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Textbook - Student Short Film

Experimental short film. An easily-distracted student suffers psychedelic visions while studying.

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Textbook - Student Short Film

Textbook - Student Short Film

Textbook - Student Short Film

Textbook - Student Short Film

Textbook - Student Short Film

Experimental short film. An easily-distracted student suffers psychedelic visions while studying.

Experimental short film. An easily-distracted student suffers psychedelic visions while studying.

Experimental short film. An easily-distracted student suffers psychedelic visions while studying.

Experimental short film. An easily-distracted student suffers psychedelic visions while studying.

Ansley Hamilton
Ansley Hamilton
Ansley Hamilton
Ansley Hamilton
1 Campaign |
Statesboro, United States
$1,060 USD 9 backers
42% of $2,500 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Choose your Perk

Social Media Thank You!

$10 USD
0 claimed

Special Thanks!

$20 USD
Est. Shipping
May 2024
1 claimed

Early Access + Special Thanks

$50 USD
2 claimed

Big Supporter

$100 USD
Est. Shipping
July 2024
3 claimed

Executive Producer

$200 USD
Est. Shipping
June 2024
0 claimed

Executive Producer +

$300 USD
Est. Shipping
June 2024
1 claimed

Short Summary

The collaborative force behind our experimental film is made up of five senior-year film majors from Georgia Southern University.  We are creating this film as part of a class that supervises us running our own film production and create an entire short film!

The film style itself is inspired by elements of traditional sitcom TV, expressionist film, and social media sketch comedy. Our story, written by Ansley Hamilton, conveys the modern day academic struggles of Andi, a well-intentioned goofball who can’t help but get in her own way through attempting to ‘get ahead’ of herself.

She arrives home, exhausted from the day. As she goes about settling back into her comfort area, external reminders and sources of anxiety creep in. She tries to complete a textbook reading, but her mind struggles to swallow the unwanted activity. With every new attempt to complete the assignment “correctly”, there is a new, seemingly unavoidable distraction. As her time runs out, so does the intrusive power of her perception, and the reading seems impossible.

The interactions between her and her roommate, Jill, who is confident and creative, but conflict-averse, swing from helpful to hurtful and back as the young women go about their respective methods of self-regulation, or lack thereof. They develop a shared sense of not belonging and find solace in each other’s peculiar but refreshing personalities. Jill reminds Andi that she cannot be defined by a metric that she does not believe in.

What We Need & What You Get

  • Beyond offering support through guidance and basic equipment, Georgia Southern University requires that students run their own independent fundraising campaigns. This is in order to experience the real-life process of what it takes to make a film successful and equitable for all those involved.
  • The sum we have calculated will go towards location rentals, set dressing and props, including special equipment for the practical effects that make the film theatrical.
  • Fundraising is also essential for properly compensating those involved behind the scenes, catering and craft services to feed actors and crew members. We are appreciative toward anything you are willing to give.

Here are some of the cool perks available as a thank you!

  • T-shirts/stickers/posters
  • Name in the credits
  • Early access
  • Directors cut
  • Behind-the-scenes videos
  • Soundtrack/score release
  • Signed copy of t-shirt, script, or poster
  • Still images and deleted scenes

The Impact

More about our campaign and  the difference your contribution will make:

  • Contributions make it possible for us to submit to festivals! We are eager to see how this style of film can perform in the student film category of a wide variety of film festivals and competitions, your donations could be what helps get 'Textbook' attention and accolades!
  • This project is designed to showcase the creative and technological skills we have sharpened over our years of practice. We believe that depictions of mental illness in media can be misleading, if not false altogether. This is our attempt to put the audience into the headspace of a hyper-sensitive individual and the unique senses of pressure associated with the pitfalls of neurodivergent students.
  • Our crowdsourcing is to fuel the creative forces of up-and-coming film makers, as we embark on our biggest project yet, you're support not only guarantees an opportunity to rise to our full potential as capable film makers, but that you will receive a quality piece of entertainment.

Risks & Challenges

Scheduling for the production with all those involved is a hurdle to overcome since this is a student senior project that aims to balance a wide range of schedules. All those involved have a responsibility to be transparent with schedule changes and plan accordingly so that production may continue unhindered.

We have a wide enough production window to plan for reshoots and adjust for last-minute set demands while making sure we stay on track to give the editor ample time to work with the footage and review the special effects. 

The special and practical effect in both the filming and the editing of the film will take unconventional resources and demands of time. We are taking all precautions necessary to assure that practical effects done in the film will be safe.

Members of the crew are practiced in directing, writing, producing, designing, and cinematography. The director is instructed in acting/directing techniques and has a background in musical theatre and black box styles of live performance.

Other Ways You Can Help

If you can't donate, we appreciate any way you can spread the word, send links, repost social media updates, and get others interested in the film and its success!

Get updates on the production by following @textbookfilm on social media and use the Indiegogo share tools!

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