor (with no success), she has progressively gotten weaker and weaker and the lab has shown that she has developed anemia now.
**If she does not get this surgery/blood transfusion the doctors are afraid she will continue to weaken by blood and nutrient loss, or she could have a heart attack from her heart working too hard from trying to get enough blood and oxygen to her organs. She could very obviously die from a factor of things if she does not get the help she needs... and quick.**
If you were able to donate $50... $25... or whatever you can and know that you helped save a life, would you?
What We Need & What You Get
Tammy has a radiant personality that glows so bright, a motherly love that makes you feel right at home when you meet her and a talent and passion for the arts like none I have ever seen before, but unfortunately none of that will help her here. She needs money to cover this surgery and that is the only thing that will do. I have been reading up on the surgeries and I've found that this could cost anywhere from $12,000 to $25,000. That is money that she does not have and needs quick so if there is anything you can do to help we would appreciate it so much. I will personally write a thank you letter to anyone who donates $25 or more to this cause and I will work hard to come up with more perks.
The Impact
You may or may not know Tammy personally, but think about if this was your mother, friend or daughter and how if each person who saw this made a small donation that the one you loved could live to see another day and share their beauty with the world. We are all one conscious and we need to be able to rely on one another in times of need. Tammy would never create a campaign for herself because she is always focused on others, so I created one for her and I will make sure that every penny goes toward surgery, hospital bills and medication for Tammy.
Risks & Challenges
We want to be as optimistic as possible during these hard times for Tammy and let her know that she has people who care about her and want to see to it that she can get this surgery in a timely manner. She is suffering with intense pain that has her in bed and detached from the world for the majority of the time. She is going through labor pains (where her body is trying to expel the tumor, but cannot) over and over with no end in sight.
We are hoping that this surgery will work and get rid of the tumor completely and I promise to keep everyone up to date with what is going on with her.
Other Ways You Can Help
If you are in a tough spot yourself and are not able to donate please share this campaign with someone that might be able to. Tammy Keefe may not be able to get her surgery in time without our help. Thank you for taking the time to read this.