Background (aka Crap You Might Want to Know Before Giving a Potential Stranger Money That They Might Just Use For Drugs or Terrorist Activities Instead of Coming Through on Their Promise)
Hi everyone! I'm Franz!
Some people know me better as the Supreme Commander of the Shadow Government (or just "Supreme") but chances are, if you're seeing this, you already know me personally and understand I don't fuck with weak shit.
..and if you don't:
#1: Nice to meet you.
#2: I've been successfully making shady-seeming experiences like this for over a decade*.
#3: We should probably be friends because we share a love of awesome stuff.
*Check out StreetWars, Rental Car Rally, 666 Burger, Flavortripping to get a sense of stuff I've done and how I'm not just trying to steal your money.
So, that we have that out of the way...
The Bedouin.
I've gotten obsessed with the idea of creating a high-end mobile speakeasy that's SUPER easy to build and breakdown, can easily be adjusted to fit in various spaces and constantly changes theme/location.
Said obsession led me to research the shit out of the concept and I figured out how to make it happen - at a reasonable cost and with maximum badassness.
I'm talking proper seating, leather walls, suggestive lighting, an actual bar and a sound system...and DJ.
Check out the actual wall material we're using:
Peep the accent lighting:
Look at this bar seating:
All this to give you an idea of how effing classy this joint is going to be...
What I Need
All-in, I'm looking at about $1400 worth of materials that I can then re-use to make this happen multiple times. I'm not talking about liquor but, the lighting, the tables/chairs/couches, the giant mirror, the bar, and that totally sweet gold and black lizard leather interior.
What You Get
Your generous contribution will get you 2 drinks and entrance to this totally sweet Yakuza Kingpin inspired coke-den club from the mid 80s. Also, you'll be all VIP'd up so you can invite friends to this hidden secret and be all popular and in-the-know (this will help to get you laid).
Assuming this is successful, you'll also get dibs on coming/inviting friends to other versions of this that I'm planning for LA, SF, London and Detroit.
The Impact
NYC will suck a little less and going out for a drink will be infinitely more interesting.
Risks & Challenges
The only real risk is the cops and the fact that they might shut this down and fine/arrest me. That said, it will never be in the same location, it looks totally normal and not shady from the outside and it will never be in one place for long. So good luck, Porkchop.
I wish I could say that there are other challenges but, seriously, I got this. Also, I have other people with skillz working on this so, like it will be smooth as baby-ass in execution.
Other Ways You Can Help
Share the fuck out of this shit.