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The 4 crown project

Creating 4 high quality replica crowns with your help.

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The 4 crown project

The 4 crown project

The 4 crown project

The 4 crown project

The 4 crown project

Creating 4 high quality replica crowns with your help.

Creating 4 high quality replica crowns with your help.

Creating 4 high quality replica crowns with your help.

Creating 4 high quality replica crowns with your help.

Marthijn B.
Marthijn B.
Marthijn B.
Marthijn B.
3 Campaigns |
Noord Brabant, Netherlands
$104 USD $104 USD 2 backers
0% of $20,757 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 3 Projects Mountain Filled 3 Projects

The project

The 4 crown project is a special project for me. I was thinking already longer to start this project. And now I start the project. Around the world there are not many good quality replica crowns. And especially not crowns you can rent! The original crowns are of course not to rent for anybody. The Dutch crown is normal locked up. And the three English crowns don’t leave the Tower of London. With this project I can make many dreams come true!

How will it be if you have a special party and you have this four amazing crowns on your party! Everyone will be jealous on you. How does he/she come to this 4 amazing crowns! You can’t even see by yourself the difference between the original or the replica. This is just one example where you can hire the crowns for! There are many other examples.

Before I could start the project I was searching what for kind of materials I want to use. And what is possible. I get advice from different silversmith’s. And they gived me good advice. After the advice I start searching on the internet for the materials. Is it possible how I want to make the crowns? And now I finished that part of the research. And yes it’s possible!

After the research I need a company that could help me with my project. On the start it wasn’t easy to find a company. But on 30-04-2013 we get in the Netherlands a new King. And they talked a lot about the crown and the company that made the crown for King Willem II. So I contact that company and they replied me they want to help me with this interesting project. The company name is: Bonebakker (based in Amsterdam They made in 1840 the original crown from King Willem II.

The official draw of the crown for King Willem II in 1840.

The official draw of the crown for King Willem II in 1840 made by Bonebakker.


So now I know what for kind of materials I want to use. And I found a company that can help me. So I can start with my project! I made this page on Indiegogo to start my project. Of course I hope you all will support me to finish this great project and I can make the four high quality crowns.


The Company

After this four crowns are made what I want to do with the four crowns? After this crowns are made I want to start my own business in it. At the start I want to exhibite the crowns for a short time on different locations. After the exhibite people can rent the crowns from me. And I want to exhibite them on special events. When the crowns not be rented they will be showed in glasses showcases. There will also become a site where I will put all the information on when the crowns are made. People can see there all the rent information and what for special events I want to do. Will there be a market for renting the crowns? Yes there is! I researched a long time if there is a market for renting. I saw a lot of people that searched for crowns like this but they can’t find good quality crowns for renting.


The crowns

To make this crowns is an very expensive job. The crowns will be made with the best quality materials there are. When we reached the first goal we will start with the first crown.

Goal 1: The Dutch crown

The Dutch crown will be made with copper. On the copper we will put a chromium layer. And that will be gold-plated. For the glass stones in the original crown we will use synthetic stones. We use the synthetic stones to make the perfect look. For the pearls we use high quality imitation pearls. We do that because real pears are too expensive for it. We use this materials because this are the best materials to make the high quality replica crowns.

Goal 2: The Queen Mother’s crown

The Queen Mother’s crown will be made with copper. On the copper we will put a chromium layer. And that will be platinum-plated. For the diamonds in the original crown we will use synthetic stones. We use the synthetic stones too make the perfect look. For the ermine band we use imitation ermine. Because that’s more animal friendly. We use this materials because this are the best materials to make the high quality replica crowns.

Goal 3: St. Edward’s crown

The St. Edward’s crown will be made with copper. On the copper we will put a chromium layer. And that will be gold-plated. For the gems and diamonds in the original crown we will use synthetic stones. We use the synthetic stones to make the perfect look.  For the golden beads in the original crown we use gold-plated beads. We use the golden-plated beads too make the perfect look. For the ermine band we use imitation ermine. Because that’s more animal friendly. (In this crown they used also a bit platinum we will use that also to make it perfect.) We use this materials because this are the best materials to make the high quality replica crowns.

Goal 4: The Imperial State crown

The Imperial State crown will be made with copper. On the copper we will put a chromium layer. And that will be platinum-plated.  For the gems and diamonds in the original crown we will use synthetic stones. We use the synthetic stones to make the perfect look.  For the pearls we use high quality imitation pearls. We do that because real pears are too expensive for it. . For the ermine band we use imitation ermine. Because that’s more animal friendly. (In this crown they used also a bit gold & silver we will use that also to make it perfect.) We use this materials because this are the best materials to make the high quality replica crowns.


I need your help

Without your help I can’t make the high quality replica crowns. This means:

  • I can’t make my dream project come true.
  • I can’t make the crowns.
  • I can’t start my own business.
  • Other people can’t have pleasure from the good looking crowns.

By backing me now, you will help me to make my dream project come true! And more special I will be the first person that can let you rent the Dutch crown! I will go to special events to show people the great look of the special crowns! So you will not only helping me but you give also a big pleasure to a lot of people.


Where will your funding go?

All the donations goes straight to the crowns. We need all the money for:

  • The materials – We need a lot of materials for every crown so that will already be very expensive.
  • The silversmith – He make the crowns for me. I can’t make the crowns on my own.
  • Indiegogo fee – We need to pay a small fee to Indiegogo.


Use of funds

To make the dream project come true I need your help. I made an easy goals list where you can see how much I need for every crown. (The money behind the crown is just for 1 crown.)


What will I do if I not reach my goal?

Get me to €20.000,- and I can make the great replica of the Dutch crown.

Get me to the next €30.000,- and I can make the great replica of the Queen Mother’s crown.

Get me to the next €30.000,- and I can make the great replica of the St. Edward’s crown.

Get me to the next €30.000,- and I can make the great replica of the Imperial State crown.

If I don’t reach the next goal I need don’t worry! I safe the money for later. If I can’t make all the four crowns when the days for the project are over. I will make an following project. And I safe the money I already have for the first goal I want to reach with the following project. Till I get the for crowns.


The perks

When you will help me to make my dream project come true you can choose one of the perks. This is what you get in exchange for your help. You can see the perks on the right side from this page.

Like you can see I will do a lottery. This lottery will only become reality if we reached all the 4 goals. After the 3th goal will be reached I will make a update where you all can see what the prices will be for the lottery. And I am sure you will have more like 1 ticket for it!


The €35,- perk is the very special Limited Edition perk. Just 50 people van get this perk! Be fast before you are to late! The e-mail will be send from the same e-mail adress like all other e-mails. The e-mail is real from the Prince of Nottingham. He will give you a special 'Thank you' for a great contribute at this project.


Special Thank you!

I will add the first 10 contributors here on the site from Indiegogo! You want your name down here? Be fast before you are number 11!

1. M & P & J










* If you choose to be anonymous I add only your begin letter.


Other support

You can support me on different ways. It would be great if you can make a donation for my project. You can also support me to like me here, tell it to friend on Facebook. I made special for this project an Facebook page. Thank you very much for all your support!



For now I hope I gave you a good look about my project and I hope you are as excited about the project as i am! I hope you will support me with my project. I will thank you already very much. I will update you all here on Indiegogo and on the Facebook page. So I hope you will come back sometimes to check the project. Thank you very much and enjoy the project.



1. Why are the English crowns more expencive to make like the Dutch crown?

A: For the english crowns we need more materials. They used in the English crowns more gems and other materials like in the Dutch crown.

2. What are synthetic stones?

A: Synthetic stones are human made stones. They become from a laboratory.

3. Why this materials and not cheaper materials?

A: If I use cheaper materials the crowns will not get the perfect looking replica like I want to create. The synthetic stones have the perfect size from the original gems. And the other materials are selected to give the crowns the perfect look so it would looks like you see the real crowns.

4. What will happened with the crowns after they are made?

A: At the start I want to exhibite them for a short time on different locations. After that nearly everyone can rent the crowns from me. And I want to show the crowns on special events.

5. I don't live into the Netherlands can i rent the crowns?

A: Yes, It's possible. But for that information you need to wait till the crowns are made.



If you have other questions for me or you want some other information please contact me. Thank you very much for visiting this site. It would be great if you support me with my dream project. Thank you and cheers!



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Choose your Perk


Currency Conversion $10 USD
€10 EUR
- I kneel before you in gratitude. - You name will be added on the support list on Facebook. - 1 lottery number.
0 out of 750 of claimed

Certificate + preview pictures

Currency Conversion $26 USD
€25 EUR
- An digital certificate for supporting this campaign! - 4 preview pictures from the finished crown. - Your name will be added on the support list on Facebook. - Your name will be added on the (future) site. - 3 lottery numbers.
0 out of 500 of claimed

Limited Edition

Currency Conversion $36 USD
€35 EUR
- An special ‘Thank you’ e-mail from: The Prince of Nottingham. - Your name will be added on the support list on Facebook. - Your name will be added on the (future) site. - 4 lottery numbers.
0 out of 50 of claimed

Special update

Currency Conversion $52 USD
€50 EUR
- I will give you special updates from the building process! - 4 preview pictures from the finished crown. - Your name will be added on the support list on Facebook. - Your name will be added on the (future) site. - 5 lottery numbers.
0 out of 250 of claimed

Special Edition!!

Currency Conversion $78 USD
€75 EUR
- You get the preview video from the finished crown before I add it in the next update! - You get one special update from the building process. - Your name will be added in the next update! - Your name will be added on the support list on Facebook. - Your name will be added on the (future) site. - 10 lottery numbers!
0 out of 100 of claimed

Your Private Special Edition!

Currency Conversion $104 USD
€100 EUR
If you choose this perk you can select by yourself 4 things from all the others perks that you like. With this option you can create your Private Special Edition perk! Pick 4 things you like and take contact with me about what you choose. And there is your Private Special Edition perk! (Only not the lottery numbers you will get of course 12 lottery numbers!)
0 out of 100 of claimed

Free access for 1 day!

Currency Conversion $259 USD
€250 EUR
- You get the preview video from the finished crown before I add it in the next update! - You get one special update from the building process. - You get on an special list for free access for 1 day when I exhibite the crown(s). (2 persons) - Your name will be added in the next update! - Your name will be added on the support list on Facebook. - Your name will be added on the (future) site. - 25 lottery numbers!
0 out of 150 of claimed

Before the exhibite

Currency Conversion $519 USD
€500 EUR
- An digital certificate for supporting this campaign! - You are able to see the crown(s) before I will exhibite them. - 10% off the total renting price! - You get the preview video from the finished crown before I add it in the next update! - Your name will be added in the next update! - Your name will be added on the support list on Facebook. - Your name will be added on the (future) site. - 55 lottery numbers!
0 out of 50 of claimed

Royal Edition

Currency Conversion $1,038 USD
€1,000 EUR
- An digital certificate for supporting this campaign! - You are able to see the crown(s) before I will exhibite them. - You are able to go on the picture with the crown(s). - 25% off the total renting price! - You get the preview video from the finished crown before I add it in the next update! - Your name will be added in the next update! - Your name will be added on the support list on Facebook. - Your name will be added on the (future) site. - 110 lottery numbers!
0 out of 25 of claimed
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