A bit about me
As you will see I am not the best photographer but I am a huge fan of 6mm and 10mm gaming, having been playing war games for well over two decades.. I love the huge scale battles that this miniature size allows you to fight over but I have found that the one thing that is often lacking from these monumental conflicts is the terrain to really make it feel as epic as my vision of the background.
I always enjoyed modelling projects but terrain of the scale I had envisioned often eluded me as it requires such accurate replication. However, when I began to learn digital 3D modelling I realised this was how I could bring my ideas to life. After a year of different smaller projects I eventually began work on my first set of truly epic terrain!
The Project
This campaign is to put my resin City Wall project out into the world and help me to:
- Judge interest in terrain on this scale to decide if it is worth setting up an online store.
- Allow me to gain some money back from the 3D printing of the City Wall originals (I don't expect to get the entire cost of everything I have spend but I have learnt a lot from the project and that in its self has been great for me).
- Any money recouped from the project will allow me to fund future projects so that they can come to a crowd funder in a well developed state (as this one is) with the printing done and the moulds made.
So why should you back the project?
- First and foremost it allows you to get some awesome terrain cheaper than it will be sold if I can set up an online store.
- For a crowd funding campaign the project is quite far along so there are very few risks; the moulds are already made and have been used to cast the test set you can see pictures.
- Because of the point above this will be flexible, meaning that you will get the perks you pay for even if we don't hit the target (basically the amount for the first stretch goal).
- You can customise what you want if we reach the first stretch goal, adding extra walls, changing the bastions out for the taller ones, having more than one gate, etc. It is unlikely I will be able to offer this even if I can set up a shop.
- Even if I don't set up a shop as a campaign backer you will be able to contact me to add to your walls.
Its about time to show off some pictures I think! Below is the 3D sculpting of the walls. I think it shows off the details nicely (also as I have mentioned my photography isn't the best).
The above shows one "set" of the City Walls. It is modular so can be put together with the straight sections by the gate should you wish, or one corner but the gate and one straight section or with the gate over to one side. Whatever the scenario you are playing demands.
In terms of size the City Wall set measures just over 3 foot in length. The platform at the back is 4 inches high and wide enough for three 20mm infantry stands to be placed side by side along the straight or corner sections and the gate towers are a massive 11 inches high (well just over actually).
Now onto some pictures of the real deal!
In the pictures above, the doors have been modeled closed. If we reach the £1000 you will be able to buy extra sections as well as extra doors so you can have one set open and one set closed should you want to.
So not as to take up too much space with pictures and have some text get lost at the bottom of the page for the other pictures, with some 6mm models so you can get a better idea of the scale, just scroll down.
Where is my money going?
The obvious aside (mould making and resin) by far and away the biggest cost for this project is the actual 3D printing of the pieces. Anyone who has who has done this themselves will have already guessed this from the size of the City Walls but I wanted to give everyone a clear idea that the majority of the money is going towards getting some of the cost of this.
Risks & Challenges
Possibly the only risk for you has to be that I have not run a crowd funding campaign before and I can understand that as a concern. However, I have done everything I can to make this as risk free as possible. How I hear you ask.
- I am using a caster called Sebitar Workshop (https://www.facebook.com/sebitarworkshop) ... has taken part in crowd funding campaigns before and he has reliably helped to bring those campaigns to realisation with some great feedback from the backers. Having received some of his products and the test casts I can attest to how good quality they are.
- The most time consuming aspects (3D printing and mold making) have already been completed. In fact the pictures you have seen are of the first casting that have been painted up.
I want to mention (again) is that the postage is not included in the prices above. I have done this to allow for orders from other countries as easily and so that if people purchase multiple perks (like when the stretch goals are added) the postage will work out as cheap as possible.
But as uncertainty can be a concern for the majority of us I thought I should give an idea of what to expect. A completed set of the City Walls is approximately 2kg and is being sent from central Europe. This should give you an idea of how much postage is likely to cost, but as an estimate to Europe I expect the insured postage for a single City Wall set to be approximately £20 due to the size and weight of the package.
Standard Resin Warning
The City Wall set is made from resin. As is typical with resin products the models will need to be washed in warm soapy water before they are painted. There is also a chance of some small air bubbled that will need to be fixed with a modelling putty such as Greenstuff. Finally some of the finer parts can break in transit despite all effort being taken to package them thoroughly, these can be easily fixed with superglue.
The model comes unpainted and requires some assembly.
How can I help get this funded?
Understandably this isn't going to be for everyone or affordable for every individual with a gaming table but you may want to see what I bring out in the future (smaller bunkers are planned as well as a range of buildings. So what can you do in this case? Well, this is my first crowd funding project and not being an expert in publicity any you can give will always be massively appreciated. So please spread this campaign far and wide and share it with anyone you feel may be interested.
More Shiny Pictures
(apologies again for my mediocre camera skills)
As the Ork hoards continue their assault on the city the cowardly Imperial commander attempts his escape as the dual suns begin to set. His breakout is spearheaded by the cities finest defenders and equipment leaving far too few to protect the remaining civilians. Attempting to plug the gap in the defences and the gate that the commander orders opened the brave Emperors finest take up vigil on the wall and form a barrier in front of it while the gate is closed.
Yep, that's a gate wide enough for a Baneblade to comfortably fit through or two tanks side by side with room to spare.
The walls are designed so that 6mm infantry on standard bases can fire through the gap, offering them the best protection possible.
Stretch Goals
Funding reaches £1,000 - REACHED - Postage will be combined on your perks even though you have to buy them perk at a time. Postage will be paid after the campaign as explained above.
Individual components will be added to the perks list allowing you to buy individual parts of the set. It will still work out cheaper to buy a full set if you want to have the standard wall system.
The photos below show each of the individual components:
Straight Wall Section
Corner Wall Section
A quick note that each of these is a 45 degree turn. So obviously two (with a bastion between should you choose to) makes up a full 90 degree turn.
Gate Wall Section
Small Bastion Section
Tall Bastion Section
Bastion "Pointed Roof"
Funding reaches £1,500 - REACHED
Here is a pictures of the Forward Bunker. As you can see it is very much designed to match the bunkers on top of the Bastions.
The 3D printed is completed and it is being sent off this weekend to the caster to begin pre-production (basically getting the mould made).
But remember! Each full set already purchased gives you one for free! (S if you have gone for the double perk you of course get two!)
Funding reaches £2,000 - REACHED
Gun mounts added to the perk list so you can add some AA defences to your City Walls. These fit onto the smaller Bastion roofs or the Forward Bunkers.
Just waiting on a quote from the guy doing the casting and this will be up (shapeways have been a bit slow getting this sent off to me).
Funding reaches £2,500 - REACHED
Straight and Corner Breached Wall Sections now allow you to show damage during campaigns or scenarios. Just be sure there are enough big guns to do the damage!
The pictures below show the original sculpts, as you can see they have detail of the internal walkway that has the firing point on the straight wall section or allows soldiers to move along the system immune to attack.
Breached Straight Wall Section
Breached Corner Wall Section
Funding reaches £3,000 - REACHED
An "inside" corner will be added as a perk, adding even more options to how you can construct your fortifications.
A quick note that each of these is a 45 degree turn. So obviously two (with a bastion between should you choose to) makes up a full 90 degree turn.
Funding reaches £3,500 - REACHED - Damaged Bastion
Thanks for everyone's support! I really wasn't expecting to get to this point. The last goal would be a damaged bastion (top section destroyed to show the inside stairwell and connecting corridor).
IMPORTANT: This goal will take more time to reach you as it has not yet been fully designed and will need additional sculpting work. For this reason it would not be able to be sent out until after Christmas. If this goal is reached you will need to get this part POSTED SEPERATLY.