How much do you think the dream is worth? It depends on what the dream is. Dreams are different. Someone is dreaming of paying back the housing loan. Someone wants to be famous. I’m dreaming of opening a restaurant of my own. I’m not just dreaming, I’ve been keeping my eyes on the prize for years. It took me long to develop the concept of the restaurant. To invent a product, make it new and interesting for the market. To think of a restaurant that takes care of the environment and doesn’t pollute the environment with any garbage.
Part of the money I earned by renting afood truck and participating in street food festivals. Our food has always been in demand and has earned praise among buyers. Initially it seems that the idea of a fast food restaurant is not a new or original one. But it may only seem at first sight. Walking around the cities you can realize that there isn’t really much healthy and organic food. It all depends on how to make it come true. And it also depends on the product on the menu. This restaurant will set a new, higher standard for catering institutions of this segment. So, what will differentiate my place from the rest of them? First of all, it’s the product presented in the product range menu. It will be a line of new products for the fast food market. There it’ll be gourmet cuisine and the mix of Eastern and Asian gastronomy. The game and the richness of flavors will make my product successful and desirable. This is proven selling at street food festivals. All the ingredients I'm going to cook of are organic and healthy. No preservatives, food flavorings or flavor enhancers. You won’t find a product like this on the market. We will cook all items on the menu for each client personally and quickly. Thus, the customer can always be sure of the freshness and healthiness of dishes, along with fast service. Coming to my restaurant, the visitor gets a guarantee of high quality food and healthy diet. Since I’m concerned about the environment, I decided to use a packing range made of bio-degradable materials that will not pollute the environment. My goal is to bring happiness on people’s faces. Well done work always brings joy and benefit to people.
To open a stationary fast food restaurant, I need additional financial resources. So I decided to ask everyone who cares. For you, my dream is worth a little and if a small percentage of people respond, then this is enough for the embodiment of dreams. All collected money will be spent purely on the restaurant project. Professional kitchen equipment will be purchased. It will be necessary to repair the rented premises according to the developed project. . A wall will be constructed in the restaurant with the names of people (if they do not mind, of course) who will have made it possible to realize a dream to thank them. Helping the others, you make this world a better place.
How You Can Help
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