My Story
This could be the story of a woman with a serious drawing impediment but, it's not (quite).
It's the story of a recent survivor of stage IV colon story. I went through a long and bumpy road to get here but, I made it to the other side and am eagerly greeting my second lease on life~
There are so many things I've learned along the way which have made me all the stronger and wiser but, I wish someone had handed me a guide on day 1 and saved me the trouble of learning some things the hard way.
This book is just that, an insider guide for someone newly diagnosed with cancer and for those who love them and want to help but, don't know where the !&%# to start.
You'll laugh, you'll cry, then you'll laugh while you're crying and best of all my short attention span theater'll be able to read it all in a day (about 80 pages). Look for excerpts on the facebook fan page...
Look, see there on the right...? Make a $30 contribution and get your advanced/autographed copy of the book before it launches on Amazon or $100 and get a personal thank you and your name printed in the book!
The Impact
According to the American Cancer Society, over 7 million people in the
world die of cancer every year. I think that's just f'd up and needs to
change, today...
By contributing to this campaign you will be helping to give people an alternative to an otherwise grave and dramatic view of cancer and offering them an insightful way of dealing with it.
Also, once its published, a portion of all sales will go to established non-profit organizations that support those struggling with the costs of cancer treatment and you'll be able to follow that progress with quarterly updates on our website:
What We Need & What You Get
Funding for the publishing and marketing of the book, that's what we need pure and simple. After researching further I found that Amazon/Createspace had the best deal and cut the cost of publishing in half from my original estimate. They were really helpful and broke it down in a way that was easy for me and my chemo brain to soak in: $1,180 to edit/format/publish the book, $69 to make it available on Kindle then $600 to market it (press releases to over 1,000 TV/radio/magazines with that interest) with an estimate of 10 weeks from the time we start the editing process on February 17th, 2012 to it being on Amazon's virtual shelf (and autographed copies are in the hands of contributors just prior).
I could submit it to publishers and wait months on end for one to see its merit and take action but, I think of all those diagnosed with cancer every day and how their heads are reeling and I just don't want to wait for this to be in their hands.
By contributing anywhere between $30 and $1,000 or more, you'll become a Card Carrying Member with an autographed copy of the book and the satisfaction of being part of a movement to relegate this little punk-ass disease to the lower ranks and recesses of all our minds and lives.
What If We Surpass the Goal?
It means we'll be able to extend the reach of the book by having it available in bookstores, through further marketing and make it available in several other languages throughout the world. C'est Magnifique!
Other Ways You Can Help
Spread the word by liking The C Card and Me page on facebook, following us on twitter, telling others to and to contribute to the campaign. For every effort you make, THANK YOU!