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The 2016 Sync Summit Project: Boise & Olympia

Ticket Pre-Sale & fundraiser for two events in 2016: Boise Spring Sync & the Olympia Sync Summit.


The 2016 Sync Summit Project: Boise & Olympia

The 2016 Sync Summit Project: Boise & Olympia

The 2016 Sync Summit Project: Boise & Olympia

The 2016 Sync Summit Project: Boise & Olympia

The 2016 Sync Summit Project: Boise & Olympia

Ticket Pre-Sale & fundraiser for two events in 2016: Boise Spring Sync & the Olympia Sync Summit.

Ticket Pre-Sale & fundraiser for two events in 2016: Boise Spring Sync & the Olympia Sync Summit.

Ticket Pre-Sale & fundraiser for two events in 2016: Boise Spring Sync & the Olympia Sync Summit.

Ticket Pre-Sale & fundraiser for two events in 2016: Boise Spring Sync & the Olympia Sync Summit.

Andras Jones
Andras Jones
Andras Jones
Andras Jones
4 Campaigns |
Olympia, United States
$3,311 USD 32 backers
33% of $10,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 4 Projects Mountain Filled 4 Projects

In August of 2014 Sync Book Press held our first major Sync Summit in Olympia, Washington. The event was a great success and featured talks and presentations from Sync Book authors, broadcasters and sync filmmakers, including a Radio8Ball Show with Mark Hosler of Negativland, a walking tour of The Kabbalistic Tree of Olympia, a Skype appearance from Rodney Ascher (Room 237), and a constant flow of sync that is documented at

Now in January of 2016 Sync Book Press is releasing all the footage from the 2014 event AND launching a new season of Sync activities that includes an exclusive Spring Sync event in Boise, Idaho in March and the next Oly Sync Summit in August.


The Boise Spring Sync (March 23rd-27th)  will be an opportunity to spend an intimate weekend with fellow explorers of synchronicity in a relaxed environment during Boise's Treefort Music Festival. Sort of like  our version of 'The Real World, Boise edition.' We are renting a house in downtown Boise with plans for some guerrilla sync experiments at the Treefort Music Fest as well as exploring what kind of media and artwork we can create together over the four nights and five days of our retreat.

The Olympia Sync Summit (August 18th-21st) will once again feature a Radio8Ball Show, as well as a full moon Tree Walk. In lieu of traditional presentations, the weekend will focus on screenings of new material and moderated discussions of a wide range of Sync topics. We have some ideas about topics we'd like to cover and we are also very interested in what's on the mind of our participants so please include your suggestion with your contributions.
The scope of the events we plan will be dependent upon the response to this campaign so if you want it to be something special we need you to get your tickets early and spread the word to your fellow sync enthusiasts.

A Sync Summit Documentary is just begging to be made. We captured some of the most incredible minds in some of the most sync saturated moments. Our camera crews were everywhere (as the videos we've released so far, as well as all the remaining videos we will be releasing for the full month of January, documented so well). Yet we are still sitting on a lot of excellent HD footage - which means a sync film crew doesn't have to worry about copyright issues for maybe the first time ever. If we meet our full goal, we'll pay to have the footage color corrected and have the audio mastered and will produce a completed documentary of the 2014 Sync Summit. If funded, this would premiere in Olympia this August and everyone who donated at the $42 mark or above will get a digital download of the film.


This indiegogo is, for the most part, a ticket pre-sale. Most of the perks for this campaign cover the cost of admission to the events, and your lodging, which in Olympia includes breakfast at Fertile Ground.
But a number of you (particularly those who live in far away countries) have told us that we should make items such as T-Shirts that you could buy to support our event. You've spoken and we've listened.

We've made T-Shirts and autographed posters available as perks to our campaign as well as E-books and hey, if you've only got a small amount, we'll still shout you out on upcoming episodes of the Sync Book Radio programs "42 Minutes" and "Always Record."

Ultimately, the biggest perk of all is getting to spend time with friends and community members. The same is true of our end of the deal; we don't have a profit motive here as the money goes right back into production costs. Yet we feel the time and effort is totally worth it to make these events happen and have everyone together. We'll try and raise the money and put in the hard work to throw a great sync party, but it's up to you to join us and participate. We truly can't wait to see you there!

Looking for more information? Check the project FAQ
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Choose your Perk

Sync Shout Out

$5 USD
Your name will be thanked and praised on Sync Book Radio in a future episode of either 42 Minutes or Always Record. Please pick one in the comments of your contribution.
Estimated Shipping
March 2016
1 claimed

Poster and shout out

$12 USD
You get a copy of the poster for the 2016 Olympia Sync Summit mailed to you AND a shout out on Sync Book Radio's 42 Minutes or Always Record (your choice).
Estimated Shipping
May 2016
1 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Sync Book Media Pak

$23 USD
At this level you receive a digital collection of Sync Book titles including The Sync Book, Accidental Initiations, Winter's Labyrinth, All The Happy Creatures, Astro Musik, AND a shout out on Sync Book Radio's 42 Minutes or Always Record (your choice).
Estimated Shipping
March 2016
3 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Signed Poster

$33 USD
You get a print of the poster for the 2016 Olympia Sync Summit signed by most (if not all) presenters at the event AND a shout out on 42 Minutes or Always Record (your choice).
1 claimed

Sync Book T-Shirt

$42 USD
You've asked for them, we're making them. Please specify shirt size in your order. . . . This level also begins eligibility for a copy of the Sync Summit documentary if full goal is reached.
Estimated Shipping
May 2016
4 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Olympia Sync Summit

$64 USD
This is your ticket to The Olympia Sync Summit featuring a full moon Tree Walk (8/18), a Radio8Ball Show (8/19), Sync Films & Forums (8/20) and all the festivities at Fertile Ground.
Estimated Shipping
August 2016
4 out of 25 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Oly Bunkhouse Perk

$350 USD
Along with your ticket to the 2016 Olympia Sync Summit this includes 3 nights of bunkhouse accommodations at The Ground Inn, as well as breakfast Friday thru Sunday at Fertile Ground. You also get the Sync Book Media Pak.
Estimated Shipping
August 2016
2 out of 14 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Private Room Oly:FertileGround

$600 USD
Olympia: two tickets, one room. This perk is ideal for couples and includes TWO Oly Sync Summit tickets as well as beautiful private accommodations at Fertile Ground Guesthouse and breakfast Friday thru Sunday AND the Sync Book Media Perk.
Estimated Shipping
August 2016
0 out of 2 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

R8B Questioneer

$1,500 USD
At this level you (or someone you know) gets to ask a question at the filmed Radio8Ball Show at The Olympia Sync Summit 2016.
Estimated Shipping
August 2016
0 out of 1 of claimed

Sync Producer

$5,000 USD
At this level you get the satisfaction of knowing you made it happen, and a name credit on all Olympia Sync Summit 2016 materials
Estimated Shipping
August 2016
0 out of 2 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
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