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The Alternative News Project

The world's first real alternative news service, (local+global), delivered 24/7 to devices and PCs.


The Alternative News Project

The Alternative News Project

The Alternative News Project

The Alternative News Project

The Alternative News Project

The world's first real alternative news service, (local+global), delivered 24/7 to devices and PCs.

The world's first real alternative news service, (local+global), delivered 24/7 to devices and PCs.

The world's first real alternative news service, (local+global), delivered 24/7 to devices and PCs.

The world's first real alternative news service, (local+global), delivered 24/7 to devices and PCs.

Duncan Roads
Duncan Roads
Duncan Roads
Duncan Roads
1 Campaign |
Maleny, Australia
$7,989 USD $7,989 USD 120 backers
16% of $47,254 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

The Alternative News Project


The Alternative News Project (ANP) aims to gather all the alternative and sub-culture news, delivered as an Infinite News Feed (INF) to PC and laptop browsers, and to tablets and smartphones via the free Alternative News Project app.

'Alternative News' encompasses the news, press releases, issues, research papers, product launches, event announcements, blogs, reports and more, from subcultures such as: natural/organic food; alternative health products; ecology and environment; paranormal and the unexplained (UFOs, crop circles, conspiracy theories); the sciences (fringe researchers into alternative energy, antigravity, cold fusion etc); activist groups and causes; motivational, consciousness and mind research; future watchers (tsunami, quake, solar flare alerts) and more.

The ANP draws upon a growing network of experienced researchers, writers, publishers and organisations from around the world. Our sources include magazines, alternative news sites, conspiracy discussion forums, whistleblowers, journalists, private intelligence networks, news groups, RSS feeds, relevant groups and organisations, and informed members of the public.

No sport. No politics. No fashion. No celebrity gossip. No religious stuff. 
No satire. The ANP has no political or religious affiliations, leanings or agendas.

Create your personal news feed from a dozen categories and seventy-two sub-categories, including:

  • ALT HEALTH & HEALING:  Everything from Acupuncture to Yoga; Cures, Claims & Devices; Mass health issues; Big Pharma
  • HUMAN RIGHTS & CAUSES:  Whistleblowers; Human Trafficking; Private Prisons; Natural & Common Law; Ethnic Minorities
  • SCIENCE, SPACE & TECHNOLOGY:  Techno Breakthroughs; Alt Energy Research; Earth Sciences; Sun Space & Cosmos
  • CONSCIOUSNESS & THE MIND:  Altered States; Out-Of-Body + Near Death Experiences, Meditation; Remote Viewing
  • ANCIENT MYSTERIES:  Research, findings & theories about Earth’s ancient past and its lost civilisations, categorised by country
  • CLIMATE, NATURE & ECOLOGY:  Environmental issues; Animal Rights & Welfare; Climate & Weather; Ecosystem Damage; Fracking
  • PREPPING & LIVING ON THE LAND:  Power & Off Grid; Food from Animals; Community Living; Food Growing; Building; Equipment
  • GEOPOLITICS & WORLD EVENTS:  Current Concerns; Conspiracies Past & Present; Finance-Currency-Gold; Peace & Disarmament
  • FOOD, DIETS & COOKING:  Diets & Food Combining; Cooking & Recipes; Food Labelling; Good Food/Bad Food; Food Conspiracies
  • SPIRITUAL, PSYCHIC & PAGAN:  Alchemy, Gnosticism, Theosophy; Divination & Readings; New Age; Spirituality; Wicca + Magick
  • PARANORMAL & UNEXPLAINED:  Crop Circles;  UFOs; Ghosts & Haunts; Strange Creatures; Strange Experiences; Disappearances
  • HOME, FAMILY & PETS:  Birth & Breastfeeding; Education & Home Schooling; Healthy Home; Pets Care; Relationships & Self Help

Plus we monitor and provide alerts for a wide variety of potential problems

  • Solar flare and sunspot activity:  x-class flare heading our way? You'll get an instant notification.
  • Volcano, earthquake and tsunamis:  whether it is water or lava, you'll get an instant notification.
  • Significant financial fluctuations:  a sudden shift in the Baltic Dry Index, or a run on the banks—you'll get an alert.
  • Social problems: Martial law, riots/protests, plagues, or anything else not being broadcast already, you'll get an alert.
  • Other:  rest assured that if we confirm a zombie uprising, or mass alien invasion we will get off an alert to your device before being exterminated.

You can also choose to be alerted to public and private events in your region that match your selected interests

For example:
— Users who have 'Crop Circles' selected amongst their sub-categories will be alerted to any new books, films, research papers and events on or about crop circles. This includes information from all three perspectives, i.e. pro, neutral, skeptic. In the case of Crop Circles, each time a new formation is reported, you will get an alert and a news item will appear on your news feed.
— Users who have 'Fracking' included in their selection would typically receive news items informing them of local or regional meetings and events, as well as international or national news of significance.

Tablet/iPad views showing the Infinite News Feed (left);  split screen showing a subject similar news feed with a readable version of the news item (middle); and full screen view of a news item/article (right).

Features (Browser and App)

  • Clean, crisp and easy-to-work interface
  • Easy sorting and filtering allows micro-personalisation of your news feed
  • Easy-to-share items with friends
  • Easy to personalise your notification options
  • Delivers global and local alternative news in your selected categories
  • No in-app purchases
  • No pop-up ads

                                   The free app works effortlessly on smartphones

How it works

  1. Go to our website at:  and register as either a free or paid user.
  2. Free users get to select only one of the 72 sub-categories;  paid users get them all for just $4.99 per month.
  3. Download the app for your tablet or smartphone, or access your news feed via browser log in on PCs/laptops etc.

Where the money goes

Having already raised the necessary capital for funding the development of the apps and website, all money raised in this campaign will be used in setting up the admin, office and basic running costs for the first few months.  This includes advertising and provision to start paying key personnel.

History & Progress Reports

April 2013

Incorporated a not-for-profit company registered in Australia, called AOTA Foundation Ltd (ACN 163 119 999) to be used as a management entity to identify, fund, develop, market and distribute products, information, events and services in the fields of science, health, agriculture, consciousness, the environment, human rights, and the unexplained.  It is a self-sustaining business structure, which thrives on building new projects and products, via exciting people.

August 2013

Raised funding and commenced development of apps (Android, iOS) and website.

September 2014

Finished apps and submitted for listing on Google and iTunes stores.

October 2014

15th:  Android app approved and available for download
16th-30th:  Beta testing while awaiting Apple app approval
24th:  ANP receives endorsement from NEXUS Magazine

Get Involved

One of the purposes of this campaign, apart from raising a few months of running costs, is to identify more of the people needed for this project.  If you are a non-political, non-religious news gatherer, speaker, writer, editor, researcher or activist in any of the subjects we cover, then:
— you might wish to collaborate with the ANP by letting us take your output to a bigger audience by sending us your press releases, articles and announcements;
— you might wish to join our team of news and info gatherers and get paid for your time, effort and interest; or
— you might wish to collaborate with the ANP by telling your audience about our project, in exchange for us telling our audience about your project.

Who we are/Who I am

Duncan Roads is based in Australia, and leads the Alternative News Project team.

Duncan has been an active events organiser, activist, book and magazine publisher and editor for over 30 years, covering issues involving alternative health & healing; environment & ecology; consciousness research; the paranormal & unexplained; human rights; alternative science research; geopolitics & conspiracies; and ancient historical mysteries.

For more than 20 years he has been owner, publisher and editor of NEXUS Magazine, an international alternative news magazine (print + digital) translated in several languages, which deals with the above subjects.

Duncan has considerable experience in events management, including over 20 international conferences, and dozens of national lecture tours. He has travelled extensively in his research and has an impressive international network of contacts in all these fields.

Duncan Roads has no political or religious affiliations or agendas, nor is he a member of any secret society, think-tank or subversive group.  He takes a deep personal interest in all the topics covered above.

Looking for more information? Check the project FAQ
Need more information
Let us know if you think this campaign contains prohibited content.

Choose your Perk

Access All Areas — 1 year

Currency Conversion $16 USD
$25 AUD
Gets you a 12-month subscription, which means you can see ALL the categories either on your device or browser for a full year. Normally that would cost approximately $60 so that is less than half price.
53 out of 2000 of claimed

Access All Areas — 2 years

Currency Conversion $32 USD
$50 AUD
You guessed it, $50 gets you two years access to all categories, saving you nearly $70!
52 out of 1000 of claimed

1 in 100: Founding Supporter

Currency Conversion $158 USD
$250 AUD
✺ Access All Areas 3 years ($180 value) ✺ 1 x AquaGlow DeskLight with changing colours (150mm x 150mm), limited edition, numbered (x/100) with the ANP logo engraved, and the words "Founding Supporter" ($100 value)
Estimated Shipping
November 2014
10 out of 100 of claimed

AOTA Gold Card Package

Currency Conversion $945 USD
$1,500 AUD
✺ Access All Areas 5 years (value $300) ✺ 1 x AquaGlow DeskLight with changing colours (250mm x 250mm), Limited Edition numbered (x/10), with the ANP logo engraved, + personalised (with your name of choice), with the words "AOTA Foundation Supporter" ($350 value) ✺ AOTA Gold Card: a stylish, personalised card that comes with $1200 worth of credit towards any AOTA Foundation event.
Estimated Shipping
December 2014
4 out of 10 of claimed
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