Short Summary
My name is James Hoffmann. I've been writing about coffee online since 2004 at In 2014 I published The World Atlas of Coffee. I was the World Barista Champion in 2007, and I cofounded Square Mile Coffee Roasters in 2008.
I've written hundreds of posts online, and I wanted to take the best of them, to organise them, lay them out properly and create a compilation of my writing that people could enjoy in hardback form.
What We Need & What You Get
I want to fund the printing of the book. This campaign allows you to preorder the book at a special price, or just order the ebook if you'd like to support the project in some way.
I want to raise enough to cover the printing of at least 1,000 books.
We are offering wholesale quantities, the minimum being a box of books. If you're interested then do please get in touch.
Risks & Challenges
There is little risk as a backer of this project. I've already covered the costs of having the book designed, edited and proofed and laid out ready for print. The only cost that remains is printing so if the project is funded you are guaranteed a book!
Other Ways You Can Help
If you've enjoyed the blog in the last 12 or 13 years, then I hope you'll support the project. Even if you don't want to back the project, sharing it on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram is hugely appreciated. (There are sharing buttons on the page!)