Good day all!
My name is Ragenia.
I am a mother, a teacher, an artist, an activist, a healer, and *always*, a student.
I am traveling to Bali, Indonesia to receive specialized training to teach Yoga & meditation to our beautiful, amazing children (ALL of our children).
Yoga helps a child or a teen…
- Learn how to focus (even under pressure or in the midst of chaos)
- Have something just for themselves to keep them healthy and balanced as they face challenges in their life
- Become more confident and comfortable with their body
- Learn and practice self care
- Give their body the much needed stretching, extra oxygen and increased heart rate it needs to properly heal itself each day
Mediation helps a child or teen…
- Practice quieting fearful or confusing thoughts
- Calming their mind and body to decrease the stress many children never learn how to release
- Exposes the child or teen to the calming moments they should maintain as an adult
- Teach them how to calmly focus on the goals they want to reach in life
Please take a moment to visit the "Gallery" tab above, and watch a short video on Yoga in schools and its results and rewards.
Both Yoga and meditation have been directly linked to improved test scores in both young children as well as adults. The slowing of the breath, calming of the mind, and releasing of stresses and tension naturally allow a child to operate with a much clearer mind and there for increased attention span. Anxieties are silenced allowing the mind to focus. The self-confidence and self-awareness that are often achieved through the practice of Yoga are often empowering to a child’s over all sense of self, spilling over into their performance in a variety of areas of their lives.
I have taught yoga for 20 years. This year, I decided to choose a specialty and to expand my skill base and ability to offer people exactly what they need. As a devoted mother of three AMAZING children of my own, I naturally decided to begin my specialization with children & teens.
I would love to teach your children, nieces, nephews, God children or family member teens these powerful tools that can bring so much balance and good health to their lives. With obesity, stressful home environments, bullying at school and many other social stressors plaguing children and teens today, let’s give them a fighting chance by empowering them with a practice NO ONE CAN TAKE FROM THEM…ever. Once it’s learned and they reap the benefits in my class, they will always know what peace of mind, healthy movement and balance feels like. They will always seek to include it in their lives.
I am so blessed to receive a very, very generous partial scholarship from RainbowKids Yoga. I also received extremely generous support from family to care for my children during the duration of my training (no small undertaking *smile*). However, I must continue to raise money for my final expenses.
I am a born explorer. In my commitment to stay home and focus on raising my very young children, much of my personal development & exploration had to shift and slow down for a time. I know, that as parents, in order to nurture our children to the best of our ability, we have to nurture ourselves and our gifts as well. NOW, is a perfect time. As my children are getting older, and within a year or so, all three will be in school, I know that this is the time to shape my future & cultivate my purpose. So I got clear about my gifts, my strengths, my challenges, my long term and short term goals, and how I would begin it all. And at the beginning, there was Yoga; more specifically, Yoga for the youth.
The opportunity to study in Bali with this company at this time is so awesome to me, that I was literally almost too nervous to speak it out loud as a goal of mine. It seemed so far out of my reach. But as I started to pray on it, take steps toward it, and speak to those I love about it, amazing things started to happen. Things started to fall into place. Now, here I am fully immersed in the magic of faith, with a partial scholarship, a team of amazing family support for the children, and in other ways. I just have to complete my final funding...
I am raising funds in a variety of super creative ways, from a solo art showing to selling items on Craigslist. Whatever it takes, I’m committed to manifesting my goals. When someone suggested Indiegogo, it seemed well worth the try.
Anything worth having is worth the effort it takes to achieve it!
Children are my greatest teachers; it is going to be such a pleasure to teach them this great art!
I thank everyone in advance for their love and support! Please remember every little bit adds up and goes such a long way.
Please note that I will blog my experience. I’ll be sure to keep everyone posted once that web address is available later this summer and the classes begin…
Also, please feel free to keep in touch with me, via
[Food for thought: Please note that all of the campaigns "perks" are named after different styles of Yoga.]
Thank you!