Welcome to The Clone Army Project!
The Idea
So why on earth are we trying to create such a large mass of LEGO Clone Troopers to be together in an army form? Well from my past experience, kids, teens, and adults all with the love of Star Wars and LEGO absolutely love seeing this big army since it was such an iconic moment in Star Wars Episode 2 Attack of the Clones (2002), Star Wars: Clone Wars (2003-05 TV Show), and the newest Star Wars: The Clone Wars TV Show (2008-14). I myself (David Hall) have loved Star Wars every since I can remember walking, it's in my blood you could say. It's a part of me that will live on with me forever.
So being such a big fan of LEGO and having the last 6 years spent making videos on YouTube of my collection of LEGO Star Wars I've had the necessary "experience" you could say to make something on this scale work and happen. I actually encourage everyone who plans to support this project to visit my YouTube Channel (Solid Brix Studios) to see the evolution of how I've grown each year with creating such large LEGO Clone Armies (my most recent one had around 5,000 Clone Troopers. But I've gotten to the point were I just want to something more then outdoing what I did the previous year, and that's the idea of The Clone Army Project, do something that has never been done by the Fan Community!
What we need to make this happen!
So $35,000 sounds like a big lump of money for LEGO, doesn't it? Well truth is, LEGO is expensive, actually very expensive, and trying to find thousands of LEGO Clone Troopers on the 2nd or 3rd party aftermarket is no easy task as LEGO themselves have never and will never sell their Clone Troopers solely by themselves. So then I'm sure you come up with the question of how I'm suppose to get this amount of LEGO figures, the answer is, I'm not. For the last 3-4 years I've made trusted contacts around the world who buy bulk amounts of LEGO sets, spilt the pieces and figures all separately and sell them that way... and there is thousands of people like that all over the USA and the rest of the of the world!
So I've made deals with my trusted contacts who do this for a living, and with the provided money that will be funded, not only can I just make an army of 15,000 LEGO Clone Troopers but we can do even more if funding continues beyond that point (to break the world record of an army of 35,000+ we would need $100,000... probably won't happen, but it's certainly possible non the less). Now that 35K isn't going to be going straight to the Troopers. Since were making this a public event, we need a full staff to put together all these little guys, set them up, and provide posters, signs and other necessary items for a great presentation! Also Travel expenses for getting from Virginia (where I live) to Alabama (the event in January 2015), and second to last the posters, signs, cards, and shipping expenses for the perks. After that we have to buy 100+ Grey LEGO Baseplates to create a space of 15ftx15ft at the LEGO convention (BrickFair Alabama) to display the troopers.
This is for the FANS!
I'm a die-hard Star Wars fan, I follow it all, and I know my fellow fans around the world would love to see this happen just as much as I would! We're creating this to say good bye to our beloved Clone Troopers introduced in the Prequels of Star Wars and get ready for next years release of Star Wars Episode 7 where more then likely there will be a new type of Trooper in the Army amounts (It is Star ""WARS"" am I right). You could say this is my way of giving the Clone Trooper there last, big, and awesome final show since The Clone Wars TV Show has now ended. Plus, I think that this will be another awesome way to get everyone from all ages pumped again for Star Wars since it's also making it's theatrical release & return in 2015 too!
So shown above is actually something that everyone will get if you support $5 all the way to $1000 towards the project, this is what we call the "Project Only Limited Editon Card" which is exclusive to everyone who supports the project. Its a 4x3 Inch thick card, it's an awesome collectors item. So I'm sure I'll get the question of "What do you mean by Random Clone Trooper?". Well first of all, I can assure you that these are going to be "Army Builder" Clones, so no Bomb Squad, Kashyyyk Troopers, or Arc Troopers! We're going to be buying 100% genuine LEGO only Clone Troopers that are ether completely white regular ones (Clone Wars, Ep2, and Ep3 Variants of them), or the 212th Troopers! Whats awesome is that some of the Clones you might receive are Troopers that are not even sold in stores today, upping the value even more! Posters will vary in sizes, but will be big enough to hang in your room or frame to admire. The Custom LEGO Clone Trooper will use products from CloneArmyCustoms (Tyler Page) for helmet and weapons, the actual figure part will have printed details (NOT DECALS) by my company Minifigs4u.
All of the Perks have shipping included for the USA ONLY! If you live outside the US, you must add the certain amount listed on the Perk for International Shipping, if we don't receive the correct payment, your Perk will be put on hold (shipping wise) until the funds have been received between me and the supporter.
How are we buying all of this? Is this real LEGO?
This is probably the biggest question I'll get. The Answer: Yes, these are 100% genuine LEGO Clone Trooper figures that came directly from the sets themselves (process of that was described above), and how we're able to buy such large amounts is threw multiple vendors around the world who spilt up LEGO sets for a living. If funding goes beyond 35K we can supply more Clones (If that happens, we'll update everyone on that status)!
Risks & Challenges
The next big question I'll get "What happens if you don't reach your goal of 35K.. will you still make the Army and do the rewards?", the answer: Well first off, I'd like to think that won't happen but if it does, then Yes, we'll continue the Army as planned (not as big) and still showcase it, and rewards will be sent out. But let's not let that happen, if anything, we should succeed for the most, go beyond then what is expected, and how do we do that?
SHARE! Share! AND SHARE!!! The biggest challenge we'll face is not getting enough people involved to know about the project! I'll be talking to other YouTuber's, Star Wars and LEGO Blog sites, and full News sites, but just by myself isn't going to cut it. The communities, the fans, and the followers need to take action by posting this on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Reddit, Flickr, and even Google+! That's how we can not only make our goal, but go beyond it! Even posting on your Facebook account linking the project can make the difference, you start small to get big.
Seriously, Thank YOU! Thank you for just being here on this page, reading this vary text, you took the time to read and see how cool of a Project this can be, that means a lot to something I put a lot of time and work into too happen!
I have no doubt that with the right engagement of communities, the inner fan of all of us, and spirit can absolutely make the project 100% real and happen!
I'm ready, are you?
The LEGO® Group is not in any way involved with this project. This project is a way of breaking new ground of our love and appreciation of playing, filming and building with LEGO®. LEGO® is a trademark of the LEGO® Group, which does NOT sponsor, authorize, and endorse us or this project.
Solid Brix Studios is in no way affiliated with or endorsed by Lucasfilm Limited or any of its subsidiaries, employees, or associates. Solid Brix Studios makes no claim to own Star Wars or any of the copyrights or trademarks related to it. Star Wars is a trademark of Lucasfilm & Disney, which does NOT sponsor, authorize, and endorse us or this project.