The campaign is now InDemand. Please keep supporting while we prep for production, THANK YOU!
So will only speak cryptically and in brief, but after receiving a "cease and desist" from another company who made a killer teddy bear movie based of a popular character with a copyright that had recently entered public domain, we consulted with an amazing lawyer. Though she agreed these were rather dubious and ironic claims of this studio, she deep dived us into trademark law (much different than copyright). She expressed to us the highly likely issues we would have with a MUCH bigger studio most associated with the character in question. She further expressed her belief there would soon be litigation against ANY production company who had used the character. After her wise advice, and based solo off the potential issues with the major studio, we agreed it was best to change the concept up.
The story goes deepe. If certain things happen in the future as we predict, I will certain elaborate more bts here. But for now, I'll leave it at that... :)
And so that brings us to "Teddiscare", the new title and concept for our mutated, killer teddy bear movie with the legendary Mark Polonia! To help re-launch the movie, so to speak, we have add 2 new perks - 1) name the killer teddy bear; 2) name the other stuffed animals - not mutated - in the movie. We will have these perks up for 1 week, and then production begins (ie end of July). Help us get back on track, and grab one of these new perks, or grab one of the others still live, and let's make "Teddiscare" everything it can possibly be, thank you!