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With Tempiro your home can get smart without breaking the bank. Our smart connected fuses allow homeowners to remotely control and schedule heating as well as other electric devices, reducing electricity costs and enhancing your home’s comfort. A modern smart solution for your home that only requires a simple replacement of your current screw in type fuse, a 5 minute DIY installation!
Introducing Tempiro
Fit Tempiro smart solution into your fuse box and start enjoying automated smart home control from anywhere. Save energy and money and never come home to a cold holiday home or house again!
Why is Tempiro awesome?
Once the Tempiro smart fuses are connected and you have installed our app on your smartphone, you can control heating and schedule the temperature of different types of electric heating systems.
But that is not all you can do with Tempiro. You have just left your home and now you are worried because you are not sure if you have switched off your oven or stove? You can switch off the fuse that is connected to any of your kitchen appliances with our app and no more worries!
What about switching on and off the lights when you are away on holidays to keep burglars away? Yes, our app lets you do that too.
Are you one of those lucky persons that have a sauna at home or at your holiday home? Well, you can start heating it before arriving there!
Do you want to take a hot shower when you arrive to your holiday home? Tempiro allows you to schedule your water boiler so you have hot water when you need it.
You can also monitor and remotely control critical equipment like ventilation or dehumidifier. Smart, isn’t it?
Tempiro features
How does Tempiro work?
Each of the devices that are connected to Tempiro’s smart fuses can be controlled using the app. If you connect our fuses to your heating you can for instance set and schedule temperature. Our smart thermostat maintains the desired temperature by turning the power on and off through the fuse. You can also schedule your heating system or other electric device so that it switches on and off whenever you want! It is also possible to monitor power flowing through your fuses in order to have better control of the electricity you use.
Tempiro benefits
How is Tempiro different?
Standard smart plugs allow you only to remotely control your table lamps or other devices that are plugged into a power outlet. However most of the devices that consume a lot of energy are not plugged into any outlet - they are wired directly to your fuse box.
In order to control your existing electric heating system by an app you only have two alternatives nowadays: you can either change it into a new expensive one or buy a very complicated and expensive solution that only electricians can install.
Tempiro smart fuses combines the simplicity of the smart plugs to the devices that these plugs cannot control. We have designed a new and smart type of fuses that are plugged into your old fuse box just like the regular ones, allowing you to control any fixed installation from your smartphone. Tempiro empowers you with advanced smart home features while you reduce your electricity and heating costs at the same time.
Who is Tempiro for?
Holiday home owners
Environment-conscious people
Frequent travelers
Tech lovers
Smart home enthusiasts
Tech specs
The kit when delivered will include:
Tempiro smart fuses* 1x gateway 1x thermostat The Tempiro app
* The quantity of fuses included depends on the chosen kit
The Tempiro Smart Fuse uses Zigbee Home Automation 1.2 protocol. If you already own a smart home gateway that supports Zigbee HA you can actually buy our smart fuses separately -without the Starter Kit- and use them with your existing gateway. The fuses will be shown as a smart plug in your system and it will enable the control of your fuses. The features that will be possible to use will depend on your smart home system.
We offer three starter kits that include everything that you need to install our smart fuses and get started with Tempiro!
This kit will allow you to remotely control an electric radiator, an electric heat boiler, a sauna, a single-phase heat pump or a few radiators in a single-phase loop.
This kit will allow you to remotely control three electric radiators, a three-phase electric heat boiler, a three-phase heat pump or a few radiators in a three-phase loop.
This kit will allow you to remotely control two three-phase loop with radiators or six electric radiators each connected to separate fuses.
Other perks:
Extra Smart Fuses
You can buy extra smart fuses in case you need additional fuses to expand a certain kit. This is also a great solution for those who already have a Smart Home Gateway that supports Zigbee HA 1.2. and only need the fuses in order to control heating or other appliances.
Smart Thermostat
You can buy extra termostats if you want to control heating individually per room. This will allow you to select which thermostat that controls which fuses. If you already have another Zigbee HA Gateway you can use this device as a temperature sensor for Zigbee HA 1.2.
Smart Smoke Detector
This Smart Smoke Detector can be connected to a Tempiro gateway or any other Zigbee HA 1.2 gateway. This is a great way to back our crowdfunding campaign and get something worthy in return!
What folks are already saying about Tempiro
Timeline and status
February: Tempiro is founded May: First proof of concept December: Prototype is ready
January – August: Test users’ verification August – October: CAD design of final version October – November: Final circuit design November:IndieGoGo launches December: CE Certification / Tooling and Production Setup
January - February: Tempiro manufactures March: Tempiro’s first batch ships April: Tempiro’s app available at App Store and Google Play April - June: Tempiro’s second batch is being manufactured July: Tempiro’s second batch ships
Where we are in development
We have delivered our first batches from production but encountered production issues that need handling before we can ship to remaining customers.
We are currently focus on:
Updated the design to eliminate bad yield from production, more robust PCB
Developing and iterating on the user experience for the mobile app
Improving design of packaging and manuals
We will soon begin the process of:
Designing the supply chain process
Final Production
Why did we make Tempiro?
Tempiro was established in 2016 with the ambition of extending the smart home experience to those products that have high energy usage and at the same time develop a solution that could be part of the global initiative for energy saving.
Our goal back then was to make a simple and smart solution that would help users to monitor and control electricity and heating system on a smartphone while reducing energy costs and, last but not least, save world’s resources.
Under the last year and a half we have been developing and testing our solution and now we are convinced that we have created a product that achieves all those goals.
Tempiro was accepted at E.ON :agile Nordic accelerator in the beginning of 2016, receiving grants to start our development.
During the autumn of 2016 Tempiro was nominated as a finalist for the Embedded Systems Awards. At the same time we got selected to the MINC incubator program in Malmö (Sweden), which has definitely helped us to boost our business network.
During the spring of 2017 Tempiro was accepted to the Climate-KIC Nordic Accelerator Programme, which includes funding for market and product development.
In May 2017 Tempiro won first prize in the buildings category at the IoT for Greener Cities Challenge in Brussels, an initiative of the Forum of Young Global Leaders in collaboration with Engie.
We have also been awarded a subsidy from Energimyndigheten (the Swedish Energy Agency), Vinnova (Sweden's innovation agency) and ALMI (Sweden's most active investor in young growth companies) to develop our solution. We are currently part of the Ideon Innovation incubator in Lund (Sweden).
Meet the Tempiro team
Tempiro was founded by Magnus Lindström, who has extensive experience in the energy industry and has worked for the past 5 years developing smart energy solutions and smart home devices. The Tempiro team consists of him, Maite Bellón, Cecilia Lindén, Johan Lindén and Muhamet Ademi.
Risks and challenges
We are a small company, with all that does imply. Unexpected problems and costs during the manufacturing of our product may come up, but we are positive that we have the engineering and IT background to overcome challenges that might arise so that we can start manufacturing and delivering according to our timeline. We will keep you informed during the process and let you know where we are at!
Q: How many Tempiro Smart Fuses do I need for controlling my heating? A: It depends on your heating system. If you are unsure, email us pictures of your fuse box and we will help you!
- Electric radiators – These come in different versions:
1-phase radiators (230 V) – You have one single fuse for each radiator or group of radiators. Check the number of fuses in your fuse box.
2-phase radiators (380 – 400 V) – You have two fuses connected to the radiators and for perfect monitoring and control you need two Tempiro Smart Fuses for each group of radiators. It is common practice that three fuses are connected to a larger group of radiators – then you need three Smart Fuses.
- Electric heat boiler (hydronic heating system) – You normally need three fuses as this is a three-phase device.
- Heat pumps – Smaller heat pumps are connected to a single fuse while more powerful units are connected to three fuses. Check your fuse box to be sure.
Q: What type of electric heating can I control with Tempiro’s solution? A: Basically, any type of electric heating can be turned on and off through the fuses. Radiators, convectors, floor heating, infrared heating panels, convector heating and underfloor heating can be perfectly controlled through our app! For air sourced heat pumps, you need to be sure the heat pump can automatically be turned on again after a power cut. We currently do not recommend Tempiro temperature control for ground sourced and hydronic heat pumps. However you can use the Tempiro Smart Fuse to monitor how much electricity these devices use and to remotely turn them on and off – just make sure that the heat pump turns back on after a power cut.
Q: Besides heating, which other equipment can I control and monitor using Tempiro Smart Fuse? A: Tempiro offers special features for controlling heating but you can use Tempiro Smart Fuse to control any kind of equipment such as kitchen appliances, lights, ventilation, electric boilers, among many others. You can also cut power to a selected phase remotely, allowing you to e.g. switch off all appliances connected to that phase.
Q: What kind of monitoring do I get with Tempiro? A:The smart fuses will monitor electricity usage and how much electricity is currently going through your fuses. Visualizing this information will help you to better control your energy use, which will allow your to reduce your electricity cost! If a fuse is tripped and power disappears, our app will notify you. This will help you take suitable action to safeguard heating and potentially avoiding expensive damages. Our temperature sensor will monitor the temperature in your house and alert you if it drops below desired level, also protecting the well-being of your house.
Q: How much can I reduce my heating costs? A:Just by scheduling your temperature in order to keep the temperature low when you are not at home or while you are sleeping, you can save 10% of your heating costs. Tempiro will also incorporate further smart heating features in the Tempiro App which will enable you to heat your house when the price of electricity is lower (depending on your country of residence and electricity contract). This can further reduce your bill by 10 – 20%.
Q: Can I use the Tempiro solution at my home or holiday house even though there is no Internet connection available there? A: Yes, you can! We offer a 3G USB modem for our gateway as an option. It costs €35 extra. Then you also need a 3G subscription, which you can either purchase yourself or you can get from us for only €5/month (Scandinavia only).
Q: What happens if the power or the internet connection goes out? A: The gateway will keep operating with the last settings received, set temperature will be held. But obviously remote control will cease to work if the connection is lost.
Q: What type of fuses can I control and monitor? A: The Tempiro Smart Fuse fits the D-type DII (Diazed) fuses. This means it fits the fuse displayed in the picture below. It fits all fuses of this sort rated up to 25 A, but our device is rated for max 16 A so do not install it on 20 A or 25 A fuses unless you are sure your peak load is max 16 A.
Q: I only have circuit breakers in my fuse box, can I still use Tempiro’s solution? A: If your fuse box (consumer unit) only contain miniature circuit breaker, you cannot install Tempiro’s Smart Fuse there (see picture below). In e.g. Sweden and Finland the three main fuses of the house are still of Diazed type.
Q: In which countries can I control my fuses with Tempiro? A: We know that our smart fuses work in the following country: Sweden, Norway, Finland, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo, Macedonia, Albania, Austria, Switzerland, Germany, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria. They would work as long as you still have the old standard ceramic diazed fuses descripted above. It might be possible that they also work in other countries that have not being mentioned before. In Denmark a smaller fuse version called Neozed (D0) is used. We do not support this version yet. If you are unsure if Tempiro will work for you, take a picture of your fuse box (consumer unit) and email it to We’d love to help you! Of course we will reimburse your order if it turns out that Tempiro doesn’t work with the type of fuses you have at home.
Q: I live in the USA, UK or France. Can I control my fuses with Tempiro? A: Unfortunately, the Tempiro Smart Fuse is not compatible with the type of fuses used in those countries. But you can still support us by purchasing other perks such as the Zigbee Smoke Detector!
Q: What range does Tempiro wireless communication offer? A: The Tempiro solution is completely wireless, enabling a quick and easy installation. The standard range of the radio we are using is 20 meters indoors. Nevertheless this depends on the type of construction: reinforced concrete limits the range while a house made of wood and plaster offer longer range. We suggest that the gateway is placed close to the fuse box, keeping the temperature sensor within 10 – 20 meters from the gateway.
Q: Do I need to replace my existing fuse box in order to install Tempiro? A: Tempiro fits into your existing fuse box as long as you have a traditional fuse box of Central European and Scandinavian type ( the so-called diazed fuse box type DII). These are common in houses built until the 90’s. If you live in this part of the world and have a fuse box where you replace tripped fuses, it is a fit!
Q: Do I need an electrical installation to set up Tempiro? A:Tempiro is easy to install by yourself, as easy as changing a fuse. No need for an electrician.
Q: Will Tempiro support all versions of Android and iOS devices? And what about Windows Phone? A:Tempiro will support all current versions of iOS and common Android versions. We are currently not launching any app for Windows Phone.
Q: Can I use multiple phones with Tempiro? A:You can download our app to any number of phones without any cost. You use the same account on every phone connected to the same system.
Q: With which home automation systems is Tempiro compatible? A:If you like to just purchase just the Tempiro Smart Fuse you can use it with any smart home gateway that supports Zigbee Homeautomation HA 1.2 e.g. Samsung SmartThings. The Smart Fuse will appear as a Zigbee Smart Plug to your home automation system.
Q: How will you know where to ship my perk? A:We will send a survey to all backers once our initial funding period on Indiegogo has officially ended requesting all necessary information for shipping your perks to you.
Q: Where do you deliver and what are the shipping costs? A: Since our product can only be used in Europe, this is where we will deliver. Shipping cost will be between €10–30 depending on package and your location. Shipment does not include extra fees from customs or additional costs associated with your country.
Q: When is the soonest I can get Tempiro delivered? A: Estimated shipping dates for the device begin in January 2018.
Looking for more information?Check the project
Be one of the first to get Tempiro! Starter Kit Large with 6 fuses and 1 thermostat, for controlling 6 devices or several heat units. Limited offer! 3G connection is available as optional for 5 €/month (Scandinavia only)
Included Items
Tempiro Smart Fuse
Tempiro Smart Thermostat
Tempiro Smart Gateway
Estimated Shipping
December 2018
0 out of 50 of claimed
Ships to European Union, Sweden
IGG Deal: Smart Smoke Detector
$21 USD
$65 USD(67% off)
€19 EUR
Feel safe in case of fire when you are away from home. Our supplier supports Tempiro by offering this exclusive deal for a Smart Smoke Detector. It can be connected to a Tempiro gateway or any other Zigbee HA 1.2 gateway!
Included Items
Smart Smoke Detector
Estimated Shipping
January 2018
1 out of 100 of claimed
Ships to European Union, Sweden, United States of America
Smart Thermostat
$38 USD
$43 USD(10% off)
€35 EUR
Want to control heating individually per room? Add another Tempiro Smart Thermostat to your system! Adding it to your Tempiro Kit will allow you to select which thermostat that controls which fuses. If you already have another Zigbee HA Gateway you can use this device as a temperature sensor for Zigbee HA 1.2.
Included Items
Tempiro Smart Thermostat
Estimated Shipping
December 2018
0 out of 100 of claimed
Ships to European Union, Sweden
Tempiro Smart Fuse
$55 USD
$60 USD(9% off)
€50 EUR
Need extra fuses for your Tempiro Kit? Or want to use the Tempiro Smart Fuse with your existing smart home system to take control of your fuses? Compatible with any Smart Home Gateway that supports Zigbee HA 1.2.
Included Items
Tempiro Smart Fuse
Estimated Shipping
December 2018
0 out of 200 of claimed
Ships to European Union, Sweden
Tempiro Kit S
$218 USD
$240 USD(9% off)
€199 EUR
Be one of the first to get Tempiro! Starter Kit with one fuse and thermostat, for controlling one single phase device. 3G connection is available for 5 €/month (Scandinavia only)
Included Items
Tempiro Smart Fuse
Tempiro Smart Thermostat
Tempiro Smart Gateway
Estimated Shipping
December 2018
0 out of 50 of claimed
Ships to European Union, Sweden
Tempiro Kit M
$312 USD
$349 USD(10% off)
€285 EUR
Be one of the first to get Tempiro! Starter Kit Medium with 3 fuses and 1 thermostat, for controlling three devices or several heat units. 3G connection is available as optional for 5 €/month (Scandinavia only)