We are ready to help you right now!
When was the last time you did something for yourself or someone you care about? Get a hair mineral analysis test! The hair test will provide information on ways to improve your vitality and energy levels. The spin-off effects of your improved health will make you a more enjoyable person to be around, your increased energy will make you more productive, and simple health solutions and suggestions from our experienced practitioners will allow your body to begin to heal itself.
Let's say your test comes back showing high levels of mercury. The practitioners will ask you if you consume large quantities of fish. If you answer yes, a simple suggestion of eating less fish or smaller species that have had less time to accumulate mercury will be made. If your test comes back high in aluminum, the practitioners will ask if you regularly consume tap water or use antiperspirants that may be contributing to your high aluminum levels. If this is the case, alternative practical suggestions will be made. If your test reveals low calcium then a tendency exists towards osteoporosis, bone fractures, dental cavities, muscle cramps, etc. If your test reveals an elevated calcium level, a strong tendency exists for arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries due to calcium plaques). Recommendations will be made for balancing calcium levels to normal based on the rest of the test results.
Individual mineral levels and heavy metal toxicities need to be viewed in the context of the entire hair test before specific recommendations will be made as the body works as a system rather than in individual parts. The hair mineral analysis allows a qualified practitioner to see the entire picture of what is going on with your health. The medical science behind the hair analysis test enables practitioners to make life changing recommendations to balance your body.
Objectives of our campaign:
1. To promote awareness of hair mineral analysis, the sensible and scientific method of analyzing your health.
Our team has been using this evidence based method of health assessment for over thirty years. It is time to bring this scientific process mainstream.
What if you spent the next twenty years trying to find out what is wrong with you only to discover that the well water you drank as a child contained lead?
Imagine the lead stored in your body causing you to have symptoms such as: abnormal brain function, insomnia, depression, chronic constipation, diabetes, cancer, hypothyroidism. Now imagine receiving all types of medication to combat your problems and not ever dealing with the root cause of the issue, which is the lead poisoning.
You want to be armed with all of the information you can possibly have to improve your health. A simple hair test will provide you with very different information than a blood or urine test.
The first step to get out of the downward spiral is to see if there are any obvious imbalances in your body chemistry which will be shown on your hair analysis test results. We will review your test results with you and make recommendations to bring your body back into balance so it can begin to heal itself.
Test Your Hair offers a healing protocol that will change your understanding regarding product and food choices, eating habits, drinking water, exercise, rest, weight balancing, and overall lifestyle.
2. Never before have we been exposed to such high levels of stress and chemicals in our foods and environment. We need to give Dr Lawrence Wilson the opportunity to update the out of print book Energy with current information so people are given the tools on how to increase energy and regain vitality. (The book Energy is based on an interview with Dr Paul Eck, the pioneer of hair analysis.)
Many people today are burned out, stressed, more easily irritated, and fatigued, leading to deteriorating health. Dr Lawrence Wilson has spent the last thirty years fine tuning the process of using hair analysis to pinpoint stress patterns and toxicities that cause fatigue and burnout. We are working with Dr Wilson on Energy II, an easy-to-read guide that will help you increase your vitality and maintain your energy levels. A must read for anyone struggling with low energy and looking for answers.
Help us help others.....
By telling your friends and family that Test Your Hair is an accurate and proven way of assessing stress patterns and toxic metals in the body. For example, iron toxicity can contribute to symptoms such as arthritis, high blood pressure, tension headaches, and dizziness. Frontal headaches, PMS, menstrual problems, insomnia, digestive disorders, emotional sensitivity can all be associated with copper toxicity.
Encourage everyone you know to take advantage of this opportunity to use hair mineral analysis to discover the possible underlying reasons why they are not experiencing optimal health.
These diagrams illustrate the benefits and effects of actually knowing what is happening in your body from testing your hair. 'A Healthier You' shows how your health can be improved based on recommendations made from correctly interpreting the test results. Information provided by Test Your Hair's Hair Mineral Analysis tells the story of people's lifestyles, environments, and biochemical individuality.