Hello Friends,
Being a collector it struck me that here in the SW we have very little choices in the places we can go to feed our addiction. We don't need medical help or anything, we just need more Pops! I've been raising and saving some money for sometime, and I'm almost there, I just need a little bit of a push over the edge to open up a local Pop shop where we can collect to our hearts content!
If you don't know anything about the product go
here but be warned they are addictive!
I have the contacts and the merchandise all that's required now is a premises and everything that goes with it plus extra stock I may need to fill the space.
What are we offering that's different? Better prices and better selection! But not just that, we want to help others start their own Pop shops in their cities by giving advice and startup loans to others wishing to accomplish the same things
We want to create a space where collectors can meet and discuss their collections buy to their hearts content and even use the store as a hub to trade your own pops!
If this is something you would like become a Funko Founder because this is how we do it in the South West. We work together, and we need all of your help to create this.
Please look at the numerous perks and be sure to especially look at the Gold Card Member perk! It's limited but it's a doozy and potentially could save you thousands.
Not too shabby if we do say so if you want to be one of the privileged few!
To anyone who wants to be a part of this, you're amazing.
With regards to what I've accomplished already, I have a history of employment for international companies in both sales and marketing, and have already put away some capital to start this venture. I've observed the marketing to ascertain a niche
, scouted a small location to rent, made contact with wholesalers, made deals with friends for masonry etc found second hand retail fittings and equipment studied the market, worked out the costings and the bare minimum I would need to getting running factored in internet/heating costs I've been working away at this for what feels like forever, reading every single business book, seeking out local entrepreneur groups and business mentors and arranged an account with the bank all I need now is the support to get this off the ground which I can only do with the support of the pop community and the small business community. Giving us a hand up this year would be an amazing thing to do.