This ready for print 52 page art book, featuring the highly detailed art and illustrations from artist Vinnie Tartamella. Comic book professional, Image cover artist, co-creator of Through the Woods, former lead designer of McFarlane toys, storyboard artist, Toybiz, Bowen, Diamond Select toy & statue designer and owner of Mella Art World.
I am excited to put together this 52 page art book, in a comic book format (So you can keep it with your comic collection) Thick cover, amazing quality, This book will feature a collection of fan favorite pieces, heroes, villains, monsters, hot pinup art, portraits, original pieces, & more!!
- Bellow is the cover from Vol.2, Yes it is Another full color 52 page art book!!
I value you the fans and supporters!
Over the years, I've traveled to many shows, and have met some many amazing people. Many of you guys encouraged me to take this step, so I thank you in advance!
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