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Tarot AI: Cards, Cloud and Unlimited Readings

Create a Infinitely Customizable Tarot Deck with Unlimited Readings through Online AI-Based Software


Tarot AI: Cards, Cloud and Unlimited Readings

Tarot AI: Cards, Cloud and Unlimited Readings

Tarot AI: Cards, Cloud and Unlimited Readings

Tarot AI: Cards, Cloud and Unlimited Readings

Tarot AI: Cards, Cloud and Unlimited Readings

Create a Infinitely Customizable Tarot Deck with Unlimited Readings through Online AI-Based Software

Create a Infinitely Customizable Tarot Deck with Unlimited Readings through Online AI-Based Software

Create a Infinitely Customizable Tarot Deck with Unlimited Readings through Online AI-Based Software

Create a Infinitely Customizable Tarot Deck with Unlimited Readings through Online AI-Based Software

Ed Hubbard
Ed Hubbard
Ed Hubbard
Ed Hubbard
1 Campaign |
Chicago, United States
$662 USD 10 backers
13% of $5,000 Fixed Goal Fixed Goal
Tarot AI is the next wave in Tarot. With an Infinite Tarot Cartomancy system, allowing you to create customizable tarot decks, digitally, physically and virtually. In support of Infinite Tarot we are developing an AI program, that will allow for unlimited online readings, even saving them for long term comparisons. For Tarot Readers, it will allow unlimited support to read Tarot, Numerology, Astrology, Runes, and other divination systems, for anyone, anywhere, anytime in the connected world.
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Choose your Perk

Tarot AI Big Box System

Tarot AI Big Box System

$199 USD $499 USD (60% off)
Every deck we create, including the Tarot of Hekate, Runes, Astrology, Muses, Numerology and Zener. As we expand the decks offered we will add them to this Big Box, being the most complete system, along with Reader's Level access to the platform.
Included Items
  • Reader's Access
  • Tarot AI Big Box
Estimated Shipping
January 2018
0 out of 100 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Basic Access

$1 USD
You will receive an invite to our first freemium site, which will have unlimited readings at the basic level.
Included Items
  • Basic Access
Estimated Shipping
December 2017
0 claimed

Infinite Tarot Expansion Deck

$25 USD
Our Decks can be expanded, and we have begun with adding several decks and expansions. This perk allows you to pick one: Astrological includes planets and 12 Zodiac Signs Numerology Runes Zenner Cards for Psychic Testing Nine Muses
Included Items
  • Infinite Tarot Expansion Deck
Estimated Shipping
January 2018
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Querent Access

$50 USD $199 USD (74% off)
This is for querent access, for unlimited readings.
Included Items
  • Querent Access
Estimated Shipping
January 2018
0 claimed
Tarot of Hekate Trad Deck

Tarot of Hekate Trad Deck

$60 USD
This includes the 78 card Tarot of Hekate, the ebook of descriptions and reading layouts. We also include the Querent Access level.
Included Items
  • Querent Access
  • Tarot of Hecate (Traditional)
Estimated Shipping
January 2018
0 claimed
Ships to United States of America
Expanded Tarot Of Hekate

Expanded Tarot Of Hekate

$100 USD $200 USD (50% off)
This includes the Original 100 card version, the 78 card version, ebook for descriptions and reading styles, and one expansion deck. With this you will also receive Querent Access.
Included Items
  • Infinite Tarot Expansion Deck
  • Querent Access
  • Tarot of Hecate (Traditional)
  • Tarot of Hecate 100 Card
Estimated Shipping
January 2018
0 out of 100 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Reader's Access

$250 USD $499 USD (49% off)
Reader Level: - reader profile with public page option - access to Tarot and Cartomancy Assistant Programs - Tarot Deck programs function in reader mode -Connect with clients through the site and store readings for recall -Ability to create a Persona including uploading own Tarot Deck with descriptions and combinations
Included Items
  • Reader's Access
Estimated Shipping
January 2018
0 claimed
Master Reader Tarot AI Big Box

Master Reader Tarot AI Big Box

$1,000 USD
We give you two sets of Tarot AI big box. Includes Master Reader Access: everything available in Reader and Querent memberships -master reader profile with public page option -create multiple personas, multiple decks -develop new reading layouts -Collaborate with other readers into online network/fairs/services
Included Items
  • Master Reader Access
  • Tarot AI Big Box (2)
Estimated Shipping
January 2018
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.
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