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The Blueberry Hill Accord

A hilarious comedy about what happens when friends decide to "break-up."


The Blueberry Hill Accord

The Blueberry Hill Accord

The Blueberry Hill Accord

The Blueberry Hill Accord

The Blueberry Hill Accord

A hilarious comedy about what happens when friends decide to "break-up."

A hilarious comedy about what happens when friends decide to "break-up."

A hilarious comedy about what happens when friends decide to "break-up."

A hilarious comedy about what happens when friends decide to "break-up."

Sierra Fritz
Sierra Fritz
Sierra Fritz
Sierra Fritz
1 Campaign |
Bethesda, United States
$220 USD 4 backers
44% of $500 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

Our Story

Hi, my name is Sierra Fritz and I'm an aspiring director, actress, singer and high school student from Bethesda, Maryland. Help me realize my dream of producing and directing The Blueberry Hill Accord, a hilarious play that follows two teenage girls who decide that they want to end their friendship in much the same way two lovers might break up. My goal is to bring this work to stage early in the new year and I hope that you will help me realize my dream!

The Impact

Not only am I passionate about bringing this work to the stage, but it is part of a high school production and performance class that I am taking.  I have a lot of energy and vision for this project and I hope that you will help me to realize my goal. 

What We Need & What You Get

Why do I need the money?  Most of the funds I raise will go to constructing the set.  The play takes place in a diner so I need to either purchase or construct some booths and tables/chairs to make it look authentic.  I also need funds to secure the rights to the play although this is a relatively small portion of the funds.  I also need funding for smaller items such as props (i.e. menus, food/props), and the printing of programs and posters.  Should I not reach my goal, I will make do with what I can borrow or do on my own (i.e. print up programs on my home computer). 

What do you get in return for your contribution?  If you live or plan to be in the Washington, D.C. area, I'll set you up with VIP tickets. If that's not feasible, you'll get a mention in the program and posters, depending on your level of giving.  For particularly generous donors, you'll get a shout-out at the performance in addition to all of the above. 

Other Ways You Can Help

Please help me reach my goal.  If you know anyone who might be interested in supporting this budding thespian, please let them know about my project.  Thank you!

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Choose your Perk


$10 USD
A donation of $10 will get a mention in the program.
2 claimed


$50 USD
A donation of $50 will get you a mention in the program and two free tickets to the show.
0 claimed

Best Friend

$100 USD
A donation of $100 will get you a mention in the program, two free tickets to the show, and a shout-out at the show. (I'll even through in free snacks to eat/drink while you enjoy the show!)
2 claimed

Best Friends for Life (BFF)

$500 USD
Unlike the characters in the play, we'll be best friends for life! (Or at least for the run of the show!) You'll get a shout out at the performance, above the title recognition as sponsor/supporter on the program and posters, VIP seats, free snacks to eat/drink while you enjoy the show, and product placement (i.e. your company logo or product will be featured (nothing untasteful or obscene, please!).
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