The Temple of Growth Advancement (TOGA) is a local interfaith temple serving Reno and Northern Nevada since 2006. The temple supports all religious and spiritual paths, provides classes, personal counseling, and most importantly supports personal growth and healing. Our temple leaders, Misty Reiknights and Scott Reimers, are dedicated to helping you understand and explore your own spiritual path, your own ancestry, and help you find tools to make your life richer and happier.
We are working to become a recognized non-profit religious organization so that we can expand our efforts to support our members and our community through outreach and education programs.
My name is Stephanie and I have been attending the temple for almost six years. I would like to tell you about what our temple has done to help the members and the outlying community, and share our vision for what we would like to build. I met Misty when we were both working for a company that takes care of the mentally handicapped.
She invited me into her home for a ritual. At that time, these rituals were held in her and her husband Scott’s home, a double wide that was always filled with people every Thursday. Though some people brought snacks and side dishes, Misty made the majority of the meals for the people who gathered in her home. There was never a lack for warmth or welcome in her home, it was always flowing freely.
In 2013, Scott and Misty opened a new temple to serve their growing community and a store to supply magical and spiritual tools to the community at large. The shop and temple are currently located at 1004 and 1006 Wells Avenue. Since the store and temple opened their doors, Misty and Scott have worked tirelessly and selflessly to support the personal growth and healing of any person who walks through the door - all without judgement, preaching, or attempts at conversion. Because that's not what TOGA is about. It's not about converting you to our path, it's about helping you define and understand your path, be it Wiccan, Christian, Jewish, Pagan, or undefined.
I would not be the woman I am today without Misty and Scott’s help. At the time I met them I was in a not so healthy relationship that was affecting my mental health. I didn’t realize that I was continuing a pattern that I had learned in childhood. Misty helped me to see that and then she helped give me the tools to become the strong, confident and compassionate woman that I am today. They provided the tools to help me and many others get their lives together and headed on our own individual paths.
None of this would be possible without the sacrifices and selfless service provided by Misty and Scott. They give of themselves constantly, their time, their home, their food, their generosity, etc. Misty is an ordained reverend and a counselor with over 30 years of experience. She offers counseling all week long. She typically charges only $20 per hour, a fraction of what a therapist would. She will work with you for as long as you work with her, and she has never turned anyone away because they were not able to pay. Scott is an experienced priest and author, and he teaches classes throughout the week. Like Misty, he often works for free. Both of them dream of expanding their efforts and serving the community through education programs for youth and adults, outreach and support programs for the homeless, and pagan spiritual services, but they can't do it with only their own resources. By supporting the Temple, you not only support the health of spiritual people in the community, you also support a very special family, who have sacrificed for years to serve others. We hope you will consider making a donation to help TOGA become a non-profit, and gain recognition for doing the work it has done for many years.
Also, we have a fundraiser coming up in October, and please come by and visit us and see what we're all about!