Short Summary
Danny has been passionate about film-making since he was born. He has recently graduated Toronto Film School and has been working with his colleagues and friends to create insightful film projects with deep storylines and high impact values. For this project Danny intends to shed light on lesser fortunate children and how some of their tales and struggles go un-noticed. There are many children who suffer from neglect and have to fend for themselves, while never having the family support needed to mature into successful adults.
Chloe Simmons was only six years old when she witnessed her father being arrested and hauled away in handcuffs. That childhood trauma replays in her mind every night as she sleeps. Her baby brother Sam comes into her bedroom and tells Chloe that the cops are downstairs. What’s left of her family is being evicted from their sparsely furnished home. Chloe confronts her mother as the Sheriff and a maintenance worker replace the locks on their front door. The mother hands Chloe a cardboard box. Chloe heads to school and while she’s on the subway she decides to finally look into the box. She’s overwhelmed with emotion as she looks into it and discovers a kitten. The kitten looks up at her in complete submission and fear. The other riders on the subway stare at Chloe as she cries. A little girl sitting behind her wants to play with the kitten. Chloe lets go of the box and gets off the subway. Chloe daydreams about her father showing up after school to take her away from her difficult life. She wakes up on a bench at a bus stop hugging her back pack the way she did in her day dream.
What We Need & What You Get
As most of you know, making movies costs money. Danny and his team are trying to use the resources of Toronto Film School while contributing their own money into the production of this film. Although some of the basic costs are covered, there are insufficient funds to complete this project in full.
We currently need funding for feeding the crew and cast, roughly about $160 per day for lunch and craft services for the 3 days of shooting.
The equipment is mostly covered but we have to add a few things not included by Toronto Film School. More specifically, we need a few more kino lights and a few battery powered lights for our mobile location shoot on the subway and at the bus station. We are hoping to rent 3 Feloni LED light panels for roughly $130 each for the weekend.
We will be pressing 100 copies of the DVD. With a sleeve, artwork and case, the DVD will costs roughly $5 each to manufacture.
And last but not least, we need to rent costumes from a costume house. We are roughly looking at $400 for costumes, including a few Police uniforms and some general clothes for Chloe's character.
Like stated before, we are donating as much as we can, but really need the support of our friends, fans, fellow film enthusiasts, and family on this project.
For every $15 contribution of more, you will receive a copy of the DVD.
The total projected budget for this film will roughly be $2000. We can afford to fund half of our expected budget and hope to raise the other half from Indiegogo supporters.
The Impact
Your contribution will not only help us get this project off the ground, but will allow us to add a higher level of production value, thus making it more of a possibility to be entered into festivals and film contests. With your donation and support, we will have the ability to make Danny Sedore's vision come to life.
We appreciate donations of any amount.
Please help us promote by sharing the link for our campaign.
Other Ways You Can Help
Post the link to our campaign on your friends' Facebook walls for all to see. Spread the word via email, word of mouth and other social media outlets.
Give us the positive support and energy we need to complete this dream of ours.