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The Button Bashers

The dramatic film that shows the amazing UK gaming scene that appeared in the 1980s

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The Button Bashers

The Button Bashers

The Button Bashers

The Button Bashers

The Button Bashers

The dramatic film that shows the amazing UK gaming scene that appeared in the 1980s

The dramatic film that shows the amazing UK gaming scene that appeared in the 1980s

The dramatic film that shows the amazing UK gaming scene that appeared in the 1980s

The dramatic film that shows the amazing UK gaming scene that appeared in the 1980s

Lee Bolton
Lee Bolton
Lee Bolton
Lee Bolton
1 Campaign |
Bolton, United Kingdom
$1,717 USD $1,717 USD 29 backers
3% of $44,022 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
The Button Bashers film is a 100min Feature film tribute to the UK gaming scene that appeared in the 1980s. Starring Ewen Macintosh (The Office/Little Britain) Part Scripted scenes / Part Interview / Docudrama - We want to make a cinematic tribute to those games, the Programmers, The Publishers and the gamers. So if you owned a Commodore 64, Sinclair Spectrum, Atari VCS, Amstrad, Vic-20, Apple II, Dragon 32, BBC, Texas Instruments TI99 and even a ZX81 - then this is the film for you.

The new trailer:

The last hours - Don't leave it too late!

Get us to the next level - see the perk increases below!
The film is being completed as said but with your help
lets get the film up to the max we can in the last hours!
Dont forget more funding means:

More interviews
More Scenes
More Exposure
More Actors
More Games
and more fun!

This extra funding is to help Filming, Post Production, Editing and getting more bigger
The more funding the bigger the film!
Please share away - lets do this! - GAME ON!

The last week! - Thank you soo much for your support!

We are in the final days so keep sharing, funding and being generally aces! Dont forget the film WILL BE produced and filming the interviews start next month! - we just need investments to increase the production to the next levels and this is the only way you can order the film at this price
We are so humble to you for helping us!



With Thanks to you can win a working original cabaret arcade machine containing Mr.Do and 1942 if you share and share our film and help with the funding (See VIDEO for information on how)

New Update - The first 50 investors also receive the Special Edition of our last film - The SciFi film CHARLIE AND ME as a THANK YOU FOR BEING AMAZING!

A big THANK YOU TO EVERY ONE who contributed to our film so far!

Remember the film has a budget in place and will still be produced but we still need your help!

Its going to be so much fun!

The Budget from our Indiegogo funding is too push the film next bigger Level on a worldwide scale! - and to get the film more interviewees, scenes and locations.

Get Involved - lets go wild and make the best film!


LOOK AT TEASER#1  - The Track n Field

Visit THE BUTTON BASHERS on IMDB for the castings / Interviewies here:

LOOK AT TEASER#2 - The Clash! 



We are so proud to announce that Actor, Writer and Comedian Ewen Macintosh will be appearing as 'The Programmer' in the feature film, The Button Bashers. Ewen's credits include playing Keith in 'The Office' by Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant as well as 'Little Britain' and 'Life's too short' - Fantastic to have you onboard!

(Above) Grab the DVD copy of THE BUTTON BASHERS before release at the Indiegogo Price which includes a lovely Digital Copy of both THE BUTTON BASHERS and CHARLIE AND ME!

(Above :From the Button Bashers Script - 'Whizz Kids' segment)

Ever played a computer game?

Great - Your in the right place.

Do the names Commodore 64, Sinclair Spectrum, Zzap!64, Joysticks, Infinitive lives and dark arcades mean anything to you?

Yeah I had one of those Spectrum computers. I loved Jet-Pac.

Do you wish you could turn back time and be in that era again for a little while?

Of course - but do I have to wait for those games to load for ages again??

The Button Bashers is a brand new film from Elerby Studios.

A drama/Factual (with interviews)/Fun romp through the gaming years in the UK starting in 1981. 

(Above :From the Button Bashers Script - 'The coders' segment)

With Thanks to you can win a working original cabaret arcade machine containing Mr.Do and 1942 if you share and share our film and help with the funding (See Updates for information on how)

The UK scene was very different than the rest of the world. We didn't see the video game crash of 1982. We were too busy playing with our ZX81 (or rather waiting for it to load 3D Monster Maze and crashing at the end). 

The film The Button Bashers will feature filmed segments of the era. So if the names Ocean Software, Imagine, U.S. Gold and Llamasoft mean anything to you - You will love this - It will like be living back in the golden age of gaming.

We have a large set of interviewees from the best gaming era to be a part of the film. Imagine seeing Jon Hare (Sensible Software) telling tells of the fun he had in the industry making Wizball for the Commodore 64 and then actors playing out the scenes alongside. It will make interesting viewing and a beautiful tribute to the days of Quickshot II Joysticks, Novaloads and Crash Magazine.

Think The Film 24 HOUR PARTY PEOPLE and you will know the kind of film we are trying to create. Its never been done for this part of the gaming world in the UK. 

In the Film you will follow our hero the programmer as he works in the industry, reacts with the games you all know and love (lots of Ultimate Play the Game nods aplenty) and as the industry progresses and years roll by.

The film is in segments that cover the best games from that area such as Jet Set Willy and Monty Mole - cut against real life interviews with the programmers that entertained a generation.

You have heard the stories. 

We want to make those stories come alive on the screen.

The UK gaming scene has so many legendary stories to tell the world such as the Whizz kids, Buyouts, money, the magazines and the fun creative world that started a brand new industry.

Its not all UK based. We will also cover the US influence on the UK with the arcades and how licences went over creativity towards the end of the 1980s.

We want a fun look back the Computers, Games and People - with the ultimate respect.

Castings for the film will be announced as the budget develops

So who is involved so far?

Already we have one amazing set of the Industry legends involved with the film at this stage - and this is increasing by the day!
Rob Hubbard

Creator of some of the best Commodore 64 soundtracks of all time. Such as Sanxion, Monty on the Run, Commando and Thing on a Spring.
Peter Harrap

Peter made a generation happy with his superb Monty Mole collection of games on many systems like the Sinclair Spectrum and Amstrad.
Jon Hare

Sensible Software guru who delighted us with Wizball, Microprose Soccer and Parallax on the Commodore 64. Later to create Sensible Soccer on the Commodore Amiga.
Jon Ritman

Creator of the superb Head over Heels, Batman and Match Day series of games on the Spectrum and converted to many various machines.
John Gibson

Part of the creative Denton Designs in Liverpool who programmed such classics as Frankie goes to Hollywood and Shadowfire on the C64, Spectrum and Amstrad.
Simon Butler

Worked on dozens of classic releases like The Neverending Story on the Spectrum, Highlander on the Amstrad and Total Recall on dozens of systems.
Philip and Andrew Oliver

Mention a Dizzy game and millions of Spectrum owners would start to cry. The guys made Dizzy, released through budget heroes, Codemasters a household name.
Mark R Jones

Famed for converting a bloody lovely conversion of Wizball to the Sinclair machine and later on such classics as Rambo III and Total Recall - for Ocean software.
Roger Kean

Founder of Newsfield - Arguably the best Computer game publisher of all time with Crash, Zzap!64 and Amtix. 
Oliver Frey

Oliver's superb artwork at Newsfield and beyond brought life to the covers of the above magazines and bedroom walls across the world.
Gary Penn

Editor of Zzap! magazine in the early (and best) years and game designer / Producer such at DMA Design when Grand Theft Auto was published.
Not the complete list - And this list in increasing daily - keep a look at our updates and videos for who else is going to appear in the film.

What games / Machines will be covered?

All of the above and more.
We hope to cover all the major machines, arcades, games and people you remember and maybe a few you forgot about (but have some great memories of). There will also be a little console love in there too!
This is all depending on the final budget for the film.

The Funding

We need funding for this film. The budget is small so far but we want, with your help, make a bigger production and bigger, bolder end product.
As with all films the budget gets eaten almost right away. We want to get more industry legends involved,  More actors, bigger scenes. We want this to go as massive as we can.
There is a fixture in place so if we go over funding we can develop the script to be filmed on a larger level and this budget will cover the filming stage and post production. We want to go wild with The Button Bashers and make the ultimate tribute to this great era - and a very enjoyable film to watch for all. 
Your help will aid:
  • Interviews / Filming / Additional Actors / More Interviews / More Scenes+Locations
  • Post Production work such as sound and Grading
  • Publicity / Screenings / Distribution 


We love shouting at what we do at Elerby Studios. We are devils for it.
We are going to shout about The Button Bashers to every media we can think of. With our last film, Charlie and Me we pushed every button to get the film noticed and appeared on TV, Radio and magazines about the film. 
We want people outside an interest of gaming to notice this film.

About the Director

Directed by Lee Bolton who wrote for many years the website Lee's PeeknPoke in the last 90s and many magazines about retro games - so he knows a thing or two about the industry.

 Lee's studio, Elerby Studios has been responsible for films, Promos and music video games for many years - check the home of Elerby here:

Lee Bolton's background in film and TV is varied. Having worked on many films including Fast and the Furious 6 (2013), 71 (2014). X and Y (2014), Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them (2016) and Tim Burton's Miss Peregrines home for Peculiar children (2016).

His TV work include Shameless Series Eleven (C4), Peaky Blinders series one and two (BBC), Coronation Street (ITV), Emmerdale (ITV), Give out Girls (Sky), Scott and Bailey (ITV), Banana (C4) Ripper St Series Three (BBC) and Mount Pleasant (Sky).

Also appearing in the adverts of 'Injury4u' and Mars World Cup advert of 2014.

Lee has also appeared in three Royal Television award winning films - 'Carbooty',  'Campbell's Journey' (both winning in thier fields in 2013) and the  'Drop Art' music promo (Winning best music video in 2014).

Lee Directed last year a science fiction film 'Charlie and Me' which is showing at various festivals across the world later this year.

This project is very close to Lee's heart and wants to make the best film to respect and show off the talents that the world enjoyed - and are still enjoying.
We have one amazing crew working on the film and we cannot wait to start rolling!

Spread the word!

Use a lovely hashtag. 


Tell your mates about our lovely new film!

Other Ways You Can Help:

We want to make this big - Help us get the word out and make some noise about our campaign and the work we are doing. 

Share our facebook page -

Tweet us at @the_bashers

Follow is on Instagram - The Button Bashers

Thanks for your time and lets get button bashing!

More links:

Looking for more information? Check the project FAQ
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Choose your Perk

Big lovely retro thanks!

Currency Conversion $3 USD
£2 GBP
We will love you forever! This Perk is nice with a big THANKS! and every little helps! You should get a massive glowy feeling with this perk!
0 claimed

Level 1 - Charlie and Me

Currency Conversion $6 USD
£5 GBP
Grab a digital copy of our last released film, CHARLIE AND ME available no where else and exclusive here. The 30min Sci-film directed by Lee Bolton starring Lindsay Bennett - Trailer here: and of course a shout out for doing so!
Estimated Shipping
September 2016
2 claimed

Level 2 - Digital Release

Currency Conversion $13 USD
£10 GBP
A digital download of the final released feature film THE BUTTON BASHERS+ a big shoutout on our Social Media sites.
Estimated Shipping
April 2017
8 claimed

Level 3 - DVD release

Currency Conversion $19 USD
£15 GBP
DVD release of the film THE BUTTON BASHERS + A digital download of the film THE BUTTON BASHERS + A shoutout on our Social Media sites
Estimated Shipping
April 2017
1 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Level 4 - Film Credit

Currency Conversion $25 USD
£20 GBP
A credit at the end of the film THE BUTTON BASHERS as a big thank you with IMDB website thanks credit+ DVD release of the film THE BUTTON BASHERS+ A digital download of the film THE BUTTON BASHERS+ A shoutout on our Social Media sites
Estimated Shipping
April 2017
1 claimed

Level 5 - Bluray release

Currency Conversion $31 USD
£25 GBP
Bluray release of the film THE BUTTON BASHERS + A digital download of the film THE BUTTON BASHERS + A shoutout on our Social Media sites
Estimated Shipping
April 2017
3 claimed

Level 6 -Special edition

Currency Conversion $44 USD
£35 GBP
Special Edition of the DVD release of the film THE BUTTON BASHERS. This package includes a second disk of extras including Making of, Deleted and Extended scenes and full interviews + Limited Edition AAA £10 Arcade Club, Bury Voucher + A digital download of the film THE BUTTON BASHERS + A shoutout on our Social Media sites
Estimated Shipping
April 2017
3 claimed

Level 7 - TShirt Bundle

Currency Conversion $50 USD
£40 GBP
Special Edition DVD release of the feature film THE BUTTON BASHERS + A digital download of feature film THE BUTTON BASHERS + T Shirt of the DVD cover THE BUTTON BASHERS + A shoutout on our Social Media sites
Estimated Shipping
April 2017
3 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Level 8 - Ask Question

Currency Conversion $63 USD
£50 GBP
Ask a question to one of our interviewees for the special edition of THE BUTTON BASHERS Have a look who is in the film and send us your question on anything game related - this will be filmed for the Special Edition release containing your name, Question and Answer from your Interviewee. Also you will be credited in the original release of the film A Special edition DVD release of the film THE BUTTON BASHERS A digital download of the film THE BUTTON BASHERS A shoutout on our Social Media sites
Estimated Shipping
April 2017
2 out of 50 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Level 9 - Premiere

Currency Conversion $75 USD
£60 GBP
The VIP Premiere screening of the feature film THE BUTTON BASHERS held at the ARCADE CLUB, BURY near Manchester UK (which houses the biggest retro arcade in Europe!) in April (To be announced) A special screening of the film and also full access to the Arcade Club after the event Special Edition DVD release of the film THE BUTTON BASHERS on collection at the event + A digital download of the film THE BUTTON BASHERS PLEASE NOTE :this does not include accommodation or travel
Estimated Shipping
April 2017
0 out of 100 of claimed

Level 10 - Day at the studio

Currency Conversion $126 USD
£100 GBP
Visit the set while filming THE BUTTON BASHERS scenes and meet the cast and Crew and even get a cameo in the film with credit! + Signed script of THE BUTTON BASHERS signed by the interviewees, Cast and Crew + A digital download of the film THE BUTTON BASHERS + A shoutout on our Social Media sites
Estimated Shipping
April 2017
2 out of 50 of claimed
Ships worldwide.

Level 11 - Executive Credit

Currency Conversion $252 USD
£200 GBP
Executive Producer Credit on film and IMDB + Special edition DVD release of the film THE BUTTON BASHERS + A digital download of the film THE BUTTON BASHERS + T Shirt
Estimated Shipping
April 2017
1 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Level 12 - Producer/Sponsor

Currency Conversion $629 USD
£500 GBP
Get your Sponsorship Logo and credit of your company image in the film to advertise your company that will be seen at Worldwide screenings and in the press releases + Executive Producer Credit on credits and IMDB + Special Edition of the DVD release of the film THE BUTTON BASHERS + A shoutout on our Social Media sites
Estimated Shipping
April 2017
1 claimed

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